Food BlogSnacks

17 Delicious Snack Recipes to Accompany the New Year Holidays

17 Delicious Snack Recipes to Accompany the New Year Holidays

17 Delicious Snack Recipes to Accompany the New Year Holidays – New Year’s celebrations are just around the corner, just counting the days. Don’t forget to prepare various dishes for the holidays as well as New Year’s Eve, here. Barbeque or yakiniku and suki seems to be a favorite of many people, but what about the snacks?

When welcoming the New Year, you should have prepared tasty and delicious snacks to complete the atmosphere of gathering with the closest people. No need to choose a complicated menu, practical and easy snacks to make also taste so delicious.

For those of you who are confused about looking for super simple and delicious snack ideas, you can take a peek at some of the snack recipes that BrilioFood collected from various sources on Monday (26/12). Guaranteed, will not take up much time.

1. Crispy French Fries.


– Large raw potatoes, cut to taste
– Sufficient vinegar
– Sufficient water
– Sufficient fine sugar
– Sufficient salt
– Frying oil

How to make:

1. Peel the potatoes, then cut the potatoes according to taste. Use a very sharp knife to cut the potatoes, or you can use a special cutting tool that cuts the potatoes into sticks 1/4 inch or about 1 cm thick.
2. After cutting, soak the potatoes in water that has been mixed with vinegar. Then drain and rinse the potatoes using cold water. After that soak the potatoes again with vinegar water, let stand overnight. This technique of soaking the potatoes first is what makes the potatoes feel crunchy after frying.
3. Boil the potatoes using medium heat for a few minutes until the water boils, then drain and dry. If you want the potato drying process to go faster, you can use the oven for about 5 minutes with a heat size of 51 degrees Celsius.
4. After drying, soak again using water that has been given sugar for a few minutes. Then soak again with water that has been added vinegar, then wash with water that has been mixed with lime. This soaking step is to prevent the potatoes from turning gray.
5. After the soaking step is complete, fry the potatoes using the deep frying method. Prepare a large container such as a round pot or pan, then add as much cooking oil as possible so that all the potatoes are submerged in oil when fried.
6. Fry the potatoes until golden brown. Remove the fried potatoes and then drain. Sprinkle the fried potatoes with salt to give it a savory taste, or you can also use powdered cheese seasoning.
7. To get a crisper potato result, preferably after boiling, fry the potatoes until they are half cooked. Then drain when the oil is completely gone, put the potatoes in a special food plastic bag and then close it tightly, then put it in the refrigerator until the potatoes are frozen. Then fry the potatoes in low heat and submerged in oil, remove and serve when the potatoes are golden brown.

2. Grilled corn.


– Sweet corn
– Butter
– 2 tbsp sugar
– 1 clove of garlic

How to make:

1. Puree the garlic, then put it in a bowl.
2. Put the butter into the bowl that already contains the garlic.
3. Stir the two ingredients well.
4. Add sugar, stir again until well blended.
5. Apply it to the corn that will be burned.
6. Grill the corn to the desired degree of maturity.
7. If it feels cooked, remove the roasted corn, then serve.

3. Popcorn.


– Corn kernels for popcorn
– Sufficient butter

How to make:

1. Prepare a pot on the stove. Prepare and measure the corn according to taste.
2. Put 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, turn on the stove over medium heat. Once the butter has melted, turn down the heat and place two handfuls of corn in the pot.
3. Cover the pot and shake the pot occasionally so that all the corn kernels are covered in butter.
4. Leave it for a while until the corn explodes in the pot. After stopping, turn off the fire.
5. Move the finished popcorn into the container. So, you can re-create this basic popcorn according to your taste.

4. Crispy egg nuts.


– 500 grams of peanuts
– 500 grams of flour
– 100 grams of tapioca flour
– 2 large eggs
– 240 grams of powdered sugar
– 1 teaspoon of flavoring
– 2 tablespoons of margarine, melt

How to make:

1. Wash the peanuts, roast until dry. set aside.
2. Mix flour and tapioca.
3. Beat eggs, sugar and flavoring using a mixer, beat until the sugar dissolves. Enter the melted margarine, shake again until smooth.
4. Put the peanuts into a large container, pour in 3 tablespoons of beaten egg, shake until smooth, sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of flour mixture, shake again until smooth. Do the same thing until the egg and flour mixture runs out.
5. After being coated with egg and flour, then fry.
6. Heat oil, add peanuts, fry over low heat until browned.
7. Remove, drain and serve.

5. Chocolate-coated marshmallows.


– 440 gr chocolate chips
– 10 large marshmallows

How to make:

1. Melt the chocolate chips, then dip the marshmallows into the chocolate using a fork or other skewer.
2. When finished, freeze the marshmallows in the refrigerator.
3. Let the marshmallows sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before you enjoy them.

6. Banana nuggets.


– 1 kg of banana (without skin)
– 4 tablespoons of powdered milk
– 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar
– 240 grams of flour
– 100 ml of sweet white condensed milk
– 1 teaspoon of salt

Dyeing ingredients:

– 120 gr flour
– 300 ml water
– Salt to taste
– Panir flour to taste

How to make:

1. Mash the banana with a fork or the back of a glass, then add the flour, sugar, powdered milk, white sweetened condensed milk, and salt to taste. Mix well.
2. Prepare a baking sheet and grease it with oil then line it with banana leaves, then grease it with oil again.
3. Pour the mixture and steam until cooked for about 40 to 60 minutes.
4. Pierce with a stick, if nothing sticks, it means the dough is cooked.
5. Cool and cut into pieces according to taste. Then dip in the dye and coat with the breadcrumbs. Repeat the process 2 times.
6. Store in the freezer for 20 minutes so that the panir flour sticks more.
7. Fry until cooked, remove and drain.

7. Chicken dim sum.

Dumpling ingredients:

– Wonton skin
– 350 gr chicken (blender)
– 120 gr shrimp (blender)
– 4 spring onions (blender)
– 1 tbsp soy sauce
– 1 tsp chopped garlic
– Salt to taste
– 100 gr tapioca
– 1 egg


– 1 carrot (grated)

How to make:

1. Blend the chicken, shrimp, and green onions until smooth.
2. Add other ingredients.
3. Put the filling on the dumplings, form buds.
4. Top with carrots.
5. Steam for 20 minutes.
6. If it is cooked, remove and serve while still warm.

8. Crispy tofu.


– 4 pieces of white tofu
– 1 pack of all-purpose seasoning flour
– Enough cooking oil

Tofu marinade ingredients:

– 1/2 tbsp savory salt
– Enough water

How to make:

1. Prepare the ingredients, then slice the tofu according to taste.
2. Soak tofu in salt water, then let stand for about 10 minutes.
3. Take 3 tablespoons of seasoned flour, make a liquid dough. Enter the tofu into the liquid mixture.
4. Then put in dry flour. Put it back into the liquid mixture, then into the dry flour until the tofu is coated in flour.
5, Fried tofu until dry.
6. Then remove and drain.
7. Crispy tofu is ready to be served.

9. Churros.


– 150 gr flour
– 2 tablespoons margarine
– 2 tablespoons sugar
– 250 ml water
– 1/4 teaspoon salt
– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
– 1 egg. shake loose

How to make:

1. Bring the water to a boil, then add the sugar, salt and margarine. Wait for it to get late. Turn off the stove, add flour and vanilla powder, stir until smooth.
2. Let stand for about 10 minutes until the mixture feels cold, then add the beaten eggs. Stir again until evenly distributed.
3. Put it in a triangular plastic with a star syringe at the end.
4. Heat the oil, then pour the mixture into the oil until it is browned.
5. Remove and drain.
6. Churros can also be eaten with a sprinkling of powdered sugar or melted chocolate.

10. Mini sweet martabak.


– 250 gr medium protein flour
– 15 gr milk powder
– 1/4 tsp baking powder
– 50 gr fine granulated sugar
– 1/4 tsp fine salt
– 300 ml water
– 1/2 tsp instant yeast
– 3 eggs egg
– 30 gr sugar
– 3/4 baking soda
– 25 gr butter, melt it

How to make:

1. Mix flour, powdered sugar, milk powder, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Stir well.
2. Pour the water little by little, then stir with a mixer.
3. Add yeast and mix well. Leave it for 30 minutes.
4. Prepare another container, shake off the eggs and sugar. Pour into the mixture that was left standing. Stir well. Add melted butter and baking soda. Stir well again.
5. Heat the mold, not too hot or not hot enough.
6. Wait for it to nest. Then sprinkle sugar and cover until cooked. Apply butter.
7. Serve with your favorite toppings.

11. Simple chocolate balls.


– 1 pack of regal biscuits
– 2 sachets of sweetened condensed milk
– Chocolate to taste

How to make:

1. Put a pack of regal biscuits in a plastic bag, then crush it with a rolling pin.
2. Next, put the biscuits into the container. Add sweetened condensed milk, then stir until it becomes a dough.
3. Take enough dough, then shape it into a round shape until the dough runs out. Apply it into the mess so that it covers the entire surface of the balls.
4. Put it in the fridge until it’s cold. Once cooled, the simple chocolate balls are ready to be enjoyed.

12. Oreo why.


– 1 pack of Oreos, variant according to taste
– 1 tablespoon of melted butter
– 8 tablespoons of flour

How to make:

1. Prepare a container, then melt three tablespoons of flour. Add the melted butter, then stir until smooth.
2. Dip the Oreos into the flour mixture, then into the flour mixture. Repeat this method alternately.
3. Next, heat the oil. Fry Oreos until cooked over low heat.
4. Once cooked, remove the Oreos, then drain. Fried Oreos are ready to be enjoyed. You can add chocolate cream or grated cheese on top.

13. Syringe cake.


– 150 gr margarine
– 3 sachets of sweetened condensed milk
– 250 gr cornstarch

How to make:

1. Prepare a container, then mix the margarine and sweetened condensed milk. Stir until evenly distributed.
2. Add the cornstarch little by little, then knead the dough.
3. Print the dough using a syringe mold, then put it in the oven.
4. Bake the cake for 30 minutes. After that, remove and let it cool down. Then, put the syringes in the jar.
5. The syringe cake is ready to be enjoyed.

14. Coconut cookies.


– 180 gr of dry grated coconut
– 2 tablespoons of sugar
– 200 ml of coconut milk

How to make:

1. Take a bowl, mix grated coconut, coconut milk, and sugar, stir well.
2. Prepare a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, take 1 tablespoon of round cookie dough.
3. Cook the coconut cookies in the oven for 15-20 minutes until they are lightly browned.
4. Finally, chill and coconut cookies are ready to be enjoyed.

15. Chocolate pudding.


– 1 sachet of agar-agar according to taste
– 1 liter of UHT chocolate milk
– 5 tablespoons of sugar

How to make:

1. Prepare a pan, put all the ingredients, stir, cook over low heat.
2. If the jelly stew is steamy, move it to the mold, cool it down, and wait for it to harden.
3. Remove the pudding from the mold, cut into pieces, serve.

16. Crispy mushrooms.


– 125 grams of oyster mushrooms, shredded
– 1 sachet of all-purpose seasoning flour
– Enough cooking oil

How to make:

1. Prepare a container, mix the shredded oyster mushrooms and all-purpose seasoning flour, knead, set aside.
2. Heat the oil, fry the mushrooms until cooked, remove and drain.
3. Serve.

17. Cheese roll.


– 750 gr pastry
– 1 box of cheddar cheese, cut into long pieces
– 1 egg yolk

How to make:

1. Sprinkle the base for preparing the cheese rolls with flour, place the pastry on top, add a little flour.
2. Put the cheddar cheese pieces, cut the pastry, wrap it around, and wrap the cheese in the pastry.
3. Arrange the pastry dough on a baking sheet, brush with egg yolk.
4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
5. Bake the pastry for 30 minutes in the oven, until browned and puffy.
6. Remove from tin, cool. Cheese rolls are ready to be enjoyed.

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