Kategori: Unhealthy Foods

Unhealthy Foods

11 Foods to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

11 Foods to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

prescottmediacenter.org – Certain foods are high in sugar, refined carbs, and fat, yet low in important nutrients like protein and fiber. This can make weight loss more difficult and may have other negative effects on health.

Most people focus solely on cutting calories to lose weight.

However, it’s also crucial to consider the types of foods that you’re eating.

Foods high in protein and fiber can keep you feeling fuller for longer, which may support weight loss.

On the other hand, eating too many foods high in sugar, refined carbs, or fat can add extra calories to your diet, making weight loss more challenging.

Here are 11 foods to limit when you’re trying to lose weight.

1. French fries and potato chips

French fries and potato chips are often very high in calories and fat.

In observational studies, consuming French fries and potato chips has been linked to weight gain and obesity.

One 2011 study even found that potato chips may contribute to more weight gain per serving than any other food.

What’s more, baked, roasted, or fried potatoes may contain substances called acrylamides, which have been linked to cancer.

Therefore, it’s best to enjoy these foods in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


French fries and potato chips are high in calories and fat, which could contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. Therefore, it’s best to enjoy these foods in moderation.

2. Sugary drinks

Sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda, are high in calories and added sugar.

They are strongly associated with weight gain and can have negative effects on health when consumed in excess

Even though sugary drinks contain a lot of calories, your brain doesn’t register them like solid food.

Liquid sugar calories don’t make you feel as full, meaning you won’t eat less food to compensate. Instead, you may end up adding these calories on top of your normal intake.

If you are serious about losing weight, consider limiting your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and opting for drinks like flavored water, kombucha, tea, or coffee instead.


Sugary drinks can negatively affect your weight and general health. If weight loss is your goal, then limiting your intake of soda and similar drinks may have a big impact.

3. White bread

White bread is highly refined and often contains a lot of added sugar.

It is high on the glycemic index, meaning that it can lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

One 2014 study in 9,267 people found that eating two slices (120 grams) of white bread per day was linked to a 40% greater risk of weight gain and obesity.

Fortunately, there are many nutritious alternatives to conventional wheat bread, including Ezekiel bread, which is made from sprouted grains and legumes.

However, keep in mind that all wheat breads do contain gluten, which should be avoided by people with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity.

Some other options for those following a gluten-free diet include oopsie bread, cornbread, and almond flour bread.


White bread has a high glycemic index and has been linked to weight gain and obesity. It also contains gluten, which may not be suitable for people with celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten.

4. Candy bars

Candy bars pack high amounts of added sugar, added oils, and refined flour into a small package.

Candy bars are also high in calories and low in nutrients. Many varieties of candy bars covered in chocolate contain around 200–300 calories, and extra-large bars may contain even more.

If you are craving something sweet, consider opting for a snack-sized candy bar or a few squares of dark chocolate and enjoy alongside other nutritious snacks, like fresh fruit, nuts, or a yogurt parfait.


Candy bars are high in sugar, refined flour, and added oils. They are also high in calories, but not very filling.

5. Some fruit juices

Some fruit juices you find at the supermarket have very little in common with whole fruit.

In fact, some types can contain just as much sugar and calories as soda, if not more.

Also, fruit juice usually contains no fiber and doesn’t require chewing.

This means that a glass of orange juice won’t have the same effects on fullness as an orange, making it easy to consume large quantities in a short amount of time.

Opt for whole fruit instead, or try limiting your intake of fruit juice to around 4 ounces (118 milliliters) at a time.


Fruit juice is high in calories and added sugar, but usually contains no fiber. It is best to stick to stick to smaller portions or choose whole fruit.

6. Pastries, cookies, and cakes

Pastries, cookies, and cakes are packed with calories and added sugar.

These foods are also not very satisfying, meaning that you may become hungry very quickly after eating these high calorie foods.

If you’re trying to lose weight, try limiting your portion sizes of these foods and enjoy them from time to time as part of a well-rounded diet.

Foods like dark chocolate, fruit, trail mix, or chia pudding can also help satisfy your sweet tooth instead.


Pastries, cookies, and cakes are high in calories and added sugar but are not very filling. Limiting your portion sizes or opting for other sweet snacks may help with weight management.

7. Some types of alcohol (especially beer)

Alcohol provides more calories than carbs and protein, or about 7 calories per gram.

However, the evidence for alcohol and weight gain is not clear.

Drinking alcohol in moderation seems to be fine and is actually linked to reduced weight gain. Heavy drinking, on the other hand, is associated with increased weight gain.

The type of alcohol also matters. Beer can cause weight gain, but drinking wine in moderation may actually be beneficial.


If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to consider cutting back on alcohol or enjoying drinks like wine in small amounts.

8. Ice cream

In addition to being high in calories, most types of ice cream are also loaded with sugar.

A small portion of ice cream is fine every now and then, but the problem is that it’s very easy to consume massive amounts in one sitting.

Be sure to serve yourself a small portion of ice cream instead of eating straight from the container so that you won’t end up eating too much.

Alternatively, consider making your own frozen desserts using less sugar and more nutritious ingredients like full-fat yogurt and fruit.


Store-bought ice cream is high in sugar and calories. Making your own frozen desserts at home using less sugar or sticking to smaller portion sizes of ice cream can be beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight.

9. Pizza

Pizza is a very popular fast food. However, commercially made pizzas are often high in calories and made with ingredients like highly refined flour and processed meat.

If you want to enjoy a slice of pizza, try making your own at home using nutritious ingredients and toppings.

If you order from a restaurant, stick to lower calorie toppings like grilled chicken, peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms, or garlic.

You can also choose thin crust pizza to reduce the calorie content or enjoy a slice or two alongside a salad or a side of steamed broccoli to round out your meal.


Commercial pizzas are often made from highly refined and processed ingredients. Making your own pizza at home or selecting lower calorie toppings can support weight management.

10. High calorie coffee drinks

Coffee contains several biologically active substances, including caffeine.

These chemicals can boost your metabolism and increase fat burning, at least in the short term.

However, many coffee drinks contain excessive amounts of cream and sugar, which can significantly increase the total calorie content in each serving.

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to limit your consumption of these beverages or choose plain, black coffee sweetened with a bit of cream or milk.


Plain, black coffee may help increase fat burning and boost your metabolism. However, many coffee drinks contain excessive amounts of cream and sugar, which can increase the total calorie content.

11. Foods high in added sugar

Consuming high amounts of added sugar is thought to contribute to several chronic conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and liver disease.

Foods high in added sugar usually provide high amounts of calories, but are lacking in other important nutrients and are not very filling.

Examples of foods that may contain massive amounts of added sugar include sugary breakfast cereals, granola bars, and low fat, flavored yogurt.

You should be especially careful when selecting “low fat” or “fat-free” foods, as manufacturers often add extra sugar to make up for the flavor that’s lost when the fat is removed.


Added sugar is high in calories and may be linked to several chronic health problems. Many products, such as low fat and fat-free foods, are high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

The bottom line

If you’re trying to lose weight, the types of foods that you’re eating can make a big impact.

In addition to being higher in calories, certain foods might also be less filling or lacking in important nutrients that can support weight loss, such as fiber or protein.

Be sure to check the label carefully and limit your intake of foods that are highly processed or high in added sugar.

Also, remember to consider the serving sizes. Some nutrient-dense foods, like nuts, dried fruit, and cheese, are high in calories, and it can be very easy to eat too much.

You can also practice mindful eating, in which you pay close attention to each bite, chew your foods slowly, and monitor your fullness. This technique can help moderate your food intake.

Unhealthy Foods

Junk Food: Definition, Types, and Dangers to Health

Junk Food: Definition, Types, and Dangers to Health

https://prescottmediacenter.org/ – Junk Food is – With the times and rapid technological advances, it is now very easy to do something. In addition, this also plays a role in changing patterns and lifestyles of humans at this time. One example is the increasing number of ready-to-eat foods, also known as junk food or fast food.

Junk food has recently become one of the most popular foods among young people, are you one of them? This food is also very diverse, ranging from snacks to main meals. Junk food as an informal term applied to several foods which are then considered to have little or no nutritional value at all.

Then, actually what is meant by junk food and what are the types. In this article, we will explain more about junk food, from the definition to its types. So, read this article to the end, Grameds.

Definition of Junk Food

Junk food is a term used to describe food with a high content of calories, fat, sugar and salt. However, the content of vitamins and fiber in junk food can be considered very low. Usually, junk food also contains various food additives (BTP), such as sweeteners, flavors and preservatives.

Not only that, junk food also contains high levels of fat and salt, for example hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, fried potatoes that are served without fruit and include vegetables and various types of crisps.

Generally, these foods contain saturated fat which can cause various risks of obesity and if consumed too much can cause health problems. In fact, high salt levels exceed the salt levels needed by the body can also trigger high blood pressure.

Examples of junk food that contains high sugar include soft drinks, donuts, candy, and cakes. Sugar that is too high can also cause damage to teeth and diabetes. Junk food is not good if consumed continuously, so it needs to be replaced by eating healthy food. Examples of healthy foods include various fruits, vegetables, and nuts such as soybeans, red beans, and almonds. So, have you started to eat healthy food today?

Types of Junk Food and their Dangers

1. Burger

The first famous junk food in Indonesia is burgers. This food can be said to have very little nutritional value, and is loaded with everything that is bad for health. Burgers available in fast food restaurants have also been linked to obesity, heart disease, and various other health problems. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume these foods too often.

2. Fries

The next famous junk food in Indonesia is French fries. These snacks have been around for hundreds of years. Even so, this one food is still considered bad if people consume it too often. Basically, any food that is fried using vegetable oil will have a negative impact on health.

Therefore, french fries fried in vegetable oil will contain quite a lot of unsaturated fats. These unsaturated fats will produce cancer free radicals in the body. What’s more, french fries tend to contain a cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide. So, don’t eat French fries too often, Grameds.

3. It Crimea

Who doesn’t know ice cream, food made from milk and various other ingredients that are loved by people of all ages, from children to adults. Ice cream is also very delicious especially when consumed when the weather is hot. However, behind the pleasure, ice cream also contains a lot of calories and sugar that is no less than a bottle of soda.

Ice cream becomes even more dangerous when mixed with milk and made into milkshakes. Especially if it is made into a milkshake, then you are said to have consumed around 1,000 calories.

4. Given

Plain donuts don’t contain many calories, and they don’t harm your body. However, now donuts have many flavors and contain lots of sugar. If you only consume one, maybe it won’t be a problem, but it’s a different matter if you consume it in large quantities.

But in reality, the average individual then consumes two to three donuts. You need to remember that in a donut that contains no nutrients at all, which will make the consumer feel hungry. In fact, consuming donuts in excess can cause obesity.

5. Pizza

The most popular fast food in Indonesia is pizza. This food is also often served mixed with lots of cheese, meat, sauces, and many other ingredients, with a content of 600 calories per slice.

Because, these foods then contain saturated fat, sodium, and high carbohydrates. If this typical Italian food is consumed too often, it can have a negative impact on health, the most famous of which often triggers obesity.

6. Fish nuggets

These fish nuggets are often given by parents to their children. This may not be good if given too often let alone in large quantities. If you want to be healthy, eat fish that is really fresh, and don’t choose fish that has been processed like this. Remember, the average processed fish contains a lot of preservatives, especially if consumed by frying.

7. Hot Dog

This long beef-covered bun is then mixed with a little mayonnaise, chili sauce, and tomato sauce, which also contain unhealthy ingredients for the body.

Hot dogs are also directly related to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In this case, what becomes a problem is not only the meat in the food, but the high levels of salt and preservatives that are often used. If you really want to eat these foods, you should also choose organic ones, with low fat and sodium content.

8. Stick to Keju

Next, although the cheese itself is not so harmful to health. But it will be a problem if this cheese is then mixed with breadcrumbs and fried. This is because in a cheese stick there is also fat and sodium which is very high and is definitely very harmful to the body. So, it is not recommended to make cheese sticks as a daily snack, especially for children.

9. Fried

Who doesn’t like fried foods, especially those served hot. But did you know that fried food has dangers for its connoisseurs? This fried food also has a very high calorie, fat and oil content. So, if consumed in excess, can trigger cancer.

10. Canned Food

Foods that are processed in the form of cans, be it fruit, vegetables, meat, and so on, are not good for consumption every day. This is due to the large amount of nutrients that have been damaged in the canning process. On the other hand, canned food also contains a lot of preservatives which are not good for liver health. So, from now on we have to reduce canned food, Grameds.

11. Potato Chips and French Fries

Who doesn’t like fried potatoes that have a savory taste. Even though it is very delicious, if you consume too many french fries, it can cause excess weight gain or you can say make someone obese. This can happen because of the content of acrylamides compounds which are carcinogenic and appear when burned and fried.

12. Cakes, Biscuits and Pastries

Foods that are usually sold in this packaged form should also be reduced or avoided. This is because this food is made from wheat flour with added sugar and butter which contains saturated fat. If you consume too much, it can lead to obesity and various other diseases.

13. Instant Noodles

Instant noodles can be considered as food that is relatively cheap, easy to make, and of course very tasty, so it is not good for continuous consumption. What’s more, instant instant noodles contain translucent which can exacerbate blood vessels.

The Danger of Junk Food for Health

If the body consumes too much low-nutrient food, it will cause health problems, as well as if you eat too much junk food. Here below are some of the dangers of junk food for health.

Disturbing Heart Health and Stroke

This fast food will increase bad cholesterol and saturated fat. This will then trigger a blockage of the arteries. This condition will also cause heart attacks and strokes.

Increase High Blood Pressure

Junk food can cause hypertension because these foods contain high sodium or salt. Therefore, usually the taste of fast food has a salty taste. If consumed in excess, it can cause an increase in high blood pressure and trigger heart disease.

Increases Cancer Risk

The next danger of fast food is that it can cause cancer, especially colon cancer. Some foods that can increase the risk of this disease include sausages, smoked meats, and bacon.

Cause Diabetes

Diabetes can also be caused by excessive consumption of junk food. This is because food contains high calorie content, while fiber and vitamins are low. These foods can then quickly cause other sugar levels to rise.

The content of trans fats in junk food can be said to be quite a lot, so it can cause fat accumulation in the abdominal area. This will then make insulin not work optimally. Thus, sugar in the blood is also difficult to control and increases the risk of diabetes.

Disturbing Kidney Function

Another danger of junk food is that it can interfere with kidney function. This can happen because of the high sodium content in it. Therefore, if consumed in excess it will interfere with the performance of the kidneys in filtering toxins in the blood.

Damage to Liver Organs

Consumption of fast food then damages the liver. Excessive consumption of low-nutrient foods can also cause disturbances in the stomach tissue in the liver. This will then make the liver work not optimal.

Makes Teeth Damage Quickly

Fast food generally contains high sugar. This turns out to be causing the teeth to become damaged quickly. Because sugar makes the pH of the mouth more acidic. This acid content will also cause plaque and cause the enamel on the teeth to be damaged.


It is a common thing that junk food is very delicious, but behind that pleasure there are dangers that can interfere with the health of the body. Therefore, there have been many studies that say that you have to reduce your consumption of junk food.

Thus the discussion about junk food along with its dangers to the health of the body. Hopefully all of the discussion above can open Grameds’ insight into junk food. Even though it’s dangerous, if you don’t consume it excessively, it’s still okay.

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