Makanan Yang Bisa Menurunkan Kolesterol – Sejak pandemi COVID-19, type hidup beraktivitas di tempat tinggal saja semakin banyak dilakukan oleh berasal dari satu} besar masyarakat. Karena tidak beroleh hiburan, banyak orang yang sesudah itu berubah terhadap makanan sebagai sumber penghiburan bagi mereka. Akibatnya, banyak yang mempunyai pola makan tidak terkontrol sampai sebabkan naiknya kadar kolesterol didalam tubuh.
Sejatinya, kolesterol dibutuhkan oleh tubuh manusia slot bet 100 gacor. Akan tetapi, bersama pola makan yang tidak terkontrol, kadar kolesterol didalam tubuh mampu mengalami peningkatan dan menyebabkan problem kesehatan. Simak penjelasan tersebut untuk mengetahui makanan penurun kolesterol yang mudah ditemui!
Sebelum beranjak terhadap daftar makanan penurun kolesterol, ketahui dahulu bahwa tubuh manusia tetap perlu kolesterol. Dilansir berasal dari Kemenkes, untuk anak-anak, keseluruhan kadar kolesterol yang harus dimiliki oleh tubuh adalah sebesar 170 miligram per desiliter, sedangkan untuk orang dewasa kadar kolesterol yang dibutuhkan berada terhadap kisaran 125-200 mg/dL.
Beberapa Makanan Yang Bisa Menurunkan Kolesterol
Beras Merah
Sayuran berdaun gelap
Ikan dengan Kandungan Omega 3
Ikan Salmon
Buah-Buahan Tertentu
Untuk mengetahui kadar kolesterol didalam tubuh, sebaiknya lakukan pemeriksaan secara rutin. Alangkah baiknya pemeriksanan dilakukan sejak umur 9-11 th. dan diteruskan per lima th. sekali. Untuk anak yang mempunyai riwayat penyakit kolesterol tinggi, stroke, dan jantung berasal dari bagian keluarganya, dusarankan untuk mengecek kadar kolesterol lebih dini.
Ketahuilah bahwa terkandung tiga jenis kolesterol didalam tubuh, yaitu kolesterol baik (HDL), kolesterol jahat (LDL), dan trigliserida. Pada dasarnya, kadar berasal dari tiap-tiap komponen tersebut harus sebanding sehingga tidak menyebabkan persoalan kesehatan, layaknya kolesterol tinggi dan komplikasi kolesterol, meliputi serangan jantung, gagal jantung, sampai penyakit jantung koroner.
Kadar kolesterol yang baik akan berguna bagi metabolisme tubuh manusia. Selain itu, kolesterol juga mampu berguna untuk merawat sel, membentuk hormon, membentuk asam empedu, merawat manfaat otak, dan membantu produksi vitamin D secara otomatis dikala terpapar cahaya matahari. Apabila kadar kolesterol didalam tubuh normal, 7-dehidrokolesterol (7-DHC) didalam kulit akan diubah menjadi calcitriol yang sesudah itu diubah menjadi vitamin D oleh hati dan ginjal.
Makanan yang Pernah Viral – Pada era serbadigital, sangat muda untuk memviralkan sesuatu. Dulu informasi dapat menyebar dari mulut ke mulut. Namun kini, informasi tersebar dari beranda ke beranda media sosial. Banyak pengguna media sosial membagikan kabar terbaru kepada orang-orang yang terhubung dengan mereka di medsos, termasuk soal makanan.
1. Seblak coet
Makanan khas Sunda ini belakangan sedang viral karena cara pembuatannya beda dari seblak yang biasa kita temui. Biasanya, masyarakat membeli seblak yang ada kuahnya dengan berbagai jenis topping pendamping. Namun seblak viral kali ini beda.
Cukup dengan merebus kerupuk, lalu dicampur dengan bahan-bahan yang sudah diulek bersamaan seperti cabai, bawang putih, Bonus New Member kencur, garam, dan minyak panas. Selain rasanya yang enak, seblak coet ini memberikan tekstur yang berbeda dari seblak biasanya.
2. Risol mayo
Gorengan risol tak asing untuk masyarakat Indonesia karena mudah ditemui di mana pun dan dengan harga terjangkau. Namun risol yang kita bahas kali ini berbeda dengan risol pada umumnya.
Dia adalah risol mayo yang memiliki isi telur, beef bacon, dan campuran saus mayoaes, serta dibalut dengan kulit tepunghomemadedan di lapisi lagi dengan tepung roti. Salah satu risol mayo yang terkenal adalah risol mayo Margo.
3. Latiao
Mungkin sebagian dari kamu merasa asing saat mendengar nama ini. Wajar saja, karena ini bukan kuliner Nusantara, melainkan khas Sina. Untuk pengguna Tiktok pasti tahu karena makanan ini sedang viral di FYP.
Makanan yang berbahan dasar kulit tahu yang dicampur dengan bumbu-bumbu Cina memberi rasa berbeda ketika di nikmati. Ada dua macam jenis latiao yakni latiao gulung dan latiao daging (pipih), keduanya memiliki tekstur berbeda.
4. Chesee roll
Makanan manis ini sangat cocok di makan bersama minuman hangat seperti kopi, cokelat, teh hangat, atau sebagai teman ngemil kalian. Pembuatannya juga sangat mudah hanya perlu tiga bahan saja yakni kulit lumpia, keju, gula.
Caranya, letakkan keju di dalam kulit lumpia. Jangan lupa tuang gula secukupnya sebagai penambah rasa manis. Setelah itu chesee roll siap di goreng. Kalian juga bisa menambah topping sesuai selera kalian, misalnya selai cokelat, susu, mesis, dan lainnya.
5. Natto
Natto adalah makanan khas dari Jepang. Berbahan dasar dari kedelai lalu di fermentasi, membuat tekstur natto lengket dan berlendir. Makanan ini viral karena meski rasanya kurang cocok dengan lidah masyarakat Indonesia, namun banyak yang penasaran.
7 Makanan Viral – Platform TikTok merupakan salah satu media sosial berbasis video singkat yang banyak di tonton oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Biasanya mereka menggunakan TikTok untuk mencari video hiburan, mencari resep makanan, hingga mencari informasi terbaru tentang kuliner yang lagi viral saat ini.
Seperti di tahun 2023 ini, saat ini sudah banyak beredar makanan viral yang unik dan menarik untuk di coba. Ada buah beku yang di lapisi coklat hingga es krim yang di campur dengan mi. Nah, daripada penasaran apa saja daftarnya, langsung saja simak berikut tujuh makanan viral di TikTok 2023.
1. Es Kul Kul
Es kul kul merupakan buah beku di celupkan ke dalam lelehan cokelat yang kemudian di atasnya di beri topping. Sebenarnya, camilan satu ini sudah ada sejak zaman dulu. Namun, karena viral di TikTok membuat makanan satu ini populer kembali.
Sempat jarang ada yang menjual makanan unik ini, kini sudah ada banyak lagi yang menjualnya. Biasanya satu potong es kul kul di banderol dengan harga Rp2 ribu. Dan makanan ini menjadi makanan favorit anak-anak kecil hingga orang dewasa.
2. Ikan Shishamo
Ikan unik favorit masyarakat Jepang satu ini bernama ikan shishamo. Saat ini, ikan yang tubuhnya berisi telur dan bertulang lunak ini banyak di gemari masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan ini memiliki rasa yang cukup gurih, biasanya di sajikan dengan cara di goreng yang sebelumnya di baluri dengan tepung serbaguna.
Makanan ini sangat populer di TikTok karena salah satu anak artis Indonesia, Raffi Ahmad, yang bernama Rayyanza sangat menikmati ikan shishamo yang di tampilkan melalui salah satu unggahan video sus Rini, pengasuh Rayyanza. Sehingga membuat banyak Roulette Online orang tertarik untuk menikmati kelezatan ikan ini.
3. Latiao
Latiao merupakan camilan yang berbentuk stik panjang yang berasal dari China. Camilan satu ini terbuat dari bahan tepung terigu dan minyak yang bercita rasa pedas. Bertekstur kenyal dan elastis membuat makanan yang berciri khas warna merah ini viral di berbagai negara.
Camilan ini bisa kamu temukan di berbagai situs belanja online. Karena memiliki ukuran yang mini, membuat kudapan satu ini mudah di bawa bepergian kemanapun untuk di nikmati.
4. Es Krim Indomie
Bagaimana rasanya jika es krim yang manis di campur dengan mi yang gurih, apakah rasanya akan aneh atau malah bikin nagih? Nah, salah satu brand produk Indonesia kini telah menjawab rasa penasaranmu dengan mereka mengeluarkan varian produk es krim yang dikombinasikan dengan mi instan yang sangat populer, indomie.
Es krim ini sangat viral, karena banyak yang penasaran bagaimana rasanya. Beberapa diantaranya ada yang merasa aneh dan tidak suka dengan rasanya, tetapi beberapa diantaranya malah suka dengan kombinasi unik ini. Apakah kamu tertarik untuk mencobanya? Jika iya, yuk, buruan beli karena es krim ini limited edition.
5. Mochi Bites
Setelah sempat viral ichigo daifuku atau mochi isi stroberi beberapa waktu lalu, kini kembali viral mochi dengan ukuran bites atau sekali suap. Karena ukurannya yang kecil sehingga tidak diberi isian seperti yang versi besar. Namun tak perlu khawatir, karena mochi bites ini diberi cocolan saus yang terbuat dari cokelat dengan beberapa pilihan topping dalam saus.
Karena banyak orang yang menyukai mochi bites, kini sudah ada banyak yang menjual kuliner viral satu ini. Sehingga kamu tak perlu repot-repot membuat mochi sendiri karena kini sudah bisa tinggal beli.
6. Tunacado
Tunacado merupakan sandwich asal negara Barat yang terdiri dari roti gandum yang krispi dan tipis yang di tambah dengan isian tuna, alpukat, dan saus yang asam. Makanan ini beberapa bulan lalu sangat viral di TikTok, bahkan banyak influencer yang ikutan mencoba kuliner satu ini.
Saking viralnya tunacado, beberapa orang bahkan ada yang sampai tidak kebagian di outlet yang khusus menjual sandwich ini. Nah, yang membuat kuliner satu ini viral adalah karena uniknya perpaduan antara roti yang krispi dengan tuna dan alpukat yang lembut. Apakah kamu tertarik untuk mencobanya?
7. Bluder Cokro Siram Susu
Bluder cokro merupakan salah satu roti khas salah satu daerah di Jawa Timur, yaitu Madiun. Roti ini memiliki tekstur yang sangat lembut dan rasa yang sangat lezat. Bluder cokro juga tersedia dengan beragam varian isian, mulai dari cokelat, taro, hingga klepon.
Saat ini bluder cokro sangat viral di TikTok, karena terdapat sebuah tipsyang cukup unik untuk menikmati roti satu ini. Tips tersebut adalah roti bluder yang di rendam ke dalam susu, entah itu susu vanilla, cokelat, ataupun yang plain. Kombinasi makanan satu ini ternyata sangat di gemari oleh banyak orang, lho!
Tak hanya viral di Indonesia, beberapa tren makanan viral di atas juga sangat populer di negara luar. Selain karena memang terlihat meyakinkan rasanya, sebab keunikannya juga patut untuk di coba. Nah, dari sekian banyak makanan viral di TikTik 2023, makanan mana yang paling ingin kamu coba?
Cuka memiliki sifat asam yang dapat membantu membersihkan berbagai peralatan masak di dapur.
Selain itu, peralatan dapur yang tidak selalu digunakan untuk memasak, melainkan untuk membersihkan alat masak, juga bisa dibersihkan dengan cuka.
Dilansir dari The Spruce Eats, simak empat peralatan dapur yang bisa dibersihkan dengan cuka berikut ini.
Baca juga:
3 Cara Atasi Wastafel Cuci Piring yang Tersumbat, Bisa Pakai Cuka
Resep Pangsit Goreng dengan Bumbu Cuka, Bikin Ketagihan
5 Cara Olah Kulit Ayam Goreng, Tambah Cuka agar Baunya Hilang
1. Cuka untuk membersihkan keran
Keran bisa kotor dan memengaruhi warna air yang akan dikeluarkan. Semakin jarang dibersihkan, kualitas air kemungkinan kian menurun.
Cerat pancuran ini dapat dibersihkan dengan cuka. Caranya, tuang cuka ke dalam plastik dan ikat kencang plastik tersebut di sekitar keran.
Diamkan selama 10-20 menit dan sikat keran menggunakan spons atau bulu sikat biasa hingga kotorannya meluruh.
2. Bersihkan microwave dengan cuka
Ilustrasi microwave, menghangatkan makanan dengan microwave.(SHUTTERSTOCK/NEW AFRICA)
Penumpukan lemak sisa makanan di microwave sering kali sulit dibersihkan. Coba gunakan cuka untuk menghilangkannya.
Campur cuka dan air keran dengan jumlah yang sama. Masukkan larutan ini ke dalam microwave selama lima menit atau lebih hingga menghasilkan uap dan menghilangkan kotoran membandel.
Gosok dan lanjutkan pembersihan microwave seperti biasa.
3. Manfaatkan cuka untuk membersihkan teko
Teko air panas, termasuk mesin pembuat kopi dan teh, juga bisa dibersihkan memakai cuka.
Tuangkan cuka dan air dengan perbandingan yang sama ke dalam teko. Colok hingga panas dan bilas teko sampai bersih.
Jika ada kerak di dalamnya, kamu cukup merebus campuran yang sama, lalu bilas dan lakukan hingga benar-benar bersih.
4. Bersihkan mesin cuci piring dengan cuka
Mesin pencuci piring juga menumpuk kotoran sisa makanan Baccarat Online yang dapat berkerak dan membuat bau tidak sedap.
Sebaiknya, bersihkan mesin pencuci piring dengan cuka langsung ke rak paling atas dan jalankan siklus air panasnya untuk menghilangkan sisa makanan membandel dan menghindari penyumbatan saluran pembuangan.
Punya jamur shitake dalam jumlah banyak di rumah? Ada beberapa tips mengolahnya agar lebih enak.
Dilansir dari laman MasterClass, jamur shitake merupakan jenis jamur yang berasal dari hutan Asia, tumbuh di batang kayu yang membusuk.
Jenis jamur yang satu ini, sudah tumbuh dan dibudidayakan selama berabad-abad di Jepang dan Cina. Nama Shiitake sendiri berasal dari “Shii” yang berarti pohon kayu tempat tumbuhnya jamur ini berasal.
“Take” yang berarti jamur. Jamur shitake menjadi jenis jamur ketiga yang banyak dibudidayakan di seluruh dunia, setelah jamur kancing putih dan jamur tiram.
Simak penjelasan seputar cara mengolah jamur shitake berikut ini.
Baca juga:
5 Cara Bersihkan Tempat Pisau Kayu, Bebas Jamur dan Kuman
Cara Membuat Saus Tiram dengan Jamur Shitake
4 Tips Masak Jamur Enoki, Tumis Hanya Satu Menit Login Ibcbet
1. Cara masak jamur shitake dengan cara ditumis
Masih dilansir dari laman MasterClass yang sama, ada cara masak jamur shitake dengan cara ditumis. Tipsnya kamu bisa langsung memasukkan jamur ke dalam bumbu dan sayuran.
2. Cara masak jamur shitake dengan cara saute
Saute merupakan teknik memasak bahan makanan dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak. Kamu bisa menggunakan cara ini untuk memasak shitake sebagai hidangan risotto atau fettucine.
Gunakan minyak zaitun atau mentega untuk menambah aroma dan cita rasa pada bahan masakan.
3. Cara masak jamur shitake dengan cara direbus
Memasak shitake dengan cara direbus tidak perlu membutuhkan waktu lama. Pasalnya, jika proses rebus shitake lama, maka bisa membuat teksturnya lembek.
Tambahkan jamur shitake di akhir waktu memasak aneka sup. Shitake juga enak dtambahkan ke dalam saus bolognese atau sup krim.
4. Cara masak jamur shitake kering
Ada dua jenis jamur shitake yang bisa kamu temui yaitu jamur shitake kering dan segar. Jika kamu membeli jamur shitake kering, rendam dulu dalam air panas.
Jamur shitake kering bisa digunakan untuk aneka sayur atau kaldu aneka masakan. Kamu bahkan bisa menggunakan air rendaman jamur shitake kering untuk bahan dasar membuat kaldu jamur yang enak.
Ditambahkan dari laman Taste, rendam jamur dalam air mendidih selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Tutup wadah rendaman dengan bungkus plastik.
9 Makanan Viral 2022 – Banyak makanan yang menjadi tren pada 2022. Video tempat makan, usaha, atau resep makanan yang viral membuat makanan berikut dicari oleh masyarakat Indonesia.
Namun tren makanan ini terbilang tidak bertahan lama, setidaknya sampai penghujung 2022. Berikut sembilan makanan viral pada 2022 di Indonesia.
1. Kentang goreng berukuran panjang
Kentang goreng ukuran panjang sempat terkenal pada awal 2022. Tren ini juga menjadi peluang pengusaha makanan untuk berjualan street food atau jajanan.
2. Fruit sando
Roti lapis dengan isian krim dan buah segar asal Jepang menjadi salah satu tren makanan awal 2022.
Banyak penjual makanan di Indonesia yang menjual fruit sando dengan berbagai kreasi buah dan harga yang bervariasi, sesuai kualitas dan isian sandwich krim buah ini.
3. Roti tawar kopi
Resep roti tawar kopi seperti merek roti kopi terkenal di mal dan stasiun, berseliweran di media sosial pada 2022.
Resep yang sederhana dan rasa yang sudah populer membuat makanan ini banyak dibuat oleh pemasak rumahan.
4. Escargot
Makanan asal Perancis berbahan dasar bekicot ini videonya pernah viral di media sosial TikTok pada pertengah 2022.
Makanan ini viral bukan karena resep atau tempat makan, melainkan istilah yang disebutkan pengguna TikTok untuk konotasi tertentu slot bet 200
Risol mayones terkenal karena pengusaha jajanan Margo mengunggah proses pembuatan dan jualan makanan di TikTok.
Animo pengguna media sosial terhadap risol mayo yang disebut Risol Margo ini terbilang tinggi.
Banyak orang rela mengantre membeli risol mayones dari keluarga margo sejak subuh.
6. Natto
Makanan khas Jepang, natto sempat menarik perhatian pengguna netizen. Umumnya video yang di unggah dan populer adalah reaksi saat mencicipi natto.
Natto adalah makanan fermentasi dari bahan dasar kacang kedelai yang kaya gizi.
Namun rasa dan aroma natto yang terbilang tajam, menjadi tantangan atau eksperimen bagi pembuat konten di Indonesia.
7. Oreo Blackpink
Oreo bekerja sama dengan grup idola perempuan asal Korea Selatan, Blackpink, meluncurkan oreo edisi khusus.
Penggemar K-Pop banyak memburu Oreo Blackpink, karena edisi khusus ini membuat biskuit Oreo jadi warna pink dengan warna isian yang hitam.
Selain itu kemasan Oreo berganti jadi merah muda, dengan hadiah foto dan tanda tangan dari anggota Blackpink.
8. Toko es krim dan teh Mixue
Pertumbuhan toko es krim dan teh Mixue di Indonesia, membuat warganet takjub dan membuat lelucon meme mengenai Mixue.
Sampai-sampai logo manusia salju Mixue di sebutkan oleh warganet sebagai malaikat pencatat ruko kosong oleh warganet.
9. Es semangka india
Minuman segar dari bahan semangka yang di hancurkan dan di campur sirup ini populer saat Ramadhan 2022.
Es semangka yang populer dari India, jadi tren di Indonesia dan banyak penjual takjil menjual minuman ini jelang buka puasa.
Makanan Viral di Tiktok – Platform TikTok merupakan salah satu media sosial berbasis video singkat yang banyak di tonton oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Biasanya mereka menggunakan Tiktok untuk mencari video hiburan, mencari resep makanan, hingga mencari informasi terbaru tentang kuliner yang lagi viral saat ini. Sbobet88
Seperti di tahun 2023 ini, saat ini sudah banyak beredar makanan viral yang unik dan menarik untuk di coba. Ada buah beku yang di lapisi coklat hingga es krim yang di campur dengan mi. Nah, daripada penasaran apa saja daftarnya, langsung saja simak berikut tujuh makanan viral di TikTok 2023
1. Es Kul Kul
Es kul kul merupakan buah beku di celupkan dalam lelehan cokelat yang kemudian di atasnya diberi topping. Sebenarnya, camilan satu ini sudah ada sejak zaman dulu. Namun, karena viral di Tiktok membuat makanan satu ini populer kembali.
Sempat jarang ada yang menjual makanan unik ini, kini sudah ada banyak lagi yang menjualnya. Biasanya satu potong es kul kul di bandrol dengan harga Rp 2.000. Dan makanan ini menjadi makanan favorit anak kecil hingga orang dewasa.
2. Ikan Shishamo
Ikan unik favorit masyarakat Jepang satu ini bernama ikan shisamo. Saat ini, ikan yang tubuhnya berisi telur dan bertulang lunak ini banyak di gemari masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan ini memiliki rasa yang cukup gurih, biasanya di sajikan dengan cara do goreng yang sebelumnya di baluri dengan tepung serbaguna.
3. Latiao
Latiao merupakan camilan yang berbentuk stik panjang berasal dari China. Camilan satu ini terbuat dari bahan tepung terigu dan minyak yang bercita rasa pedas. Bertekstur kenyal dan elastis membuat makanan yang berciri khas warna merah ini viral di berbagai negara.
Camilan ini bisa kamu temukan di berbagai situs belanja online. Karena memiliki ukutan yang mini, membuat kudapan satu ini mudah di bawa berpergian kemanapun untuk di nikmati.
Bagaimana rasanya jika es krim yang manis di campur dengan mi yang gurih, apakah rasanya akan aneg atau malah bikin nagih? Nah, salah satu brand produk Indonesia kini telah menjawab rasa penasaraanmu dengan mereka mengeluarkan varian produk es krim yang di kombinasikan dengan mi instan yang sangat populer, indomie.
5. Mochi Bites
Setelah sempat viral ichigo daifuku atau mochi isi stroberi beberapa waktu lalu, kini kembali viral mochi dengan ukuran bites atau sekali suap. Karena ukurannya yang kecil sehingga tidak di beri isian seperti yang versi besar. Namun tak perlu khawatir, karena mochi bites ini diberi cocolan saus yang terbuat dari cokelat dengan beberapa pilihan topping dalam saus.
6. Tunacado
Tunacado merupakan sandwich asal negara Barat yang terdiri dari roti gandum yang krispi dan tipis yang di tambah dengan isian tuna, alpukan, dan saus yang asam. Makanan ini beberapa bulan lalu yang sangat viral di Tiktok, bahkan banyak influencer yang ikutan mencoba kuliner satu ini.
7. Bluder Cokro Siram Susu
Bluder cokro merupakan salah satu roti khas salah satu daerah di Jawa Timur, yaitu Madiun. Roti ini memiliki tekstur yang sangat lembut dan rasa yang sangat lezat. Bluder cokro juga tersedia dengan beragam varian isian, mulai dari cokelat, taro, hingga klepon.
Wisata Kuliner Malang – Malang merupakan kota dengan berbagai destinasi wisata alam ataupun rekreasi. Kamu bisa mengunjungi wisata museum, pantai ataupun pegunungan ketika berkunjung ke Malang. Nah, ada yang tidak boleh kamu lewatkan ketika berada di sini, yakni kulinernya!
Salah satu kuliner khas Malang yang terkenal adalah bakso dan bakwan Malang. Kalian pasti tahu makanan ini, karena banyak pedagang kaki lima yang menjualnya dimana mana. Namun, kuliner khas Malang bukan hanya itu, melainkan ada berbagai macam.
Oleh sebab itu, kamu tidak boleh melewati beberapa wisata kuliner Malang ketika berada di daerah dingin ini. Bahkan ada rumah makan legendaris di Malang yang pertama kali buka tahun 1920 an.
Daftar Kuliner Malang Yang Terkenal Enak
Mulai dari camilan, makanan berkuah, hingga lauk pauk yang siap membuat kamu dengan lahap, Malang punya pilihan terbaiknya. Simak dan jadikan tempat makan di bawah ini destinasi wisata kulinermu di Malang
1. Depot Hok Lay
Kuliner Malang yang harus kamu kunjungi pertama adalah Depot Hok Lay. Rumah Makan yang di bangun pada 1946 ini memiliki beraneka ragam menu masakan dari mie hingga lumpia.
Minumannya pun tak kalah eksis. Beberapa waktu lalu Depot Hok Lay pernah viral karena menu susu coklat yang di sajikan di botol Coca Cola, Fosco namanya
Jika mampir kesini, pastikan untuk memesan Pangsit Cwie Mie Malang yang sedap dan sebotol Fosco segar
2. Toko Oen Malang
Apabila Toppers ingin mencicipi makanan ala Eropa di rumah makan bergaya klasik, cobalah kunjungi Toko Oen Malang. Tempat ini sudah ada sejak zaman kolonia Belanda sekitan 1930-an
Suasana vintage sangat terasa ketika memasuki Toko Oen. Kamu bakal mendapati desain bangunan dan interior bernuansa Belanda dengan kesan jadul, tapi tetap asyik.
Resep makanan yang di gunakan pun tidak berubah sejak dulu. Kamu bisa mencoba berbagai pilihan rasa es krim, dan pilihan menu makanan berat seperti steak, bakmi, salad sayur dan buah, hingga roti.
3. Pecel Kawi Malang Hj. Musllah
Berkunjung ke Malang jangan lupa untuk mampir di Pecel Kawi Malang Hj. Musilah, Toppers. Kamu bisa menikmati pecel ala Jawa Timuran yang berbahan sambal kacang dengan sayuran rebus.
Perbedaan Pecel Kawi dengan pecel pada biasanya, pecel yang satu ini di lengkapi rempeyek, telur, tempe, bakwan, dadar jagung dan sebagainya. Rasanya di jamin enak dan gurih
4. Warung Lama Haji Ridwan
Wisata kuliner Malang selanjutnya ada di dalam pasar. Warung lama Haji Ridwan terletak di lantai dasar Pasar Besar Malang. Warungnya cukup sederhana, tetapi kelezatannya tidak bisa di ragukan lagi.
Warung Lama Haji Ridwan pertama kali di buka pada tahun 1919, pada waktu itu Haji Ridwan masih menjajakan dagangan dengan gerobak. Kemudian ia resmi membangun warung tetap pada tahun 1925.
5. Bakso President
Berkunjung ke Malang, rasanya kurang lengkap kalau tidak mencoba bakso khas Malang. Ada suatu tempat makanan bakso legendaris di sini, namanya Bakso President. Masyarakat lokal pasti tahu bener asal usul bakso Malang, karena telah ada sejak tahun 1970-an.
Di Bakso President, Toppers dapat menikmati semangkuk bakso sambil melihat kereta api yang lewat. Bakso Malang sendiri memiliki kekhasan dalam variasi menunya. Satu porsi Bakso Malang ada sajian bakso, tahu, siomay, gorengan, hingga pangsit kering.
Makanan Khas Bali – Ngomongin Bali pasti enggak akan jauh dari pantai, villa di tepi sawah, beach club, bar, atau restoran restoran instagramable. Padahal makanan khas Bali pun engga kalah ikoniknya, dan bikin Pulau Dewata selalu ngangenin banget buat semua orang.
Bahkan bertolak belakang dengan anggapan liburan ke Bali harus keluar banyak uang, hampir semua makanan khas Bali bisa kamu coba dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau! Tempat-tempat terbaik untuk menikmati makanan makanan ini memang bukan tempat tempat kekinian yang bakal mempercantik instagram kamu. Tapi yang pasti, lidah dan perut kamu akan puas setelahnya.
1. Nasi Campur Bali
Ngomongin makanan khas Bali, tentunya yang harus menyebut Nasi Campur Bali di urutan pertma. Sesuai namanya, nasi campur (atau biasa di kenal juga dengan nasi remas) pada dasarnya adalah nasi dengan berbagai lauk dan sayur. Nah, untuk Nasi Campur Bali, biasanya yang di sajikan adalah nasi serta suwiran daging, lawar atau urap, dan sate lilit.
Engga Jarang juga yang di lengkapi dengan potongan telur rebus dan kacang tahan goreng. Oh ya, jangan lupa juga dengan sambal matahnya, ya!
Saat liburan ke Bali, kamu bisa menemukan nasi campur dalam “tiga nama”. Nasi campur babi yang berarti di sajikan dengan daging babi guling . Nasi campur ayam atau nasi ayam, yang di sajikan dengan ayam suwir ; atau nasi pedas, yaitu warung nasi campur yang menyajikan sambal pedas sebagai jualan utamanya.
2. Babi Guling
Makanan khas Bali ini populer banget bahkan di kalangan turis Internasional! Maklum, babi guling memang salah satu kuliner Bali yang andalan banget; bagi yang bisa mengonsumsinya (tentu aja makanan ini engga halal, ya), menikmati babi guling pas liburan ke Bali adalah keharusan.
Sesuai namanya, babi guling adalah hidangan daging babi yang dimasak dengan cara di bakar utuh bersama berbagai rempah, lalu di putar putar (di guling guling) agar masak merata. Kemudian dagingnya di sajikan bersama nasi campur, dengan tekstur daging yang empuk dan kaya rasa dari rempah.
Ayam Betutu merupakan kuliner khas dari Gilimanyk, berupa ayam yang dimasak dengan rempah pedas dalam waktu lama, sehingga menghasilkan hidangan ayam yang empuk dan pedas. Makanan khas ini adalah satu yang paling enggak boleh di lewatkan saat liburan ke Bali, apalagi buat kamu yang suka makanan pedas
4. Lawar
Lawar adalah makanan khas Bali berupa lauk campuran sayuran dan daging yang di masak dengan bumbu khas. Meski aslinya di buat dengan daging babi, namun banyak kok lawar yang dibuat dengan daging ayam atau daging bebek. Jadi bisa aman di konsumsi untuk kamu yang muslim
5. Sambal Matah
Nah, untuk makanan yang satu ini juga biasanya di sajikan dengan nasi campur. Bahkan saking populernya, sekarang juga banyak di sajikan dengan ragam makanan lain, termasuk Salted Egg Rice yang populer banget beberapa tahun terakhir.
Yup, Sambal matah memang udah lebih dari sekedar sambal khas bali, tetapi merupakan salah satu sambal terpopuler di Indonesia! Kamu bisa dengan mudah menemukannya di Bali terutama saat menikmati Nasi Campur Khas Bali.
Wisata Kuliner Bandung – Bandung dikenal memiliki berbagai destinasi wisata menarik, mulai dari wisata alam hingga buatan. Selain itu, Bandung juga menjadi kota favorit wisata kuliner di tanah air. Wisata kuliner Bandung memang enggak pernah mengecewakan.
Bukan tanpa alasan Kota Kembang menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata kuliner paling di sukai. Bandung tampil dominan sebagai kota wisata kuliner dengan banyak nya makanan khas lokal yang menggungah selera.
Nah, kalau kamu lagi di Bandung, setidaknya ada 20 rekomendasi wisata kuliner yang enak dan populer untuk kamu cobain. Yuk, simak informasi selengkapnya yang sudah di rangkum Cove berikut ini !
1. Waroeng Setiabudhi
Bandung memiliki banyak kudapan khas yang enak dan legendaris, salah satunya serabi. Kamu wajib, nih, cobain serabi yang di jual di Waroeng Setiabudhi. Sudah engga perlu di ragukan lagi soal kualitas dan rasanya.
Serabi sendiri ada banyak jenisnya, seperti Serabi Solo, Serabi Kalibeluk, Serabi Laklak, dan Pinukuik. Di Bandung, serabi bisa di suguhkan asin dan manis. Panganan khas Jawa Barat ini juga sudah banyak di modifikasi (fusion) dengan variasi pilihan rasa yang kekinian.
2. Batagor Hanjuan Astina
Jajanan pinggir jalan Bandung memang enak enak, salah satunya yang wajib kamu cobain adalah Batagor Hanjuang Astina. Wisata kuliner Bandung ini populer banget dengan bumbunya yang lezat dan khas.
Memang ada banyak, sih, yang jualan batagor di Bandung. Tapi, Batagor Hanjuang Astina punya rasa dan aroma yang berbeda dari batagor lainnya. Sungguh sangat menggoda
Kamu bisa mampir ke Batagor Hanjuang Astina saat berwisata di Kota Kembang bersama teman dan keluarga. Dalam satu porsi, kamu bisa menukmati batagor yang di siram bumbu kacang yang gurih.
Kamu lagi cari tempat kuliner Bandung ini cocok banget kamu kunjungi setelah seharian lelah berkeliling menjelajahi Kota Kembang. Tersedia hingga 1100 menu yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera, seperti Sate Maulana Yusuf dan Toko Bola Ubi.
Suasana kulineran di Paskal Food Market semakin menyenangkan karena, pada hari hari tertentu, ada live musiknya juga, lho. Hati hati saja dalam memilih menu bagi kamu yang Muslim karena di sini juga di jual berbagai makanan non halal.
4. Sudirman Street Bandung
Nih, buat kamu yang suka jajanan. Sudirman Street Bandung menghadirkan berbagai pilihan kuliner lezat seperti Bakso Goreng Pandu, Dapoor Jojo, Dapur Sotoku, serta berbagai kuliner Cina dan Indinesia lainnya yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera.
Salah satu kuliner kaki lima di Bandung ini sudah berdiri sejak 7 tahun lalu, tepatnya pada tahun 2015. Mengusung konsep layaknya food court, Sudirman Street Bandung menawarkan banyak stand makanan yang cocok buat para pemburu kuliner.
5. Seblak Oces
Kamu yang suka makanan pedes pastinya sudah engga asing lagi dengan seblak, kan? Makanan yang terdiri dari kerupuk udang atau ikan yang di siram dengan air panas dan diberi bumbu serta aneka topping ini memang punya cita rasa khas yang ngangenin.
Nah, di Bandung, ada banyak, nih, tempat makanan seblak yang enak. Salah satu yang bisa kamu cobain Seblak Oces. Opsi wisata kuliner Bandung ini memang hanya menggunakan gerobak almunium untuk menjajakan seblaknya, tapi tampilannya cukup modern, kok. Apalagi rasanya, bikin nagih!
5 Kuliner Legendaris Medan – Medan adalah salah satu kota di Indonesia yang punya berbagai jenis kuliner menggugah selera. Tak hanya bicara soal rasa, resep kuliner tertentu juga terus di lestarikan oleh sang pemilik usaha secara turun temurun.
Di Medan, masyarak maupun wisatawan bisa menemukan kuliner legendraris tersebut di setiap sudut kota. Kalian yang sedang butuh rekomendasi kuliner legendaris Medan, sekalian simak artikel hingga akhir, ya!
Berikut 5 Kuliner Legendaris di Medan
1. Ucok Durian
Kuliner legendaris Medan pertama yang kalian wajib kunjungi adalah Ucok Durian. Gerai tersebut menjual aneka produk durian, seperti durian kupas, pancake durian, daging durian, durian beku, buah durian runtuh, dan es durian
Pelayanan dan kualitas produk yang tidak mengecewakan membuat Ucok Durian selalu ramai pengunjung. Tetapi tenang saja, Ucok Durian juga melayani para pelanggannya secara online.
2. Lontong Kak Lin
Lontong Kak Lin sangat terkenal di Kota Medan dan pernah dikunjungi oleh mantan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Tempat yang sudah ada sejak 1985 tersebut memiliki cita rasa khas pada menu makanannya, khususnya lontong.
Meski begitu, Lontong Kak Lin juga menyediakan menu nasi uduk, nasi pecel, nasi sayur, mie gomak, bihun dan aneka jajanan tradisional. Lokasinya pun cukup nyaman karena berada di rumah toko (ruko).
Alamat : Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 8FGH, Madras Hulu, Kecamatan Medan Polonia, Kota Medan
Jam Buka : 06.15 WIB-17.00 WIB (Senin-Jumat) dan 06.15 WIB-15.00 WIB (Sabtu-Minggu)
Kisaran Harga : Rp 16.000-Rp 42.000
3. Soto Sinar Pagi
Kuliner Legendaris Medan selanjutnya adalah Soto Sinar Pagi yang beridiri berdiri selama lebih dari 60 tahun. Soto Sinar Pagi berada di jalan Sei Deli. Selain di sini, Soto Sinar Pagi juga membuka cabang di Jalan Gatot Subroto dan Jalan Mangkubumi
Hal menarik dari kuliner tersebut adalah kuah kuning sotonya yang lezat dan kaya akan bumbu rempah khas. Pelanggan juga bebas untuk memilih varian soto daging sapi atau daging aya, loh detikers.
Mie Aceh Titi Bobrok merupakan tempat kuliner yang diidolakan oleh masyarakat Medan maupun masyarakat luar kota yang sering berkunjung. Salah satu makanan andalan nya yakni mie Aceh kepiting
Selain Mie Aceh, ada juga menu nasi goreng, bihun, mie kwetiau hingga berbagai macam snack dengan rasa terjangkau. Berkunjung ke tempat itu membuat siapa saja bisa ke tagihan dan ingin terus datang.
5. Sate Memeng
Kuliner legendaris berikut cukup mencuri perhatian para pengunjung berkat hidangan satenya. Sate Memeng menjual berbagai varian sate dengan tekstur daging yang lembut, seperti sate ayam, sate sapi, dan sate kambing
Nama Memeng sendiri berasal dari nama sang peracik pertama kali yaitu H. Muhammad Saimin yang akrab di sebut Memeng. Sudah di jajakan sejak tahun 1945, tempat kuliner tersebut selalu ramai.5
Rekomendasi Kuliner Surabaya – Apakah kamu berncana berlibur ke Surabaya dalam waktu dekat? Jika iya, sempatkan diri untuk mampir ke sejumlah tempat makan yang terkenal di Kota Pahlawan. Rasanya kurang lengkap jika jalan jalan ke Surabaya namun tidak mencicipi beragam kuliner yang maknyus.
Bagi kalian yang baru pertama kali ke Surabaya, mungkin akan sedikit kebingunagan karena banyak sekali rekomendasi kuliner yang patut di coba. Tapi jangan khawatir, karena telah merangkumnya untuk kamu yang ingin kulineran dari pagi sampai malam hari
Penasaran, apa saja rekomendasi kuliner Surabaya yang enak dan bikin perut kenyang? Simak selengkapnya di bawah ini.
Rekomendasi Kuliner Surabaya
Ada banyak sekali tempat makan Surabaya yang sudah terkenal dan selalu ramai di kunjungi wisatawan. Kamu bisa ajak keluarga, teman hingga pasangan untuk mencicipi beragam kuliner lezat tersebut.
1. Rawon Kalkulator
Rekomendasi kuliner Surabaya yang pertama adalah Rawon Kalkulator. Nama tempat makan ini cukup unik karena sang penjual memiliki kemampuan menghitung dengan cepat tanpa kalkulator.
Bisa di bilang, Rawon Kalkulator merupakan salah satu kuliner legendaris di Surabaya karena berdiri selama 35 tahun dan selalu ramai pengunjung
Kurang lengkap rasanya berkunjung ke Surabaya namun tak mencicipi kuliner yang satu ini, yaitu Tugu Bebek Pahlawan. Lokasinya berada di Jalan Tembaan 17F, Alun alun Contong, Surabaya atau dekat Tugu Pahlawan
Apabila kalian ingin mencoba bebek ini. Sebaiknya datang sejak sore sekitar 18.00 WIB. Sebab , makin malam justru semakin banyak pengunjung yang datang sehingga harus antree
3. Bebek Goreng Sinjay
Masih soal bebek, kalian juga wajib nih mencicipi Bebek Goreng Sinjay yang sudah terkenal di Surabaya. Di tempat nya ini, kalian bisa menikmati sepotong bebek goreng berukuran besar yang garis dan krispi, namun dagingnya tetap lembut
Saat ini, Bebek Goreng Sinjay telah membuka sejumlah cabang di Surabaya. Jadi, kalian ngga perlu khawatir tidak kebagian nasi bebek gorengnya yang lezat
4. Sego Sambal Mak Yeye
Sego Sambel Mak Yeye merupakan salah satu kuliner yang terletak di Surabaya. Maka jangan heran kalau tempat ini selalu ramai di datangi pengunjung yang ingin mencicipi sambalnya yang pedas.
Yap, tempat makan ini sangat cocok untuk kamu yang doyan pedes. Ditambah dengan nasi hangat serta beragam lauk yang bikin ngiler, di jamin kalian akan puas makan di Sego Sambal Mak Yeye
5. Tahu Telur Pak Jayen
Berbicara soal Kuliner Surabaya, tentu kurang lengkap jika belum meniciipi Tahu Telor Pak Jayen. Tempat makan yang satu ini juga tak kalah ramai di datangai pengunjung, bahkan sejumlah food vloger hingga influencer sudah pernah datang ke sini
Tahu Telur Pak Jayen memang sudah melegenda di Surabaya. Harga seporsi tahu telur nya juga ramah di kantong , mulai dari Rp. 11.000 hingga Rp. 18.000 per porsi
Oleh Oleh Khas Bogor – Bogor, Jawa Barat di kenal sebagai tempat yang menawarkan udara sejuk, keindahan alam, hingga ragam kuliner yang menggungah selera. Sehingga, tak heran banyak yang menjadikan destinasi tempat wiasta.
Tak heran rasanya, jika kita tidak membeli oleh oleh khas dari kota hujan tersebut. Oleh oleh khas Bogor apa aja ya? Simak daftar oleh oleh khas Bogor dalam artikel ini yuk.
Oleh Oleh Khas Bogor Yang Terkenal
1. Asinan Bogor
Bogor juga terkenal dengan asinan, buah segar, salad sayuran asam. Sekilas rasa asinan bogor ini seperti campuran rujak dan sup buah dengan rasa asin, asam, dan pedas segar.
2. Talas Bogor
Talas menjadi umbi umbian yang terkenal dan mudah di temukan di sekitar wilayah Bogor. Tanaman ini banyak di olah menjadi kue lapis talas, bolu, hingga kripik.
3. Ubi Bakar Cilembu
Ketika mampir ke kawasan puncak Bogor, biasanya akan ada banyak penjual ubi bakar cilembu.
Roti khas Bogor ini bentuknya yang kecil hingga di namakan roti unyil. Saat ini, roti unyil punya berbagai topping dan variasi, mulai dari buah selai, keju, cokelat, abon, sosis, hingga daging ayam.
5. Selai Stroberi Puncak
Bogor juga di kenal dengan daerah puncak yang memiliki kebun stroberi yang luas. Selain bisa memetik di kebunya secara langsung, selai stroberi dari puncak Bogor bisa menjadi oleh oleh yang manis dan sehat untuk di bawa pulang.
6. Bika Bogor.
Bika Bogor terbuat dari bahan umbi talas. Bolu ini punya tekstur yang lembut yang juga tersedia dengan beberapa rasa, mulai dari cokelat hingga pandan.
7. Bir Kotjok
Bir Kotjok merupakan salah satu minuman tradisional khas Bogor. Walaupun namanya bir, minuman yang satu ini tidak mengandung alkohol.
8. Strudel Bogor
Strudel Bogor menjadi oleh oleh khas Bogor selanjutnya. makanan ini sendiri merupakan dari pastry berlapis . Dan mempunyai banyak aneka rasa , mulai dari caramel , keju , hingga ada rasa asinan.
9. Kripik Pisang Kepok
Kripik Pisang Kepok adalah potongan pisang yang di goreng hingga kering. Kamu bisa mendapatkannya produk kripik pisang kepok di Jalan ataupun toko yang ada hampir di sudut kota Bogor.
10. Kacang Bogor
Bambara groundut atau kacang Bogor merupakan tanaman pangan kaya protein. Konon, di tambahkan kacang Bogor, karena tumbuhan ini banyak di budi dayakan di Bogor. Di Bogor , biasanya kacang ini bisa di rebus kemudian di garami.
Itu tadi beberapa rekomendasi oleh oleh khas Bogor yang bisa menjadi pilihan kalian. Jadi, oleh oleh yang mana nih yang cocok buat di bawa pulang dan bagikann ke orang terdekat kalian?
6 Makanan Khas Bogor – Bogor merupakan sebuah kota yang terletak di provinsi Jawa Barat. Kota ini dikenal dengan kota hujan karena memiliki curah hujan yang sangat tinggi.
Bogor juga menyuguhkan udara sejuk dengan pemandangan alam yang cukup memanjakan mata. Bukan hanya itu, Bogor juga di kenal memiliki keanekaragam kuliner lezat, yang wajib di cicipi bagi pecinta kuliner.
Makanan makanan khas Bogor memang mudah kita jumpai di berbagai tempat. Tapi, akan terasa nikmat jika kita mempunyai pengalaman kuliner yang berkesan dengan cita rasanya yang otentik
Dikutip dari buku Wisata Kuliner Makanan Daerah Khas Bogor karya Miftah Sanaji dan beberapa sumber, berikut adalah 6 Makanan khas Bogor yang wajib di coba.
1. Tauge Goreng
Tauge Goreng merupakan salah satu makanan khas Bogor yang menawarkan cita rasa gurih dan pedas. Berpadu dengan bumbu tauco asli yang di campur dengan oncom,
Meskipun disebut tauge goreng, makanan khas Bogor ini tidak melalui proses penggorengan melainkan di rebus.
Tauge goreng di lengkapi dengan potongan ketupat, tahu kuning, dan mi kuning. Semakin nikmat jika di padukan dengan kerupuk mie yang gurih.
2. Laksa Bogor
Sudah sangat di kenal, laksa kerap di jadikan hidangan yang pas ketika berkunjung ke Bogor. Makanan ini mempunyai cita rasa yang pedas gurih , cocok di nikmati saat hujan.
Makanan khas Bogor yang terkenal kaya akan rempahnya ini memang nampak seperti soto. Kuliner ini akan lebih nikmat jika di sajikan dengan potongan ketupat, tauge rebus, suwiran ayam, tahu kuning, oncom, daun kemangi, dan potongan telur rebus sebagian topping nya.
3. Pepes Sagu
Berbeda dengan pepes pada umumnya, makanan tradisional khas Bogor yang satu ini memiliki rasa manis . Bahan dasar yang di gunakan dalam pembuatannya tentu saja adalah tepung sagu. Untuk isian di dalamnya, biasanya menggunakan beberapa bahan seperti Keju, pisang, ataupun nangka.
Kuliner legendaris khas kota Bogor ini memang semakin sulit kita temui. Seperti gado gado atau ketorprak, doclang terbuat dari lontong dengan siraman bumbu kacang yang kental dan manis. Di tambah dengan irisan tahu rebus, telur dadar/rebus, serta topping kerupuk di atasnya.
5. Asinan Jagung Bakar
Salah satu makanan tradisional khas Bogor yang banyak di minati adalah asinan. Asinan bogor sudah sangat familiar bagi pecinta kuliner, seperti asinan buah dan sayuran.
6. Soto Mie Bogor
Kurang lengkap rasanya jika tidak mencicipi makanan khas yang satu ini saat berkunjung ke Bogor. Pastinya soto mi di sini beda rasanya dengan soto mie Bogor yang ada di daerah lain.
Ciri khas soto Bogor terletak pada isiannya yang bermacam macam seperti. Mi Kuning, risol, dan kikil. Juga di tambah irisan kol. lebak, kentang , daun seledri, serta daun bawang sebagai pelengkapnya.
Makanan Khas Nusantara – Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia banyak menyimpang segudang budaya hingga pemandangan yang indah. Pun, untuk urusan kuliner, beragam hidangan nusantara tak dapat di di pandang sebelah mata.
Berkat tanah yang subur, Indonesia juga memiliki banyak rempah rempah untuk menambah cita rasa suatu hidangan. Tak heran, negara ini juga kerap di sebut sebagai surganya kuliner. Bahkan, beberapa makanan khas Indonesia telah mendunia serta mendapat pengakuan dari warga manca negara.
Lalu, apa saja makanan khas Indonesia yang sangat populer?
1. Sate Padang
Makanan Khas Nusantara yang wajib di coba pertama adalah ialah sate padang. Kuliner yang berasa dari Padang, Sumatera Barat ini terkenal dengan bumbunya yang menggungah selera dengan campuran rempah rempah seperti jinten, jahe, lengkuas, dan cabai.
Bumbu-Bumbu tersebut dihaluskan dan tumis hingga aromanya harum. Kemudian sebagai bumbu akan di gunakan untuk merendam daging sate dan membuat sausnya. Daging yang di rendam kemudian di bakar di atas panggangan arang hingga matang dan di sajikan di atas piring beserta ketupat serta saus yang lezat.
2. Rawon
Selanjutnya, dari Jawa Timur ada rawon yang kaya rasa. Warna hitam kecoklatan rawon berasal dari keluak, buah pohon kepayang. Sebelum dimasak, keluak harus direbus dan diperam dalam abu selama satu bulan. Langkah ini untuk melakukan fermentasi pada racun keluak yang baru dipetik.
Selain keluak, bumbu lain yang digunakan adalah jahe, kemiri, kunyit, cabai merah, dan garam. Daging direbus bersama bumbu hingga matang dan sedap kemudian disajikan dengan sepiring nasi hangat. Rasa kacang dalam rawon serta perpaduan gurih bumbu dan daging membuat siapa saja jatuh cinta dengan makanan khas Indonesia yang satu ini.
3. Gudeg
Beralih ke Kota Yogyakarta, ada makanan khas Indonesia yang terkenal karena manis dan gurih rasanya. Hidangan gudeg sangat terkenal dan banyak dijual sehingga mendapat julukan Kota Gudeg. Bahan utama gudeg adalah nangka yang direbus bersama gula aren, santan, daun salam, serai, dan lengkuas, sampai sangat empuk dan tercampur sempurna.
Gudeg biasanya disajikan dengan nasi, telur rebus, potongan ayam, dan sambal goreng krecek yang berisi kulit sapi kenyal.
Makanan khas yang satu ini berasal dari Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Pempek terbuat dari adonan ikan yang digiling halus bersama dengan tepung tapioka untuk menambah kekenyalan dan tekstur. Terdapat bermacam-macam jenis pempek mulai dari pempek kapal selam, lenjer, keriting, kulit, hingga lenggang.
Pempek sendiri banyak macamnya, tergantung bentuk serta bahan tambahan. Misalnya, ada pempek kapal selam berisi telur yang dibalut dengan adonan. Sebelum disantap, pempek lazimnya melewati proses penggorengan dahulu hingga renyah, kemudian disajikan dengan kuah cuko yang asam dan gurih.
5. Bakso
Hidangan bakso dapat ditemukan di seluruh Indonesia dengan berbagai variasi. Pada dasarnya, bakso merupakan daging giling yang dicampur tepung dan bumbu kemudian dibulatkan dan direbus hingga matang.
Bakso disajikan dengan kuah gurih yang terbuat dari kaldu sapi serta bumbu bumbu lainnya. Mudahnya pembuatan bakso membuat berbagai daerah di Indonesia berkreasi menghasilkan bakso unik yang menarik minat para konsumen
Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi – Betawi adalah salah satu daerah yang kaya ragam kuliner. Menyajikan makanan khas betawi akan memperkaya varian menu di restoran Indonesia milik anda. Apa saja pilihannya ?
Ada banyak suku di Indonesia yang memiliki ragam kuliner lezat, salah satunya adalah betawi. Nah, beberapa sajian khas betawi akan memperkaya variasi menu di restoran Indonesia milik anda. Apa saja pilihannya?
Nasi uduk Betawi
Sajian nasi uduk dengan lauk pauk seperti telur dadar, kering tempe, sambal teri, dan ayam goreng ini tidak pernah sepi penggemar. Apabila Anda ingin menyediakan menu sarapan di resto Anda, nasi uduk bisa jadi pilihan yang populer. Agar tampak lebih modern, tampilkan dalam menu sekali gigit (bite-size) atau bentuk kekinian lainnya.
Soto Betawi
Soto betawi terbuat dari paduan kuah santan dengan daging sapi, tomat , serta kentang. Tampilannya cenderung berlemak, coba kurangi kesan itu dengan menambahkan tomat, daun bawang, dan irisan jeruk limau
Kue Cucur
Kue ini adalah sajian wajib dalam acara adat Betawi yang sangat cocok di sajikan sebagai menu hidangan penutup. Anda juga bisa membuat sebagai menu pendamping bagi pelanggan yang ingin menikmati secangkir teh di resto anda. Agar lebih modern, coba kombinasikan kue ini dengan parutan keju atau lelehan cokelat.
Walaupun namanya ‘bir’, namun minuman ini sama sekali tidak mengandung alkohol, lho. Terbuat dari beberapa rempah, yaitu jahe, daun pandan wangi, dan serai, minuman ini berfungsi untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Agar terkesan kekinian, gunakan nama unik untuk sajian ini, misalnya free alcohol beer from Betawi, bir kejut ala Batavia, atau nama unik lainnya.
Gado Gado Betawi
Segarnya sayuran rebus berupa kangkung, mentimun, hingga pare yang di campur dengan telur dan ketupat atau lontong akan berpadu sempurna dengan saus bumbu kacang khas racikan anda. Agar makin cantik tampilannya, sajikan dalam piring dengan bentuk yang unik seperti anyaman bambu alas daun selada
Es Selendang Mayang
Minuman ini terdiri dari adonan tepung hunkwe yang dibentuk dan dipotong-potong kemudian dicampur dengan kuah santan, sirup pandan, dan es serut. Minuman es ini sangat menyegarkan dan cocok disajikan sebagai hidangan penutup, terutama di siang hari yang terik. Tonjolkan warna-warni menyegarkan dari adonan tepungnya sebagai ciri unik minuman ini.
Ketoprak Betawi
Hidangan segar khas Betawi ini terdiri dari campuran tahu, bihun, lontong, sayuran, dan tauge yang di siram dengan saus kacang yang lezat. Tambahkan taburan bawang goreng agar rasanya makin mantap
Itulah tadi beberapa Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi yang mudah di buat
Makanan kekinian yang di sukai anak muda – Makanan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia yang harus terpenuhi buat bertahan hidup. Ada banyak jenis makanan dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, banyak hidangan baru yang muncul karena kreativitas manusia. Makanan-makanan ini kemudian secara mendadak naik daun dan menjadi kesukaan anak-anak muda.
Nah, di artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas beberapa makanan kekinian yang di sukai oleh anak muda. Kira-kira, apa aja sih makanan kekinian tersebut? Daripada penasaran terus, mendingan langsung simak aja yuk pilihannya di bawah ini!
Ada beberapa makanan kekinian yang bisa kamu coba biar nggak bosan dengan menu yang sama terus. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa daftar sekaligus penjelasannya. Yuk, simak dulu satu per satu!
1. Ayam Geprek Mozarella dan Aneka Sambal
Ayam geprek adalah ayam yang di ulek dan di makan bersama dengan sambal. Ayamnya udah di balur tepung, di goreng, dan biasanya di makan bersama nasi. Sambal yang di pakai untuk makan ayam geprek sangat bervariasi, dari sambal terasi, sambal matah, cabe hijau, dan sebagainya. Beberapa orang pun kerap memakannya bersama keju mozzarella biar makin lezat!
2. Salted Egg Chicken
Buat kamu yang suka makan ayam, salted egg chicken juga merupakan salah satu makanan yang nggak boleh di lewatkan ya. Salted egg chicken adalah ayam goreng yang udah di fillet dan di makan bersama dengan saus telur asin. Nah, biar lebih enak lagi, kamu bisa kok makan bersama dengan nasi yang masih panas!
3. Nasi dan Dimsum Mentai
Saus mentai adalah salah satu jenis saus yang lagi naik daun dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. Terbuat dari mayonaise dan saus sambal, makanan ini banyak di sukai oleh anak muda. Biasanya, saus mentai di pakai untuk makan nasi dengan lauk seperti crab stick, udang, atau salmon. Nggak ketinggalan, banyak juga orang yang memakai saus mentai buat makan dimsum berupa siomay.
4. Sandwich
Selanjutnya, ada sandwich yang juga menjadi salah satu makanan kekinian. Sandwich terbuat dua lembar roti yang di panggang dan di tumpuk antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Di antara tumpukan tersebut, ada beberapa topping yang kerap di pakai, biasanya berupa daging, keju, sedikit sayuran, dan saos untuk melengkapi. Makanan ini bisa menjadi snack yang mengenyangkan ya!
5. Toast Boba
Masih di hidangan roti, ada toast boba yang sempat booming beberapa waktu lalu. Toast atau pancake boba adalah roti yang menggunakan boba serta saus krim sebagai topping di atasnya. Hidangan ini termasuk ciptaan yang kreatif karena biasanya boba di gunakan di minuman dingin. Buat kamu yang suka makanan manis, toast boba bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan yang bagus!
6. Martabak Aneka Topping
Martabak memang udah ada dari sejak dulu, tetapi popularitasnya sama sekali nggak menurun. Alih-alih menghilang, martabak justru makin terkenal apalagi di tambah dengan adanya ciptaan rasa dan adonan baru. Nggak cuma yang biasa aja, ada martabak yang menggunakan adonan red velvet dan pandan. Topping yang tersedia juga makin bervariasi, ada Ovomaltine, Toblerone, Oreo, dan sebagainya.
7. Bakso Aci
Bakso juga merupakan salah satu makanan favorit sejuta umat di Indonesia. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, popularitas bakso juga makin meningkat, bahkan ada ciptaan baru. Nggak cuma bakso biasa aja, sekarang juga ada bakso aci yang terbuat dari tepung tapioka. Selain itu, ada juga varian bakso lain seperti bakso isi telur, bakso isi keju, bakso beranak, bakso isi cabai, dan lain-lain.
8. Tiramisu
Nah, siapa yang suka Tiramisu? Anak-anak muda pasti udah nggak asing lagi sama kue asal Italia yang satu ini. Tiramisu adalah salah satu kue yang di sukai oleh banyak orang. Buat kamu yang suka kopi dan kue yang nggak terlalu manis, Tiramisu memang pas banget. Selain di toko roti dan kue, kamu juga bisa beli kue ini di restoran. Sekarang, bahkan ada Tiramisu yang di siram saos terlebih dahulu sebelum di makan!
9. Cinnamon Roll
Nama makanan ini pasti juga nggak begitu asing buat anak-anak muda. Cinnamon Roll atau roti gulung isi kayu manis merupakan salah satu makanan yang lagi naik daun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Makanan ini berisi kayu manis dan gula pasir di dalamnya. Biasanya, di atasnya di berikan sugar glazing lagi biar makin lezat.
10. Croffle
Salah satu makanan kekinian yang belum lama naik daun adalah croffle. Makanan ini merupakan singkatan antara croissant dan waffle. Bentuknya merupakan perpaduan antara dua kue tersebut. Rupanya, croffle sebenarnya adalah adonan croissant yang di masak menggunakan waffle maker sehingga bentuknya seperti waffle. Selain polos, kamu bisa makan dengan aneka saos lainnya!
Makanan Hits di Orchard-. Tak pernah sepi dari turis. Wilayah Orchard si Singapore kini semakin banyak tempat makanan enak yang menarik di coba jika berlibur ke sana.
Singapura menjadi negara tetangga yang sering di jadikan destinasi liburan oleh warga Indonesia Usai COVID-19 mereda, Singapura kembali membuka pintu untuk para turis dari berbagai negara.
Nah, di area Orchard sendiri ada banyak tempat makan yang tengah ramai di kunjungi banyak orang. Mulai dari tempat makan kekinian, sampai jajanan ikonik yang legendaris. Seperti Mr. Coconut hingga es krim Uncle.
Berikut berbagai Macam Makanan Hits di Orchard :
1. Es Kris Uncle 1 Dollar
Es Krim Uncle 1 Dollar bisa di bilang sebagai salah satu jajanan ikonik di sepanjang jalanan Orchard. Identik dengan gerobak berpayung kuning atau merah. Para penjual es krim ini akrab di sapa dengan sebutan paman atau Uncle
Kalau kangen dengan Es Krim ini, pengunjung bisa menemukan grobak es krim Uncle yang berjualan di antara perbatasan mall ION Orchard dan ISETAN . Sekarang harganya sudah SGD 1.50 (Rp 16.500). Sudah dapat es krim potong aneka rasa, dan pilihan rainbow bread, biscuit wafer atau cup.
Varian es krimnya juga banyak. ada rasa choco chip, green tea, pappermint choco chip, mango, chocolate, bluebarry ripple, sampai yang traditional seperti rasa jagung manis, ubi, durian atau kacang merah.
Di dalam ION Orchard. Ada gerai yakitori khas Jepang yang jadi incaran para turis di Singapura. Namanya TORI-Q, menyajikan yakitori sejak tahun 1994 dan gerai nya di mana mana sekarang.
Untuk menu yakitorinya, ada pilihan daging ayam, babi, bakso ayam, ayam fillet, kulit ayam, tontoro pork, daging babi dengan asparagus sampai ayam dengan paprika. Kisaran harga yakitori per tusuknya mulai dari SGD 1.60 (Rp 17.600), terbilang murah untuk ukuran makanan di Singapura.
Tak hanya pilihan yakitorinya saja yang beragam, bahkan sampai saus yakitorinya pun di jadikan oleh oleh dan cukup terkenal di kalangan turis asal Indonesia lho.
3. Mr. Coconut
Demam minuman kelapa atau coconut shake, tampaknya berhasil menggeser demam boba atau bubble tea yang sempat hits beberapa tahun lalu. Di Singapura, ada Mr. Coconut yang kini hits dan viral di media sosial.
Salah satu gerai Mr. Coconut bisa di temui di Wisma Atria, letaknya dekat dengan stasiun MRT Orchard. Ciri khas minuman di sini, semuanya menggunakan kelapa muda dari Thailand yang rasanya manis segar dan Creamy.
Di sini pengunjung juga bisa memesan aneka coconut shake berbagai rasa. Misalnya rasa oreo shake, strawberry shake, coconut cappucino dan masih banyak lagi. Kisaran harga per gelasnya sekitar SGD 6.80 (Rp 74.600) untuk ukuran large
Berdiri tahun 1968, Gerai Li Xin Teochew Fishball Noodle jadi kuliner legendaris di Singapura yang antreannya selalu panjang di mana-mana. Li Xin Teochew Fishball Noodle merupakan usaha kuliner yang didirikan Lim Lee Seng pada tahun 1968. Dulu semuanya ia buat sendiri, dari menyiapkan mie sampai membuat adonan bakso ikannya yang favorit.
Puluhan tahun berlalu, kini Li Xin Teochew memiliki belasan cabang yang tersebar di Singapura. Salah satu yang paling ramai ada di Food Opera yang berlokasi di ION Orchard. menyajikan menu mee pok enak dengan bakso atau pangsit ikan yang dibuat dari ikan ekor kuning.
Untuk di gerai ION Orchard, Li Xin Teochew memiliki konsep “No Pork No Lard” alias tidak menggunakan daging babi atau lemak babi. Kalau mau makan di sini, harus siap antre sekitar satu jam lebih.
Harga makanannya pun terbilang murah untuk di kisaran Singapura. Karena porsinya bakso dan mie nya juga tak pelit. Siapkan uang sekitar 7.20 SGD (Rp 80.000) – 12 SGD (Rp 131.000)
5. Shake Shack
Gerai burger asal Amerika dari New York ini menjadi restoran favorit di area Orchard bagi para turis Asia. yang negaranya belum memiliki Shake Shack, salah satunya tursi asal Indonesia.
Di sini menu andalannya adalah Shake Shack burger, kentang goreng dan tentunya saja milkshake nya. Porsinya royal, dan patty dagingnya lumer ketika di suap.
Kisaran harga burger nya mulai dari angka SGD 9.70 (RP 106.941), lalu kentang goreng nya sekitar SGD 4.50 (Rp 49.600).
Makanan yang pernah Viral di Indonesia. Pada era serba digital, sangat muda untuk memviralkan sesuatu. Dulu informasi dapat menyebar dari mulut ke mulut. Namun kini, informasi tersebar dari beranda ke beranda media sosial. Banyak pengguna Media Sosial membagikan kabar terbaru kepada orang orang yang terhubung dengan mereka di medsos, termasuk soal makanan.
Berikut Beberapa Makanan yang pernah viral di indonesia :
1. Seblak Coet
Makanan khas Sunda ini belakangan viral karena cara pembuataan nya beda dari seblak yang bisa kita temui. Biasanya, masyarakat membeli seblak yang ada kuah nya dengan berbagai jenis topping pendamping. Namun seblak viral kali ini beda.
Cukup dengan merebus kerupuk, lalu di campur dengan bahan bahan yang sudah di ulek bersamaan seperti cabai, bawang putih, kencur, garam, dan minyak panas. Selain rasanya yang enak, seblak coet ini memberikan tekstur yang berbeda dari Seblak biasanya.
2. Risol Mayo
Gorengan risol tak asing untuk masyarakat Indonesia karena mudah di temui di mana pun dan dengan harga terjangkau. Namun risol yang kita bahas kali ini berbeda dengan risol pada umumnya.
Dia adalah risol mayo yang memiliki isi telur, beef bacon, dan campuran saus mayonas, serta di balut dengan kulit tepung homemadedan di lapisi lagi dengan tepung roti. Salah satu risol mayo yang terkenal adalah risol mayo Margo
Mungkin sebagian dari kamu merasa asing saat mendengar nama ini. Wajar saja, karena ini bukan kuliner Nusantara, melainkan khas Cina. Untuk pengguna Tiktok pasti tahu karena makanan ini sedang viral di FYP.
Makanan yang berbahan dasar kulit yang di campur dengan bumbu-bumbu Cina memberikan rasa berbeda ketika di nikmati. Ada dia macam jenis latiao yakni latiao gulung dan latiao daging (pipih), keduannya memiliki tekstur berbeda.
4. Chesee Roll
Makanan manis ini sangat cocok di makan bersama minuman hangat seperti kopi, coklat, teh hangat, atau sebagai teman nyemil kalian. Pembuatannya juga sangat mudah hanya perlu tiga bahan saja yakni kulit lumpia, keju, gula.
Caranya, letakan keju di dalam kulit lumpia. Jangan lupa tuang gula secukupnya sebagai penambah rasa manis. Setelah itu Chesee Roll siap di goreng. Kalian juga bisa menambahkan toping sesuai selera kalian, misalnya selai cokelat, susu, mesis, dan lainnya.
5. Natto
Natton adalah makanan khas dari Jepang. Berbahan dasar dari kedelai lalu di fermentasi, membuat tekstur natto lengket dan berlendir. Makanan ini viral karena meski rasanya kurang cocok dengan lidah masyarakat Indonesia, namun banyak yang penasaran.
5 Makanan Yang Harganya sangat mahal biasanya karena langka, dan berasal dari sumber yang sangat ekslusif. Harga mewah alias masakan kelas atas masih terus meningkat pada tahun 2023.
Bahkan, beberapa di antaranya bisa berharga ribuan atau bahkan jutaan dolar US. Berikut adalah nama-nama makanan termahal di dunia saat ini yang memiliki harga yang fantastis.
5 Makanan Termahal Di Dunia Dan Juga Viral 2023.
Berikut adalah daftar 5 makanan termahal dunia saat ini :
1. Caviar Almas (Kaviar Putih)
Saat ini Kaviar almas adalah makanan termahal di dunia 2023 yang harganya US$34.500 per kilogram atau sekitar Rp 531 juta kilogram (asumsi dollar Rp 15.400).
2. Daging Kobe Wagyu
Daging Kobe Adalah salah satu jenis daging sapi permium khusus yang berasal dari sapi Wagyu. Secara harfiah, wagyu berarti ” sapi Jepang”.
Daging sapi kobe harganya bisa US$ 76 atau Rp 1,17 juta satu ons dan bisa lebih mahal lagi ketika berada di restoran. Supaya daging bisa disebut sebagai Kobe, sapi tersebut harus dilahirkan, dibesarkan, hingga diproses di Prefektur Hyogo Jepang, Jepang Barat.
Di Jepang, tuna sirip biru menjadi makanan pokok masakan sushi dan sashimi. Tuna ini punya rasa seperti mentega, kaya rasa, dan tekstur lembut.
Pada Januari 2023 di Tokyo, seekor bluefin tuna dengan berat 212 dijual lelang seharga US$ 273.000 atau Rp 4,2 miliar, setara dengan US$ 1.287 per kilo atau Rp 19,8 jutaan.
Sayangnya, adanya penangkapan ikan yang berlebihan di Samudera Atlantik, Pasifik, dan Hindia telah membuat tuna sirip biru kini menjadi spesies yang terancam punah.
4. Saffron
Merupakan rempah yang terbuat dari kepala putik bunga crocus saffron yang di keringkan. Saffron punya rasa dan aroma khas seperti perpaduan bunga, madu dan sedikit pahit.
Untuk jenis rempah, saffron punya harga jual fantastis yakni US$ 10-20 per gram atau Rp 154-308 ribu per gram. Biasanya ditanam di Iran dan telah menjadi bahan umum dalam masakan Spanyol, Iran, Maroko, dan India.
5. Italian White Alba Truffles
Makanan termahal kedua di dunia yaitu truffle alba putih Italia. Harganya bisa mencapai lebih dari US$ 250 atau Rp 3,8 juta satu ons.
Truffle alba menjadi makanan mahal, karena sangat langka, ia hanya tumbuh di wilayah Piedmont Italia dan hanya muncul selama beberapa bulan setiap tahun.
Truffle sendiri merupakan spora sejenis jamur bawah tanah yang bisa dimakan. Makanan ini punya rasa perpaduan antara sedikit rasa kayu ek dan bawang putih.
Berikut 5 makanan viral di media sosial sepanjang 2021 :
1. Croffle
Croffle adalah kependekan dari croissant waffle.
Sesuai namanya, teksturnya makanan ini perpanduan antara criussant dan waffle.
Dia lebih padat dari croissant, tetapi tidak terlalu kering layakanya croissant pada umumnya.
Pada tahun ini, Croffle jadi populer karna bisa di kreasikan dengan berbagai topping seperti selai coklat, alpukat, daging, buah-buahan, dan lain-lain.
Pembuatan croffle cukup sederhana dan tak memakan waktu lama, hanya sekitar 5 menit.
Jika dilihat dari bentuknya, croffle memang mirip sekali dengan waffle.
bahkan, orang orang tidak bisa membedakan croffle dan waffle, jika mereka tidak diberi tahu atau merasakannya secara langsung.
2. Dalgona Candy Squid Game
Permen dalgona menjadi tren di media sosial berkat kepopulerannya drama Korea (Drakor) Squid Game.
Pada salah satu episode drama tersebut, ada adegan permainan dengan permen dalgona.
Permen yang memiliki nama asli “bbopgi” ini sebenernya merupakan jajanan kaki lima kuno di Korea Selatan.
Permen ini terbuat dari campuran gula cair dan baking soda. Banyak warganet yang mencoba membuatnya karena mudah.
Dalam proses pembuatannyaita hanya perlu menaruh gula di atas sendok sayur lalu memanaskannya di atas api hingga mencair. Setelah itu, masukkan baking soda dan aduk rata.
setelah larutan gula dan baking soda tercampur rata, tuangkan ke atas baking sheet dan diamkan selama lima menit sebelum diratakan dan dicetak dengan bentuk yang kita sukai di bagian tengahnya.
3. Acar Bawang
Acar bawang sempat jadi makanan viral di media sosial, terutama Tiktok.
Bawang adalah jenis awetan makanan makanan yang pada proses nya menggunakan cuka dan air garam untuk membuat cita rasa segar dan biasanya di sajikan sebagai hidangan pelengkap.
Namun, konsumsi nya harus dalam jumlah yang seimbang dan tidak berlebihan.
Bawang putih sering di gunakan sebagai penyedap makanan. Atau, acar juga sering di jadikan sebagai pendamping makanan.
4. BTS Meal
Pada Juni 2021, restoran cepat saji McDonald’s berkolaborasi dengan boyband asal Korea Selatan BTS.
Kolaborasi ini pun menghadirkan menu BTS Meal, yang dengan cepat jadi serbuan penggemar BTS, Army.
Menu BTS Meal berisi nugget ayam, kentang goreng, dan minuman bersoda yang di kemas dengan kemasan edisi khusus berwarna ungu.
Paket makanan ini juga di sertai dua saus, yakni saus pedas manis dan saus cajun khas Korea Selatan
5. Terong Krispi
Belakangan, warganet juga berkreasi dengan membuat terong krispi yang bentuknya mekar seperti kembang api.
Terong Krispi ini mudah di buat dan memiliki rasa enak.
Begitu lah makanan makanan yang viral di media sosial pada tahun 2021.
Semenjak revolusi industri hiburan Korea Selatan, belakangan ini kalangan masyarakat internasional dibanjiri segala jenis tontonan menarik dari Negara Gingseng, termasuk Indonesia. Sekarang ini, kita semakin mudah menjumpai produk hiburan Korea Selatan, mulai dari musik, film, drama, hingga makanan khas Korea.
Apalagi buat kamu yang suka nonton drama Korea, kamu pasti penasaran banget dengan beragam kuliner khas Korea yang sering ditampilkan dalam drama Korea. Apa aja sih makanan khas Korea yang nge-hits, enak dan wajib di coba para penggemar industri hiburan Korea? Berikut beberapa rekomendasi makanan khas Korea yang hits dan bisa kamu cicipi !
1. Kimchi
Makanan khas Korea yang hits dan enak yang bisa kamu coba adalah Kimchi. Makanan yang satu ini sangat digemari oleh masyarakat Korea dan sering banget muncul di berbagai drama Korea. Kimchi sendiri dibuat menggunakan sayuran yang di fermentasi dengan beraneka bumbu yang membuat kemudian memiliki rasa pedas dan asam.
Sayuran yang paling sering digunakan untuk membuat Kimchi adalah lobak, sawi, dan timun. Bumbu-bumbu yang digunakan terdiri dari bubuk cabai, bawang bombay, jahe, bawang putih, pasta udang, dan saus ikan.
Makanan khas Korea ini selalu dibuat dalam porsi besar, karena bisa tahan lama jika disimpan dengan baik. Kimchi juga bisa menjadi bahan dasar makanan khas korea lainnya seperti kimchijeon (pancake kimchi), kimchi jjigae (sup kimchi), atau kimchi bokkeumbap (nasi goreng kimchi).
2. Sannakji
Kalau kamu penggemar makanan ekstrim, kamu wajib cobain makanan khas Korea hits dan enak satu yang satu ini. Adalah Sannakji, hidangan yang dibuat dari potongan gurita hidup dan di cocol ke minyak wijen. Karena keekstriman makanan yang satu ini, beberapa orang Korea sendiri pun belum tentu bisa menghabiskan satu porsi hidangan ini.
Saat kamu memakan Sannakji kamu bisa merasakan potongan gurita menggeliat di dalam mulut. Jadi, kamu harus berhati hati yaa ketika mengkonsumsi makanan ini. Pastikan untuk mengunyah hingga halus agar potongan gurita tidak tersangkut di tenggorokan.
3. Samgyeopsal
Makanan khas Korea yang hits dan enak lainnya adalah Samgyeopsal. Samgyeopsal adalah potongan daging perut babi yang disantap dengan cara di BBQ. Daging perut babi yang tebal dan berlemak ini biasanya tidak diberi bumbu dan bisa langsung di panggang di atas alat pemanggang. Setelah daging matang barulah diberi bumbu pasta cabai.
4. Kimbab
Kalau negara Jepang memiliki kuliner khas Sushi, Korea juga punya hidangan yang hampir sama serupa bernama Kimbab. Kuliner khas Korea ini memiliki tampilan yang mirip seperti Sushi, namun memiliki isian yang beda.
Kimbab berisi nasi, potongan daging, ikan, sayuran, dan telur. Dalam proses pembuatan makanan khas Korea yang satu ini, isian yang telah di sebutkan sebelumnya, di gulung di atas satu lembar rumput laut. Kemudian dipotong menjadi 6-8 bagian. Sayuran yang biasa digunakan adalah timun, wortel, bayam, dan acar lobak.
5. Bibimbab
Rekomendasi makanan khas Korea selanjutnya ini bisa di katakan sebagai Nasi campur. Penyajian nya menggunakan mangkuk dengan susunan nasi hangat berada di paling bawah, kemudian ditambahkan berbagai macam sayur, lauk, telur, dan pasta cabai.
Untuk menikmati hidangan khas Korea ini. Kamu mengaduk semua mangkok hingga merata. Tampilan Bibimbab sendiri nantinya akan tampak mirip nasi goreng, hanya saja Bibimbab tidak di goreng.
Banyak makanan viral yang bermunculan setiap tahun nya tidak terkecuali di tahun 2022. Entah karna bentuknya yang unik, rasanya yang tidak biasa, maupun adanya tantangan makan yang membuat orang pengen mencoba nya.
Tidak terasa tahun 2022 tinggal menghitung hari. Sepanjang tahun ini banyak tren makanan yang meramaikan media sosial baik Instagram, TikTok, Twiter, dan sebagainya. Tidak jarang beberapa dari makanan tersebut meninggalkan kesan bagi penikmatnya.
Maka itu, di penghujung tahun 2022, waktunya merangkum berbagai tren makanan selama setahun belakangan. Berikut ini beberapa makanan yang viral selama tahun 2022. Penasaran apa saja? Yuk, simak dibawah ini.
1. Keripik Paqui
Masih ingat dengan Keripik Paqui? pertengahan tahun 2022, media sosial TikTok diramaikan dengan One Chip Challage. Tantangan ini mengajak warganet untuk memakan satu Keripik dari merk Paqui yang terbuat dari cabai terpedas di dunia. Tantangan makan makanan pedas ini pun sempat menelan korban, salah satunya presenter Irfan Hakim.
2. Natto
Natto challage pernah meramaikan media sosial beberapa waktu lalu. Sejatinya, natto merupaka makanan khas Jepang yang terbuat dari kedelai fermentasi. Karena bentuk dan rasanya yang unik, banyak warganet yang membuat tantangan memakan hidangan ini sambil menunjukkan reaksinya.
3. Ugly Cake
Kamu mungkin belum lupa dengan tren ugly cake? Tren ini adalah ketika seseorang mengirim pesan WhatsApp kepada orang terdekat berisi foto kue yang jelek atau berpenampilan kurang menarik. Beberapa selebriti seperti Fitrop, Tasya Farasya, dan lainnya juga mengikuti prank ini.
4. Oyster atau Tiram
Tahun ini restoran yang menyajikan oyster atau tiram pun menjamur di berbagai tempat. Sehingga tidak heran kalau makanan laut ini pun viral di media sosial. Selain karena harganya yang fantastis, tiram juga populer dengan cara makanannya yang unik.
5. Fufu
Fufu menjadi makanan tradisional yang ramai di TikTok akibat dari fufu challange. Makanan khas Afrika ini memiliki bentuk serta cara makan yang unik. Kamu harus mengambil bagian fufu yang kenyal lalu kemudian dibentuk bulat kecil sebelum dimakan dengan lauk layaknya sup.
6. Oreo Black Pink
Penghujung tahun, brand oreo menggemparkan media sosial karena merilis biskuit edisi spesial dengan menggandeng girl group asal Korea yaitu Black Pink. Biskuit ini mencuri banyak perhatian warganet sejak minggu pertama dirilis. Bahkan biskuit berwarna pink ini sempat kehabisan stock di beberapa tempat.
7. Daechang
Satu lagi makanan viral di penghujung tahun yaitu Daechang. Makanan khas Korea yang berasal dari usus besar sapi ini terkenal akan lemak di dalamnya. Para selebriti seperti Aurel Hermansyah, Sisca Kohl, dan Shanty istri dari Denny Cagur juga sempat membagikan vidio mengolah sekaligus mencicipi hidangan ini. – London’s ever-growing Mexican food scene offers far more than platefuls of tortilla chips heaped with salsa, guacamole and jalapeños and smothered in gooey cheese. You’ll get incredible nachos if you want them, but there’s also quality quesadillas, tip-top tostadas and exemplary enchiladas on offer across town. You’ll find all these and more at London’s very best Mexican restaurants.
1. Kol
A seasonal Mexican restaurant and the first permanent venture from ‘Nomadic chef’ Santiago Lastra, Kol was the highest placed UK joint in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants for 2023 list. Not bad going. Inside this modern Marylebone restaurant you’ll find super seasonal British produce and ‘wild food’. You will, of course, have to book pretty far in advance to secure a hallowed table.
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Photo: Breddos Tacos
2. Breddos Tacos
price 2 of 4
Breddos keep things casual to suit what is ultimately still street food. A custom-made wood grill adds rustic charm. Tacos remain its strong suit, but try the seafood tostadas too, which team the crunch of tortilla shells with punchy cross-continental flavours.
3. Cavita
4 out of 5 stars
Growing up between Mexico City and a small village in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, chef Adriana Cavita is at the helm, bringing with her an impressive resumé that includes stints at Mexico City’s much-lauded Pujol, often called the best restaurant in the city, and Spain’s mythical El Bulli by superstar chef Ferran Adrià. At Cavita, the vibe is decidedly more laidback. There’s more focus on winning over a local crowd with a damn good time than winning over critics and scoring Michelin stars, but the dishes are anything but simple.
4. El Pastor
price 2 of 4
If you need cheering up, head down to this Mexican hideaway beneath the arches by Borough Market. Owned by the Hart brothers (of Barrafina fame), Pastor is a taco joint with pedigree and a rollicking fiesta vibe. Order the mighty Pastor pork taco, the DIY short rib or the gringa quesadillas with fresh salsas and a blast of loud Latin music.
5. Casa Pastor
King’s Cross
price 2 of 4
If tacos are your thing, look no further than Casa P, the newest addition to the El Pastor family. Punters can expect fresh tortillas made in house daily, plated up alongside a bevy of aguachiles and tostadas. You’ll find a selection of fillings to pile into your shells, from chipotle chicken (our fave) to baja fish (battered goujons, slaw and salsa) and veggie options.
6. Club Mexicana, Spitalfields
price 2 of 4
Fun, lively and totally vegan, this branch of Club Mexicana is the biggest yet. Enjoy chef and founder Meriel Armitage’s unique plant-based take on tacos, nachos and burritos – as well as a giant mirror ball and iconic frozen margs. Read our review of the Kingly Court location here.
7. Zapote
4 out of 5 stars
price 2 of 4
Zapote serves punchy meat and elegant seafood dishes from the mind of chef Yahir Gonzalez. It’s something he does extremely well, serving up duck quesadillas with a gooey smoked chipotle jelly, scallop ceviche, beef tartare taco with roasted bone marrow and charred octopus. The ‘save room for dessert’ trope is total a cliche, but at Zapote you would be a fool not to, especially if the pistachio doughnut with morello cherry jam is on.
8. Daddy Donkey
price 1 of 4
Billed as a ‘kick-ass Mexican grill’, one-time street stall Daddy Donkey has morphed into a permanent behemoth among Leather Lane’s cheap handbags, shoes and CDs. Try a naked burrito (sans tortilla) or the signature Daddy D with a choice of five fillings.
9. Del74
price 1 of 4
Del74’s Dalston outpost prides itself on its no-fuss Mexican fare that ‘keeps it simple, keeps it real’. It sports kitschy ’70s-inspired decor and the menu’s modest but appealing. Go for the tangy guacamole, which comes with a hearty helping of homemade tortilla chips, or try the cochinita pibil, a braised leg of pork topped with fresh avo and red pickled onions that’s a fiesta in your mouth.
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10. DF Tacos
Brick Lane
DF stands for Mexico City’s Distrito Federal, but this affordable, mass-market pleaser couldn’t be more London – and fashion-conscious with it. All the trademarks are here: strikingly modern design, cheery staff and Mexican fast food with a hipster spin. Open tacos hit the spot, as do the pork pibil tortas – a trendy Mex riff on the burger.
11. Santo Remedio
London Bridge
price 2 of 4
Simply brilliant. Low-lit, inviting and spread over two floors, it seduces punters with easy-listening Latin grooves, flickering tea lights, and some inspired food – guacamole sprinkled with tiny grasshoppers, hibiscus flower quesadillas and enchiladas and 12-hour slow-cooked smoky beef tacos. There are punishing shots of mezcal too.
12. Taqueria
Notting Hill
Taqueria has a charming indie feel with its bare wood floors, film posters, Latin soundtrack and unfussy food. Quesadillas are the big hits (try the version with home-cured chorizo), but there are also a few tostadas (including one with a classic ceviche twist) and the usual suspects on the side. Drink Mexican beer, mezcal and tequila, or stay sober with a cooling aguas frescas. – You might think that a list of walnut recipes would be full of cakes and cookies, but walnuts are way more versatile than that.
They have a mild yet slightly bitter taste, and they’re no more expensive than almonds, cashews, or Brazil nuts.
And let’s not forget they’re rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, and they become super creamy and buttery when toasted and processed.
But what can you make with them?
How about a vegan “cheese” sauce for your next party? Or a batch of fresh walnut pesto?
If you’re sick of almonds and cashews, I guarantee you’ll find more than one walnut recipe here to get you excited.
1. 5-Minute Candied Walnuts
Caramelized nuts are a lovely little snack and a simple yet delicious cake decorating option.
Typically, you would boil sugar and water until the sugar dissolves and then add in your nuts, constantly stirring until everything turns golden.
This takes a little while and a lot of elbow grease.
This recipe, however, is a great shortcut. You’ll toss everything into a skillet, making a simple caramel sauce while the walnuts toast.
Once the sugar is melted, and the nuts are coated, pour everything onto a lined baking tray and do your best to separate the nuts so they can cool and set.
2. Cinnamon and Walnut Porridge
I know how easy it is to microwave a bowl of instant oats, but I promise this homemade oatmeal recipe is worth the extra time.
And by “extra time,” I mean it takes 5 minutes on the stovetop!
When everything is cooked and creamy, scatter over some walnuts and a dusting of cinnamon and enjoy.
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Or, those candied walnuts from above would be excellent in this dish.
3. Vegan Walnut Cheese Sauce
Vegan “cheese” can be a tough sell to meat-eaters, and I totally get it.
I mean, how can a bowl of nuts, water, and seasonings taste anything like a hot dish of Qdoba queso?
The truth is, this isn’t the hot queso you know and love. Instead, it’s more like cheesy hummus.
The walnuts are impossibly buttery and give this fantastic texture, while the nutritional yeast adds a delightfully nutty and cheesy taste.
4. Basil Walnut Pesto
If you love pesto as much as I do, I’m sure you’ve looked online for some tasty DIY recipes. The only issue with that is the cost of pine nuts.
Who knew they were so expensive? They grow in forests, and harvesting them takes a LOT of labor, which makes them pretty pricey.
The good news is that walnuts make the perfect pine nut alternative.
Pine nuts have a pretty mild flavor, and since you’ll blend the nuts with basil, garlic, parsley, and Parmesan cheese, I’ll bet nobody will even know you made this recipe with wallet-friendly nuts.
5. Apple Walnut Salad
The combination of fresh, crisp apple slices, toasty walnuts, and smooth blue cheese in this salad will leave you wanting more.
As with any recipe like this, you’ll need to toast the nuts before adding them to the bowl. This helps to release their natural oils and enhance the flavor.
I like to make the salad almost completely, but toast and add the nuts at the last minute.
That little bit of warmth makes such a nice change and will melt the blue cheese, too.
6. Walnut Pasta Sauce
Ask any vegan, and they’ll tell you: you can have your creamy mac and cheese and eat it too!
What’s the secret to vegan pasta sauce? Walnuts, dairy-free milk, and nutritional yeast.
Like the cheese sauce recipe from above, this is super creamy and cheesy.
Only, this version is much thinner and will coat your pasta like a dream.
7. Chocolate Chip Walnut Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin bread is moist, spicey, super flavorful, and one of my all-time fall faves.
I love it with brown sugar crumble on top and plenty of dark chocolate chips inside.
It’s also extra scrumptious when you throw in a decent handful of chopped walnuts.
My advice is to keep the walnuts pretty large; that way, you don’t feel like the bread is full of seeds.
I prefer the occasional bite of the nut rather than bits in every mouthful that get stuck in your teeth.
8. Best Ever Banana Nut Muffins
Banana nut muffins work as a sweet breakfast option, tasty mid-morning snack, and even as a midnight treat in front of the tv.
The key to getting the best flavor is to start with ripe bananas.
The peels should be brown and spotty, and when you peel them, they should be super fragrant.
Also, to get that ultra-light and fluffy center, be sure you don’t over-work the batter.
Instead, just gently stir everything until it comes together and get those babies in the oven asap.
9. Cranberry and Walnut Stuffing
If your family is anything like mine, you’ll probably need a few dishes full of stuffing to keep everyone happy.
After all, it’s one of the best holiday sides, so it’s crucial everyone gets their fair share.
Not only is this stuffing recipe nutty and full of poultry-friendly herbs, but it’s also loaded with fresh cranberries for beautiful pops of color and flavor.
Of course, you can make this with veggie stock if you want it meat-free.
10. Carrot Slaw with Cranberries, Toasted Walnuts & Citrus Vinaigrette
How many times have you been subjected to watery, bland coleslaw?
It’s sad because slaw is so easy to get right. This recipe, for example, is one of the best out there and will brighten up your meal in a snap.
As the title suggests, carrots are the main ingredient, and they’re crunchy, sweet, and vibrant.
That being said, you can easily throw in some cabbage if you want to bulk this out.
Once the walnuts are toasted, it’s just a matter of tossing all the ingredients together.
11. No-Bake Walnut Granola Bars
Many store-bought granola bars are full of sugars and artificial preservatives, and those that aren’t are usually pretty expensive.
So, why not try making your own? Using this recipe as a base, you can modify it so easily to make all kinds of fun flavors.
For example, I made a batch recently with golden raisins, chia seeds, and dried mango.
I’ve also made some with freeze-dried raspberries and dark chocolate chunks.
I think my next batch will have peanut butter and banana chips!
12. Blanched Kale With Walnuts and Raisins
This blanched kale side salad is perfect to go alongside some juicy pork chops or tender steak.
Not only does it look great with the dark greens and streaks of color, but it’s super simple to whip up last minute.
Of course, if kale isn’t your thing, feel free to use spinach instead.
Just keep in mind that though kale will shrink as it cooks, spinach tends to wilt a lot more, so you may need to reduce the cooking time.
13. Walnut Meat
If you’re not vegan, you might be wondering what exactly walnut meat is.
I know I’ve never seen it on a menu before, but it was a certified hit on my last meatless Monday!
Walnut meat is a ground blend of walnuts and mushrooms with a bit of soy sauce and salt and pepper to taste.
The idea is to use it as a ground meat substitute in everything from tacos and nachos to pasta and salads.
This recipe even offers some seasoning options depending on how you want to use it.
14. Zucchini Walnut Fried Rice
Fried rice is a quick and easy dish you can whip up with pretty much whatever you have in the fridge.
The trick is to start with cold, cooked rice, so it doesn’t turn to mush.
This dish is best when you slice the zucchini very thin, which is easier to do with a mandolin.
Between the veggies and the walnuts, this is bursting with fresh flavors and incredible texture.
15. Walnut Crusted Salmon Sheet Pan Dinner
I’m a sucker for “crusted” salmon, but I usually go for seasoned breadcrumbs and pecans.
For this version, you’ll mix chopped walnuts with mustard, maple syrup, olive oil, paprika, salt, and pepper before pouring it right over the half-cooked salmon steaks.
If you were to add the mix too soon, it would burn in the oven, so be sure to spoon it over after around 15 minutes.
16. Unbelievable Walnut Crusted Chicken
If you like the recipe above, you’ll go nuts for this incredible walnut-crusted chicken.
This recipe uses honey rather than maple syrup, and instead of pouring over a walnut sauce, you’ll dredge the chicken in a flour and walnut mix (as you might with breadcrumbs).
Next, you’ll sear the chicken to help the coating stick and finish the whole thing with a sweet and warm honey mustard glaze.
17. Walnut Brownie Protein Balls
Energy bites are a terrific little snack to keep you full on a busy day. They also work well as a quick breakfast or an after-workout protein boost.
Where many protein balls are made using dates and oats, this recipe takes it up a notch.
It uses chopped walnuts and chia seeds for texture, honey and dates for sweetness, walnut butter as a binder, and cocoa powder and chocolate chips for a touch of indulgence.
18. Lemon-Walnut Quinoa & Chickpea Salad
Adding quinoa and chickpeas to your salad will give you a boost of protein, keep you satisfied longer, and make that boring bowl of lettuce something to get excited about.
The dressing for this salad calls for walnut oil, which I’ve found in my local supermarket, and in Home Sense/Home Goods in the food section.
It leaves the salad with a slightly sweet and nutty undertone that works so well against the lemon juice.
19. Coffee and Walnut Cake
Coffee and walnut cake is an absolute classic British teatime cake. You’ll find it all over in bakeries and cafes, and they take it pretty seriously.
You’ll add coffee and walnuts to both the cake batter and the frosting, so if you were hoping for a light coffee flavor, you’re out of luck.
The coffee taste should be very pronounced in this cake!
One of the most traditional ways to decorate this cake is to cover the whole thing with frosting and coat it with finely chopped walnuts.
20. Walnut Brownies
I think brownies might just be the perfect baked treat.
They’re fantastic no matter how they come out, whether they’re cakey, fudgy, full of nuts, covered with ganache, or served warm with ice cream.
These brownies are bursting with sweet and nutty, toasted walnuts.
You’ll get a mouthful with each bite, and since they’re not crunchy, they’ll just add a bit of texture to otherwise soft brownies.
21. French Walnut-Caramel Tart
When I tell you that this pie is to die for, I’m not exaggerating.
It has a light, buttery pastry crust, and it’s filled with a sweet, rich, and wonderfully sticky walnut and caramel filling.
I know pecan pie is a classic, but I highly recommend making this instead!
The filling needs just seven simple ingredients, and you’ll make a quick caramel to start with.
Then, once it’s smooth and golden, you’ll mix through the walnuts and sea salt.
22. Chinese Walnut Cookies
I know these look a little like mini-bread rolls, but they’re actually walnut shortbread cookies.
The cookie dough is a quick blend of flour, sugar, butter, and rising agents, which gets finely chopped walnuts mixed in towards the end.
To get that golden top, you’ll brush them with egg wash before baking.
23. Deliciously Moist Banana Bread Recipe
Do you have a couple of bananas on the counter that are a little too ripe?
You know, when the skin is brown-black, and they smell super fragrant?
Then you just have to make this unbelievably moist banana bread!
It’s light and fluffy, perfectly sweet, and full of buttery walnuts for an added bit of nutty goodness.
It’s also even more delicious if you throw in some mini-chocolate chips.
24. Salted Maple And Toasted Walnut Brittle
Brittle is a tasty, salty, super sweet treat that’s typically made with corn syrup.
It acts as a source of sweetness and helps to prevent the sugar from crystallizing as it cooks.
Unfortunately, it’s not the best ingredient, and I know many people would prefer not to eat it.
This maple brittle is just as sweet and salty, but it only uses 100% pure maple syrup for a more natural finish.
One thing to note is that you’ll need a candy thermometer for this recipe, so you’ll know when the sugar mix is at the right temperature.
If you eyeball it and it’s not quite 300 degrees Fahrenheit, it won’t set right and will be soft rather than crunchy.
25. Applesauce Cake
Using applesauce in your cake batter will add subtle apple flavor, lots of moisture, and make the cake extra fluffy.
The apple will enhance the warm spices, and it’s extra tasty when it’s chock full of raisins and walnuts.
For something even more irresistible, try soaking the raisins in warm, sweet tea to plump them up. – Have you tried starting your day with a glass of fresh juice or any other healthy detox drink? If not, now is the time!
Besides flushing out toxins from your body, morning drinks help to maintain the health of your skin and make it appear radiant.
Here, we bring to you 6 amazing drinks that you can start your day with to flaunt glowing skin. Let’s begin!
What Expert Says
“Morning drinks rich in proteins, vitamins, and other micronutrients boost hair growth and promote healthy skin.”
Drinking water or fresh juice first thing in the morning helps remove toxins from the body and hydrate it. A study on Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics found that those who drank more water had improved skin hydration than participants who usually drank less water. [1]
Highlighting the importance of morning drinks, Priya Chavan, Product Development Executive at SkinKraft says, “When we wake up in the morning, the pH of our stomach remains highly acidic. Our metabolism remains slow too. After an overnight fast, our gut and stomach become soft which helps in the easy absorption of nutrients. So, if we begin our day with a healthy drink, the gut can absorb nutrients to their maximum capacity. This is why starting the day by consuming a healthy drink is recommended.”
She further adds, “Morning drinks rich in proteins, vitamins, and other micronutrients boost hair growth and promote healthy skin nutrition.”
6 Morning Drinks For Glowing Skin
Other than starting your day with drinking water, you can add other healthy drinks to your daily morning routine to give your skin a healthy boost. Here are some of them.
1. Lemon Water And Honey
Consuming lemon and honey with lukewarm water can work wonders for your skin. A study on Analysis on the Natural Remedies to Cure Dandruff/Skin Disease-causing Fungus – Malassezia furfur found that lemon juice is highly effective against skin disease-causing fungal growth. Besides, it contains Vitamin C that helps to rejuvenate the skin and promotes the growth of healthy skin cells.
Honey, on the other hand, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that not only remove excess oil from the skin, but also unclog pores that otherwise might lead to acne breakouts. [3]
How To Make
Squeeze one small-sized whole lemon in a glass of lukewarm water.
Add two-three spoons of pure honey to it and mix well.
Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
A glass of lemon water and honey not only helps in your digestion but also gives you clear skin, free of acne breakouts and pimples.
2. Fruit Juices
Freshly squeezed fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins and micronutrients that boost your skin health. Apples contain antioxidants that help to prevent premature ageing signs on the skin, pomegranate has anti-ageing properties that help in the renewal of skin cells, oranges contain vitamin C that helps to fight free radical activity in your skin [4]. You can consume a glass of fresh fruit juice of your choice to get the glow on.
How To Consume
Take an orange or a pomegranate
Peel off the skin
Use a juicer to squeeze the fruit
Strain the juice in a clean glass and drink
3. Green Tea
Green tea helps in boosting metabolism. “In the morning, we have low metabolism so drinks like green tea helps in increasing metabolism,” says Priya.
Besides, green tea contains a flavonoid called catechins, an antioxidant that delays skin ageing.
How To Consume
Boil water in a steel pot/pan.
Add a spoon of green tea leaves
Let it steep for 2-3 minutes or less depending on your choice of flavour.
Strain the tea and add a teaspoon of honey.
Let it cool for a few seconds and enjoy your cup of tea.
Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning can boost your skin health, treat acne issues, unclog pores, etc. The green tea polyphenols can inhibit or slow down stages of skin carcinogenesis. [5]
4. Vegetable Juices
Like fruit juices, vegetable juices too are rich in vitamins and micronutrients and are good for the skin. Beginning your day with a glass of fresh vegetable juice not only gives your skin a natural glow but also prevents acne, dryness, etc.
Here are two quick vegetable juice ideas.
A. Cucumber and Spinach Juice
Cucumber and spinach juice hydrates your skin naturally while the rich fiber content helps remove the toxins. Drink a glass of this power-packed juice every day for glowing skin.
How To Make
Peel a medium-sized cucumber
Take 10-12 fresh spinach leaves
Wash them thoroughly
Blend the cucumber and the spinach with ¼ cup of water
Add a spoonful of honey (optional)
Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy your drink.
Cucumber and spinach both are rich in vitamin A. Regular consumption of this juice helps to combat skin pigmentation issues. It also helps to get rid of dark spots, control acne and slow down the skin ageing process.
B. Carrot and Beetroot Juice
Both carrot and beetroot are root vegetables and powerhouses of nutrients. Drinking a glass of this juice every day not only makes your skin flawless but also helps to ease bowel movement, detoxifies your body, and improves liver function.
How To Make
Take a medium-sized beetroot and two carrots.
Wash them thoroughly and peel the skin.
Blend with ¼ cup of water.
You may add a slice of ginger for taste.
Chill it in the refrigerator or add a few ice cubes and drink it first in the morning.
Carrot and beetroot juice helps to fight skin pigmentation issues. This juice also helps to revitalize your skin. Both the vegetables hydrate the skin from within and make your skin soft and supple. If you have acne issues, regular drinking of this juice can help solve your problem.
5. Turmeric Milk
For decades, turmeric milk has been known to provide several health and skin benefits. It has also been used as a traditional and Ayurvedic medicine that acts as an antibiotic and antiviral agent.
How To Make
Boil the milk and let it cool down a bit.
Take fresh turmeric root and grate it. Alternatively, you can use organic turmeric powder if you can’t source the fresh root.
Mix it with the milk well. You can add 1 inch ginger too.
If you want to remove the cream of the milk, you can strain it.
Add 1 teaspoon of honey as a sweetener (optional).
You may also add ½ spoon of pepper powder for taste. It will also help to absorb curcumin from the ground turmeric.
Drink it warm.
The antibacterial property of turmeric helps to keep the skin free of acne, while the milk hydrates the skin. It is rich in antioxidants that retard the ageing process.
Important Note:
The high content of hormones in dairy products like milk can clog skin pores and cause the skin to become oilier, which makes it more prone to acne. Hence, oily skin people can avoid having milk.
SkinKraft Tip:
You can use the milk malai or the cream of the milk and turmeric to make a quick skin brightening face pack at home.
6. Coconut Water
Coconut water has been a traditional drink among Indians for a long time. Starting your day with a glass full of fresh coconut water helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It helps in collagen production, maintains skin elasticity, and hydrates the skin naturally.
How To Make
You can drink coconut water directly. Coconut water has a natural sweetness so no need to add any additional sweetener.
Coconut water is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C. Regular drinking of coconut water prevents skin dryness, improves skin elasticity, and makes your skin glow.
Did You Know?
Coconut water has plenty of natural nutrients and enzymes and is low in calories, making it a perfect drink for weight loss. It is also recommended to curb dehydration and constipation issues.
Wrapping Up
From using various skin care products to trying out different DIY methods, we all strive to achieve healthy and glowing skin. What we often ignore is cleansing our system from within. Sipping healthy drinks during the morning not only flushes out the harmful toxins from your body, giving you clear skin but also improves your overall health. Start your day with these simple yet essential drinks and flaunt healthy and beautiful skin. – Every region in Indonesia has its own unique specialties, one of which is Semarang’s special food. Apart from spring rolls, the city of Semarang has delicious and popular culinary delights such as garang tamarind, kopyok noodles, and the typical Semarang pecel.
If you travel to Semarang, don’t miss one of these culinary specialties from Semarang.
The reason is, even though these foods can be found in other cities, you can feel the authentic taste if you taste them directly in the city of Semarang.
The following are some of Semarang’s specialties, collected from the book Culinary Tour of Semarang’s Typical Foods by Miftah Sanaji and other sources.
1. Garang tamarind
Garang asem is one of Semarang’s culinary specialties which is very popular in the form of chicken in coconut milk sauce with the addition of chilies and belimbing wuluh.
Previously, the chicken and coconut milk sauce were cooked by putting them in a banana leaf first to add a delicious taste and aroma to the garang tamarind.
This one food can be a friend of rice and is complemented by fried tempeh, chicken innards, and cakes.
2. We are coyotes
The next typical Semarang dish is kopyok noodles which are perfect to enjoy when the weather is cold.
Kopyok noodles are wet noodles that have been doused in hot water. Then given a piece of beef and beef.
3. Chicken rice
Chicken rice is rice filled with shredded chicken, opor and chayote. In addition, usually there are also several other accessories.
Complementary is intestinal satay, offal satay, to young egg satay. The uniqueness of this culinary is that it is served using pincuk banana leaves.
4. Dirty rice
Nasi koyor or also called sego koyor is a dish of white rice topped with pieces of koyor or beef tendons.
Then sprinkled with koyor sauce, cucumber slices, and fried petai.
5. Lumpia Semarang
Lumpia is a typical Semarang culinary dish made from flour dough which is then filled with stuffing and then folded and rolled and fried in hot oil.
The fillings for spring rolls are chicken, garlic, scrambled eggs, dried shrimp, soy sauce, vegetables and bamboo shoots.
6. Tofu dreadlocks
The next recommendation for typical Semarang food is dreadlocked tofu. This Semarang culinary dish is made of fried tofu, vegetables, pieces of rice cake, and prawn bakwan.
Then served with a sauce made from coarsely pounded fried beans. In addition to its delicious taste, this food is filling because there is lontong in it.
7. Tofu petis
Semarang typical tofu has a dense texture so it can be filling. Petis tofu itself is tofu with petis sauce.
The thick, dark black petis sauce becomes the inside or filling of the tofu.
8. Soto Semarang
Unlike most soto, soto Semarang has a clear broth made from free-range chicken broth.
Usually this soup is served with a variety of satay menus, such as shellfish satay, intestines, and quail eggs. In addition to various satay, Semarang soup is also more enjoyable to eat with fried tofu or mendoan.
9. Pecel Semarang
Actually pecel Semarang has similarities with pecel from other regions, namely using vegetables such as kale, bean sprouts, kenikir, and sliced cabbage as vegetables.
However, what is different is the complementary pecel, namely karak crackers and conch satay, which make it even more delicious and filling.
Those are some typical Semarang foods with delicious flavors. Happy culinary tour! – In an era that is all hits and contemporary, drinks can’t be separated from the target of culinary lovers. The reason is, it’s not just food that can become hits, because a number of drinks suddenly become popular, either because of the taste or uniqueness.
Indeed, in this era of all social media, it’s not only a matter of taste that can be contested, but also the uniqueness of each cuisine, such as some of these popular drinks. Yes, some of these popular drinks are not only known for their delicious taste, but also for their uniqueness.
Curious about what drinks are currently popular? We have summarized 20 hits for you. Take a look at the reviews for the drinks that are currently hits and viral below!
1. Dalgona Coffee
One of the drinks that is being hit and very viral right now is Dalgona Coffee. This hit drink is famous because it was popularized by celebrities from South Korea. Actually, the word Dalgona itself is a traditional Korean-style candy made from sugar, hot water and baking soda.
But now everything has developed into a drink, namely Dalgona Coffee. The way to make Dalgona Coffee is very simple, namely black coffee, sugar and a little water, stir until thick foam like whipped cream then pour it as a topping over full cream milk that has been given ice cubes.
2. Iced Coffee Milk
Ice coffee milk is one of the many popular drinks that people like today, especially among young people. Usually, today’s iced coffee milk is made from a mixture of coffee, milk and palm sugar. However, there are also those who mix it with other flavors such as rhum, hazelnut and many more.
3. Beverages with Brown Sugar
Brown sugar or brown sugar is also popular nowadays and is widely used as a mixture of delicious drinks that are trending. Starting from coffee, milk, to milk tea, now they are given a sweet mixture of brown sugar.
Well, how to make a drink with brown sugar is also quite easy. Like milk tea for example. All you have to do is mix black tea, brown sugar, ice cubes and liquid full cream milk. Mix all the ingredients, except the ice cubes. Then stir until all the ingredients are well blended. Finally, add ice cubes according to taste.
4. Herbs
Still think that herbal medicine is only for parents or just traditional drinks? If you think so you are wrong! Nowadays, herbal medicine is no less popular when compared to other drinks.
The appearance of herbal medicine in attractive packaging, simple, and can be taken anywhere, has made herbal medicine a hit drink that is almost as famous as iced coffee milk. Today’s herbal medicine also tastes interesting, you know, there are even herbs mixed with almond milk and other flavours. What is certain is that this hit drink tastes good and of course is healthy!
5. Boba drink
Well, drinks with boba that are no less delicious are also trending right now. Boba itself has the same shape as pearl bubble and both are made from tapioca flour. However, this boba usually erupts immediately when it enters the mouth. Melted, deh!
Boba itself is used as a topping for various types of drinks. Starting from milk, brown sugar milk tea to coffee and toast. How to make boba is also fairly easy. You only need to prepare half a cup of tapioca flour and also black food coloring which has previously been brewed using warm water.
Well, first of all, mix the tapioca flour and food coloring until it becomes easy to shape and not sticky at all. After that, shape the dough lengthwise and cut it into small pieces and then shape it back into a circle.
After that, heat the water in a saucepan, then add the boba mixture that was made into a circle earlier. Let stand for about 15 minutes or according to taste, until the boba is cooked and the level of elasticity is right.
6. Regal Milk Drink
Apart from iced coffee milk, another popular drink is a drink that uses Marie Regal biscuits. Well, the coffee shop that popularized this delicious drink is Kopi Soe. But now, drinks with regal biscuits are available everywhere.
The way to make it is quite easy, mix UHT milk, sweetened condensed milk, creamer and evaporated milk. Then stir until combined. Then, put the ice cubes into the milk mixture and add the previously broken Marie biscuits to serve as the topping. It’s so easy, right? You can make this drink yourself at home.
7. Cheese Tea
Maybe we are used to drinks made from tea or tea mixed with milk. But this one drink is a contemporary drink that hits because of its uniqueness. Known as the Cheese Tea drink, this drink, which is not much different from other milk teas, adds soft cream cheese to the drink. Thanks to the sweet salty taste of cream cheese, this is what makes Cheese Tea so popular.
8. Contemporary Yakult drink
Want a fresh and healthy drink? This modern drink mixed with yakult is the answer. This Yakult drink is a hit because it turns out to taste very good and is suitable to be mixed with anything. Some drinks that are delicious and hits when mixed with Yakult are yakult lychee ice, yakult matcha, yakult lemon and many others.
9. Charcoal drinks
Charcoal drink is one of the most popular hit drinks because of its uniqueness. Drinks that turn black in color are usually made from juice mixed with activated charcoal or activated charcoal.
This drink mixed with charcoal doesn’t taste like a change in taste, what changes drastically is just the color. This charcoal drink is in great demand because it has good health benefits, namely because charcoal can flush out toxins in the body.
10. White Rabbit Milk
Children of the 90s generation must be familiar with milk candy which is now a hit among young people. This milk candy called White Rabbit Milk was transformed into a modern drink and went viral. Usually this drink is equipped with additional interesting toppings such as added boba, biscuits or palm sugar.
11. Contemporary Tea Drinks
Tea-based drinks are hits that will never end. This tea drink is not only made from tea drinks plus ice. Among the contemporary beverage outlets that are mushrooming, this tea outlet remains the choice.
These modern tea outlets usually have made tea with attractive flavors such as fruit or milk flavours. For contemporary drinks made from tea, they usually don’t use any toppings anymore. This is what makes him survive and is still sought after.
12. Contemporary Yogurt Drink
For those who like sour and fresh drinks, yogurt drinks are sure to be a very attractive choice. When it comes to hits, yogurt is no less a hit than other drinks. Now yogurt-based drinks are becoming increasingly popular because they are mixed with other unique ingredients such as mixed with sticky rice, oats or fruits.
13. Thai Tea
Actually, this one drink has been around for a long time but only recently has been sticking to the surface. This typical drink from the Land of the White Elephant serves fresh tea drinks with minimal sweetness. The tea served will be given milk and creamer, so it tastes a little sweet and a bit thick on the tongue.
With a unique taste and a variety of presentations, it’s no wonder Thai Tea is selling well in Indonesia, especially among teenagers. Indeed, Thai Tea is really suitable to drink when the weather is hot, because Thai Tea is more often served in cold temperatures.
14. Cold-Pressed Juice
Cold-pressed juice is a hit among people who like a healthy lifestyle or maybe just want to try a healthy life. At first glance, cold-pressed juice looks like fruit juices that we usually encounter, but actually the method of preparation is different from ordinary juices.
The tools used to make cold-pressed juice are different from ordinary juicers. If an ordinary juicer works by crushing fruit, this tool for making cold-pressed juice is different, namely the way it mashes the fruit and then only extracts the juice. This makes cold-pressed juice thinner than regular juice.
15. Squash Drink
Squash drink is a mixture of real fruit juice and soda. The fresh taste makes this drink a drink that is always hits and not easily forgotten. How to make this squash drink is quite easy and the ingredients are also easy to get.
For example, if you want to make lemon squash, the first ingredients to prepare are lemon, honey, soda and ice cubes. The trick is lemon that has been juiced, added honey, soda and ice cubes to taste. Simple, right?
16. Chocolate Drink
Apart from coffee shops that sell modern iced coffee milk, there are also drink shops that sell all-chocolate drinks. This proves that chocolate drinks are one of the hits. The all-chocolate drink that is sold is made from real cocoa powder which makes it taste even more bitter.
Not only that, this contemporary chocolate drink is also packaged attractively like the current iced coffee milk. There are also options that make it even more interesting, such as additional toppings, syrup or other flavors such as matcha, red velvet and many more.
17. Es Cappuccino Cingcau
Have you ever tried grass jelly iced cappuccino? This one hit drink has a very unique taste. Cingcau itself is a traditional iced drink that has been around for a long time, then it was created with iced cappuccino which comes from milk coffee. Curious how it feels?
18. King Mango Thai
Have you ever enjoyed manga fruit juice with pieces of manga fruit as a topping? It’s called King Mango Thai. This drink is very hits and has become viral. If you want to taste it, you have to be willing to stand in a long queue to be able to enjoy it.
At the beginning King Mango Thai appeared, many buyers were willing to queue for a long time but because many outlets had opened, the queues had become normal. King Mango Thai is famous for its thick manga juice, topped with vanilla ice cream/whipped cream, and chunks of mango. One glass of King Mango Thai is guaranteed to make you full.
19. Jelly drink
After that, there’s iced coffee milk, yogurt, chocolate, then there’s jelly drinks! This hit drink is perfect for refreshing your throat while keeping hunger at bay. This jelly drink is made from fruit juice plus jelly or agar with the same taste as juice. Then packed in small bottles and served cold.
The jelly and juice in this drink are guaranteed to hold your hunger pangs and are definitely healthy. This drink is also very easy to make at home. Want to try making your own?
20. Avocado Shake
Love avocados? If so, you will definitely like this hit avocado ice cream. This hit drink consists of healthy and filling ingredients, namely avocado fruit, sweetened condensed milk, powdered chocolate milk and ice cubes.
It’s very easy to make and you don’t need a blender. Dredge the avocado fruit and then mash it roughly, you don’t need to make it smooth, then put the fruit in a container. After that, add sugar, sweetened condensed milk and stir until evenly distributed. Then add ice, cocoa powder on top, the rest you can add other ingredients according to taste.
So, those are the various choices of drinks that are currently hits. Indeed, the average is dominated by tea or milk huh! If you do, which drink would you like to try? Or have other recommendations? Can you share directly in the comments column, OK? Happy culinary!
Oh yeah, if you like hot and spicy dishes, then you really have to try the 10 Hot Spicy Foods This Year, OK? Guaranteed to be addicting! – Protein is a nutrient that plays an important role in the body’s metabolic processes, repairing body cells, and producing new cells. In order to meet protein needs, there are several high protein foods that can be consumed.
High-protein foods are also often used as an option for someone who is on a diet because they can help increase muscle mass. Not only that, pregnant and lactating women are also advised to consume sufficient protein intake to support the growth and development of the baby.
Let’s find out some examples of high protein foods, both animal and vegetable, through the reviews below.
Examples of High Protein Foods
Everyone’s daily protein needs are different, depending on age, gender, and body weight. For example, based on the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA), the daily protein requirement for men aged 19–29 is 65 grams and women aged 19–29 is 60 grams.
The need for protein can also be met by eating foods that contain high protein. Here are some examples of high protein foods you can choose from.
1. Chicken Breast Meat
Chicken meat, especially the breast, is a high-protein and low-fat food that is easily available and can be processed into various types of dishes. This is because 100 grams of cooked chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein.
In addition, chicken meat also contains B vitamins, choline and selenium. However, try to choose skinless chicken meat. This is because the skin contains fat and cholesterol which are not good for health.
2. Lean Beef
Apart from chicken, you can also eat beef to meet your protein needs. However, try to choose lean beef, such as sirloin and flank, which have a much higher protein content. Apart from being a source of protein, beef also contains B vitamins and various types of minerals, such as iron, selenium and phosphorus, which are important for the body.
You can process beef by roasting or boiling. If you want to fry it, you should use a healthy oil, such as olive oil, soybean oil, or canola oil. For beef storage, it is recommended that you store it in the freezer at -18 degrees Celsius so that the meat stays fresh.
3. Counts
Eggs are known as a high-protein food, no doubt about it. Please note that one egg contains about 6 grams of protein. Not only that, these foods are also enriched with other nutrients that are beneficial for maintaining weight, accelerating healing, and maintaining heart health.
To get optimal benefits, eggs should be consumed by boiling. The reason is, frying eggs will increase cholesterol and saturated fat levels.
4. Seafood
Several types of seafood, such as salmon, shrimp, squid and octopus, are known to contain high protein which is good for the health of the body. In 100 grams of salmon is known to contain about 100 grams of protein.
However, there are several types of seafood, especially fish and shellfish, which are known to contain mercury. Therefore, you need to be more careful in choosing this seafood. To be healthier, you are also advised to process fish by boiling, steaming, or sautéing it with a little oil.
5. Milk and its Processed Products
The next high-protein food is milk and various processed products, such as yogurt and cheese. The reason is, in one glass of low-fat milk contains 11 grams of protein. Milk is also one of the intakes that contain vitamin D and calcium so that it can help maintain bone health.
6. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the vegetables that is included in one of the foods high in vegetable protein. Please note that in 100 grams of broccoli there are about 2.8 grams of protein. Other ingredients in broccoli that are no less beneficial are fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K.
7. Nuts
Types of nuts that are classified as high protein foods are peanuts and almonds. Please note, in 100 grams of peanuts contain 26 grams of protein. Meanwhile, in 28 grams of almonds there are as many as 6 grams of protein.
In addition, peanuts and almonds also offer a variety of other nutrients that are important for the body, such as magnesium, fiber, and vitamin E. These nutrients are beneficial for maintaining good cholesterol levels and lowering bad cholesterol levels.
8. Soybeans
Soybean is known as a food with a complete protein source because it contains 9 kinds of essential amino acids. One type of soybean that you can choose is edamame. There are 11 grams of protein in 100 grams of cooked edamame. Edamame or other types of soybeans are suitable as a healthy snack between meals.
9. Tofu and Tempeh
Tofu and tempeh are processed foods from soybeans. That is why the daily food of the Indonesian people has a high protein content. Apart from protein, tofu and tempeh also contain antioxidants to help fight and prevent the effects of free radicals in the body.
Those are some examples of high protein foods that are good for body health. Given that the function of protein for the body is quite important, make sure you don’t forget to include one of these high protein-containing foods in your daily menu.
You don’t need to be confused about preparing a healthy daily menu, you can use the Healthy Catering Home Care package from Hospitals. This package includes a healthy and nutritious food menu every day and a free consultation with a nutritionist.
If you have other complaints related to physical health, don’t hesitate to visit the nearest Hospitals to get proper diagnosis and medical treatment from our doctors.
Also use the Teleconsultation feature to make it easier for you to consult directly virtually with the doctor concerned. Or, download the application to be able to access all the health features you need easily and quickly. Let’s download the app now and take care of your health!
“Superfood” is a term used by many food and beverage companies as a way to promote a food thought to have health benefits; however, there is no official definition of the word by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA regulates the health claims allowed on food labels to ensure there is scientific research to support the claims. The list of foods below are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that are good for overall health and may also help prevent disease.
Kidney, pinto, navy or black beans are packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. They are very high in fiber too.
Beans do contain carbohydrates, but ½ cup also provides as much protein as an ounce of meat without the saturated fat. To save time you can use canned beans, but be sure to drain and rinse them to get rid of as much added salt as possible.
Dark green leafy vegetables
Spinach, collards and kale are dark green leafy vegetables packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, E and K, iron, calcium and potassium. These powerhouse foods are low in calories and carbohydrates too. Try adding dark leafy vegetables to salads, soups and stews.
Citrus fruit
Grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes or pick your favorites to get part of your daily dose of fiber, vitamin C, folate and potassium.
Which are your favorites: blueberries, strawberries or another variety? Regardless, they are all packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Berries can be a great option to satisfy your sweet tooth and they provide an added benefit of vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, potassium and fiber.
The good news is that no matter how you like your tomatoes, pureed, raw, or in a sauce, you’re eating vital nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium.
Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fats may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Fish high in these healthy fats are sometimes referred to as “fatty fish.” Salmon is well known in this group. Other fish high in omega-3 are herring, sardines, mackerel, trout and albacore tuna. Choose fish that is broiled, baked or grilled to avoid the carbohydrate and extra calories that would be in fish that is breaded and fried. The American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes recommends eating fish (mainly fatty fish) twice per week for people with diabetes.
An ounce of nuts can go a long way in getting key healthy fats along with helping to manage hunger. In addition, they offer magnesium and fiber. Some nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and flax seeds, are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Whole grains
It’s the whole grain you’re after. The first ingredient on the label should have the word “whole” in it. Whole grains are rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, B vitamins, chromium, iron and folate. They are a great source of fiber too. Some examples of whole grains are whole oats, quinoa, whole grain barley and farro.
Milk and yogurt
You may have heard that milk and yogurt can help build strong bones and teeth. In addition to calcium, many milk and yogurt products are fortified to make them a good source of vitamin D. More research is emerging on the connection between vitamin D and good health. Milk and yogurt do contain carbohydrate that will be a factor in meal planning when you have diabetes. Look for yogurt products that are lower in fat and added sugar.
Tips for eating on a budget
Some of the items above can be tough on the budget depending on the season and where you live. Look for lower cost options such as fruit and vegetables in season or frozen or canned fish. Foods that are easier on the budget year ‘round are beans and whole grains that you cook from scratch.
If you found this article helpful in your diabetes journey, please consider supporting the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and The ADA is the leading voluntary health organization fighting to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic and help people living with diabetes thrive. With your financial support, we can advance our mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Learn more about how you can support the ADA. – Every year culinary trends are always varied and new. Throughout, there are several culinary delights that make many people curious. In fact, to be willing to stand in line for hours, you know.
Because of the high enthusiasm of the public, most of these foods are viral on social media. Starting from snacks to heavy meals, here are the list of foods that are viral throughout 2022. Check it out, have you ever tasted any of them!
1. Karen’s Diner
Karen’s Diner recently opened in Jakarta. This Australian burger restaurant is known for its bad service concept. No wonder it had invited the pros and cons of netizens.
Many food influencers and celebrities have reviewed this restaurant. This made many people more curious and eventually crowded with visitors.
Location: Jalan Panglima Polim IX Number 15, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta.
Mie Gacoan offers a variety of spicy noodle preparations at affordable prices. Equipped with a variety of contemporary fried snacks.
Interestingly, the menu names there are also unique, such as Devil’s Noodles, Genderuwo Ice, Pocong Ice, and others. Its branches have also spread across major cities in Indonesia.
Location: Jalan Tebet Raya Number 35, Tebet Timur, Tebet District, South Jakarta.
Operational hours: 24 hours.
Price: starting from IDR 10 thousand.
4. Risol Margo
Having gone viral on TikTok, Risol Margo is a business owned by a content creator from Tangerang. He often promotes his resolutions through his personal TikTok account.
Interestingly, many were willing to line up in front of Margo’s house before 05.00 WIB. This made his risol sell well.
Location: Jalan Japos Complex, Paninggilan, Ciledug District, Tangerang City, Banten.
Operational hours: every day 05.00-08.00 WIB.
Price: IDR 4,000.
5. Jasmine Grilled Rice JKT48
As the name implies, Nasi Bakar is a business owned by Melati JKT48’s parents. Reportedly he helped develop his family’s culinary business. Because of its popularity, this restaurant has managed to attract the attention of visitors.
Location: Jalan Kramat Jaya Baru H4 Number 14, Johar Baru, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.
Operational hours: 18.00-00.00 WIB.
Price: IDR 15 thousand.
Those are some places to eat that are viral throughout 2022. All of the food above looks interesting, right? If you are alone, have you tried any? – Fast food is often a choice that is often consumed by people in their daily lives, especially for those who have a lot of work. Choosing ready-to-eat food is considered more effective in saving time and energy. Some of the famous fast food in the community are french fries, burgers to pizza.
Even though it saves time, if consumed too often or long term it can have an impact on overall body health. This is because fast food contains little nutrition and fiber. Whereas humans need nutrition and fiber for body development. But unfortunately, things like this seem to be ignored at all, and still many people consume them regularly.
Here is complete information about 8 famous fast food in Indonesia, get to know the dangers
1. Burger
The first famous fast food in Indonesia is burgers. These foods have very little nutritional value, and are loaded with everything that is bad for health. Burgers available in fast food restaurants have also been linked to obesity, heart disease and other health problems. Thus, it is not recommended to eat these foods too often.
2. Fries
The next famous fast food in Indonesia is French fries. These snacks have been around for hundreds of years. However, this one food is still considered bad if people consume it too often.
Basically, any food that is fried using vegetable oil will have a bad impact on health. This is because these foods contain polyunsaturated fats, which produce cancer-free radicals in the body. This also applies to french fries because they tend to contain a cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide.
3. It Crimea
Who doesn’t know ice cream, food made from milk and various other ingredients that are loved by people of all ages, from children to adults. Ice cream is indeed very delicious especially when consumed when the weather is hot.
However, ice cream contains as many calories and sugar as a bottle of soda. This dangerous ice cream means when it is mixed with milk and made into a milkshake. When used as a milkshake, you are said to have consumed around 1,000 calories.
4. Given
Plain donuts don’t contain many calories, and they don’t harm your body. However, nowadays donuts have many flavors and contain a lot of sugar. If you only consume one, maybe it won’t be a problem.
But in reality, the average individual consumes two to three donuts. You need to remember that in a donut that tastes like it contains no nutrition at all, which is sure to make the consumer feel hungry.
5. Pizza
The next famous fast food in Indonesia is pizza. This food is often served mixed with lots of cheese, meat, sauce, and other ingredients, containing 600 calories per slice.
This is because these foods are high in saturated fat, sodium and carbohydrates. Therefore, if consumed too often pizza can have a bad impact on health, the most famous of which often triggers obesity.
6. Fish nuggets
Fish nuggets are often given by parents to their children. This is clearly against the rules, and it is not good if it is given too often let alone in large quantities.
If you want to be healthy, eat really fresh fish meat, and don’t choose fish that has been processed like this. Remember, fish that have been processed on average contain a lot of preservatives, let alone consumed by frying.
7. Hot Dog
This long-sized beef layered bun mixed with a little mayonnaise, chili sauce, and tomato sauce also has ingredients that are not healthy for the body. Hot dogs are directly related to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
In this case the problem is not the meat in the food, but the high salt and preservatives that are often used. If you really want to eat this fast food, choose organic, low fat and sodium content.
8. Stick to Keju
Next, although cheese is not so harmful to health. But it will be a problem if this cheese has been mixed with bread flour and fried. So, in a cheese stick there is very high fat and sodium, and it is definitely very dangerous for the body.
Therefore it is not recommended to make this ready-to-eat food as a daily snack, especially for children. – Come on, find out what foods and drinks will be trending in 2023 here!
Entering the end of 2022, maybe you are curious about the food and drink trends that will appear in 2023. As you already know, there are lots of food and drink trends that have emerged in 2022.
The phenomenon of healthy food and drink also continues to proliferate this year. Starting from oat milk, wheat bread, and other organic foods, many people are starting to pay attention.
However, that does not mean that food and drinks with delicious tastes derived from animal sources, flour and sugar are not being looked at. Call it boba ice cream, various pastries, sandwiches, and others.
Seeing the dominance of food trends that are hits this year, will these trends continue in 2023? Come on, see more about this article!
Prediction of Food and Beverage Trends in 2023
Here are some predictions of food and drink trends that will hit in 2023. Check below, who knows it could be your culinary business idea!
1. Food trend 2023: Salted egg chicken
Current food trends with salted egg sauce or salted eggs have continued to mushroom over the past few years, one of which is salted egg chicken. Even though it has been present for quite a long time on the market, this food is still being invaded by people, especially the people of Indonesia.
Salted egg chicken is also very easy to serve. It is enough to serve chicken which is fried using flour and then served over hot rice and smeared with salted egg sauce, so this one menu immediately looks tempting.
With all its practicality, it is predicted that this food will continue its popularity in 2023. Of course, with the creation of new innovations, this food will continue to enliven the culinary world, especially in Indonesia.
2. Salted egg chips
Unlike the salted egg chicken which is usually served as a main meal, these salted egg chips are a snack that you can eat in your spare time. These salted egg chips are usually made from salmon skin which is fried and then seasoned with salted egg. Offering a delicious and savory taste, it looks like this snack will continue its popularity as one of the food trends in 2023.
3. Ciring
Cireng is a snack that is in great demand by the people of Indonesia. Cireng, which has a crunchy texture on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside, has always attracted the interest of the Indonesian people.
Moreover, served with a sprinkling of chili powder or chili sauce adds to the resulting taste. In addition, cireng is also often created into several new preparations, such as filled cireng to salad seasoning cireng.
4. Churros
This snack from the country of Matador, Spain turns out to be increasingly liked and in demand by the people of Indonesia. Having a crunchy texture on the outside but so soft on the inside makes this food very enjoyable to eat while accompanied by a cup of tea.
In addition, churros are also usually served with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and chocolate sauce which further adds to the sweetness. No wonder this food will re-enter the food trend in 2023.
5. Potato milk
Maybe all this time you only know the choice of vegan milk is between oats, almonds, soy, or just coconut. Well, now you also need to know about potato milk which is being talked about more and more by people.
This milk is made from potato tubers and is one of the plant-based milks which is predicted to become a trend in 2023. The taste of this creamy potato milk is also very suitable to be combined with coffee.
Of course you can make delicious lattes and cappuccinos from this potato milk. Have you ever tried it?
6. Salmon
Another food that is predicted to become popular again in 2023 is salmon. Today more and more people are paying more attention to their food intake, and therefore they are more interested in foods with less protein, sauces and vegetables.
Preserved or smoked salmon is one of the favorite options. Processed smoked salmon added with shallots, cream cheese, and artisanal bread or biscuits can certainly spoil the tongue for those who eat it.
7. Food trend 2023: Yuzu
Yuzu is a typical Japanese orange that looks very much like a lemon. The aroma of this orange is also more fragrant and the taste is more sour. In fact, the content of vitamin C in this yuzu fruit can be up to three times higher than that of lemons, you know.
In addition, Yuzu also has many other health benefits for the body. Starting from preventing cancer, increasing immunity, improving blood flow, to maintaining brain health.
8. Katsu sando
One of the foods that is expected to re-enter the 2023 food trend is katsu sando. This is because there are more and more innovations in making sandwiches that are popular with many people because of their practicality.
Katsu sando is a sandwich made from milk bread typical of Sakura Country, Japan. Besides having a soft texture, this bread has a sweeter taste than ordinary white bread.
The toppings served at this katsu sando include wagyu katsu, eggs, and vegetables. Having this blend, of course, makes the taste of this food delicious and able to shake the tongue. Come on, try it!
9. Cabbage
Brasika or brassica is a plant belonging to the cabbage tribe or Brassicaceae. Indeed, this type of vegetable is known by people as a source of vegetables and seasonings such as cabbage and mustard greens. Apart from that, brasika is also considered a versatile vegetable that is delicious and can last a long time in the fridge, you know.
10. Food trends 2023: Various Indian dishes
It is predicted that various Indian dishes will also become one of the food trends in 2023. Moreover, at this time there are also many who have started to enjoy food or cuisine from India.
Actually Indian food is quite good and varied, and most Indian restaurants have also eschewed things like pav bhaji, momos and other classics. Indian cuisine is rich in spices and strong flavours, from butter chicken to mouth-watering rogan josh.
11. Honey
Public awareness to consume honey is also predicted to continue to increase. Moreover, in 2023 people will be increasingly concerned about the importance of health. Besides having a function as a medicine, honey also has a delicious taste and can add pleasure when taken with warm drinks, such as tea, milk, ginger water, and others.
12. Food trend 2023: Organic food
Millennials and Generation Z are predicted to be increasingly interested in organic foods. One of them is a type of grain food, such as chia seeds, sesame seeds, and quinoa. Team Chef Armstrong from Hybrid Chef in Jupiter, California also said that people will be more focused on cleaner, healthier and hygienic food in 2023.
13. Kombucha
The next food and drink trend that is predicted to be popular in 2023 is kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented tea that has a sharp, sour, vinegar-like taste, yet refreshing.
Even though kombucha tea has actually been consumed in China for more than 2000 years, now you can find this tea menu at your favorite cafes, you know. In addition, kombucha is also believed to have various health benefits. You must try!
14. Mushrooms
Because food trends in 2023 tend to be healthier food and drinks, the use of mushrooms as a food ingredient is also predicted to increase. Moreover, mushrooms can be the best alternative as a substitute for red meat.
In addition, the texture and taste of mushrooms are very similar to meat. Of course, food creations using mushrooms will continue to increase. For example, replacing the burger patty with grilled portobello mushrooms, which are no less juicy and delicious.
15. Food trend 2023: Korean fried chicken
The increasing popularity of Korean culture in the world makes anything Korean sell well, including the food. One of the typical Korean food menus that is predicted to become more popular in 2023 is Korean fried chicken.
If Indonesia has fried chicken with special spices, then Korea also has huraide cikin or fried chicken. The difference is, this Korean fried chicken uses flour and special seasonings to give the chicken a crunch and delicacy.
Apart from that, Korean fried chicken is also known for its chicken meat which is very juicy and tender when eaten. Of the various Korean fried chicken menus, one that is quite popular is the Ban Ban menu.
This menu presents Korean fried chicken covered with a sauce made from sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, gochujang, gochugaru, and spring onions. If you’ve never tried this Korean fried chicken, then you have to try it right away! – Toddlers need important nutrients to build their brains and bodies. Children this age use a lot of energy to grow and play, but they have small stomachs. They may not be able to eat enough at mealtime to make it between lunch and dinner.
Every toddler is different. Many toddlers need an afternoon snack. Some toddlers also need a morning snack.
Here are some ideas to help you build snacks for your hungry toddler that offer a healthy balance of the nutrients they need.
How to put balanced snacks together
Children sometimes come to think of a “snack” as a time to eat highly processed foods. You can help avoid this trap by serving a variety of healthy, freshly prepared foods to your kids—even at snack time.
To make a balanced snack for your toddler, you can include:
a protein food (includes dairy foods)
a fruit and/or vegetable and
a grain or starchy vegetable
Keep in mind that not every snack needs to be a mini-meal; a balanced diet can be achieved over the course of the entire day. When you serve snacks with fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans and proteins, though, you know your toddler is on the right nutritional track.
Some balanced snacks you can put together using key food categories:
Apples, peaches, plums, pears (all thinly sliced)
Grapes, grape tomatoes, berries (all smashed or cut lengthwise)
Oranges, grapefruit sections (cut into pieces)
Bananas (sliced lengthwise)
Frozen fruit (defrosted and cut into pieces)
Avocado (sliced)
Dried apricots, peaches, pears, dates, prunes, raisins (pitted and cut into small pieces)
Rinsed canned fruits
Example combinations
Plain yogurt + defrosted frozen fruit (diced) + a piece of toast
Paper thin sliced apples + thin spread of seed butter + cooked frozen pea
Carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli (steamed until soft)
Chunk light (skipjack) tuna can be served once per month. Tuna fish can be higher in mercury, which is not good for toddlers. (See “Healthy Fish Choices for Kids.”)
Peanut butter, nut and seed butters (spread thinly)
Edamame, chickpeas, beans (cooked and mashed)
Cooked tofu cubes
Eggs (scrambled or hard boiled and cut)
Chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb (cooked and diced)
Ground nuts and seeds (mixed into foods)
Example combinations
Cooked quinoa + diced chicken + steamed broccoli
Cooked rice + lentil curry with greens
Toddler serving sizes
Serve toddlers small portions to start, such as three quartered strawberries and ⅛ of a quesadilla.
If your child finishes this, they will decide if they are still hungry and ask for more. If they don’t finish this, they are full. Let them stop eating.
Because you are serving snacks with fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans and proteins, it’s okay to let them fill up at snack time.
Foods to avoid with toddlers
Choking hazards
Big chunks of food, and hard, round, and slippery foods are a choking hazard for children under 4 years old. Cook or cut up these foods to minimize choking risk. Avoid whole nuts, spoons of peanut butter, and popcorn until age 4.
Sugary, salty & overly processed foods
Toddlers don’t need added sodium or sugar. For health reasons, avoid added sodium and sugar until they are 2 years old.
Foods like salty crackers, chips, cookies, pastries and cakes can be fun sometimes, but your child will eat these when they are older. Serve these foods less often.
Best beverages for toddlers
Serve snacks with water or milk. Delay serving juice until age 2 to help protect your child’s teeth and avoid developing a preference for sweet drinks. (See “Recommended Drinks for Children Age 5 & Younger.”) – Certain foods are high in sugar, refined carbs, and fat, yet low in important nutrients like protein and fiber. This can make weight loss more difficult and may have other negative effects on health.
Most people focus solely on cutting calories to lose weight.
However, it’s also crucial to consider the types of foods that you’re eating.
Foods high in protein and fiber can keep you feeling fuller for longer, which may support weight loss.
On the other hand, eating too many foods high in sugar, refined carbs, or fat can add extra calories to your diet, making weight loss more challenging.
Here are 11 foods to limit when you’re trying to lose weight.
1. French fries and potato chips
French fries and potato chips are often very high in calories and fat.
In observational studies, consuming French fries and potato chips has been linked to weight gain and obesity.
One 2011 study even found that potato chips may contribute to more weight gain per serving than any other food.
What’s more, baked, roasted, or fried potatoes may contain substances called acrylamides, which have been linked to cancer.
Therefore, it’s best to enjoy these foods in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
French fries and potato chips are high in calories and fat, which could contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. Therefore, it’s best to enjoy these foods in moderation.
2. Sugary drinks
Sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda, are high in calories and added sugar.
They are strongly associated with weight gain and can have negative effects on health when consumed in excess
Even though sugary drinks contain a lot of calories, your brain doesn’t register them like solid food.
Liquid sugar calories don’t make you feel as full, meaning you won’t eat less food to compensate. Instead, you may end up adding these calories on top of your normal intake.
If you are serious about losing weight, consider limiting your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and opting for drinks like flavored water, kombucha, tea, or coffee instead.
Sugary drinks can negatively affect your weight and general health. If weight loss is your goal, then limiting your intake of soda and similar drinks may have a big impact.
3. White bread
White bread is highly refined and often contains a lot of added sugar.
It is high on the glycemic index, meaning that it can lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.
One 2014 study in 9,267 people found that eating two slices (120 grams) of white bread per day was linked to a 40% greater risk of weight gain and obesity.
Fortunately, there are many nutritious alternatives to conventional wheat bread, including Ezekiel bread, which is made from sprouted grains and legumes.
However, keep in mind that all wheat breads do contain gluten, which should be avoided by people with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity.
Some other options for those following a gluten-free diet include oopsie bread, cornbread, and almond flour bread.
White bread has a high glycemic index and has been linked to weight gain and obesity. It also contains gluten, which may not be suitable for people with celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten.
4. Candy bars
Candy bars pack high amounts of added sugar, added oils, and refined flour into a small package.
Candy bars are also high in calories and low in nutrients. Many varieties of candy bars covered in chocolate contain around 200–300 calories, and extra-large bars may contain even more.
If you are craving something sweet, consider opting for a snack-sized candy bar or a few squares of dark chocolate and enjoy alongside other nutritious snacks, like fresh fruit, nuts, or a yogurt parfait.
Candy bars are high in sugar, refined flour, and added oils. They are also high in calories, but not very filling.
5. Some fruit juices
Some fruit juices you find at the supermarket have very little in common with whole fruit.
In fact, some types can contain just as much sugar and calories as soda, if not more.
Also, fruit juice usually contains no fiber and doesn’t require chewing.
This means that a glass of orange juice won’t have the same effects on fullness as an orange, making it easy to consume large quantities in a short amount of time.
Opt for whole fruit instead, or try limiting your intake of fruit juice to around 4 ounces (118 milliliters) at a time.
Fruit juice is high in calories and added sugar, but usually contains no fiber. It is best to stick to stick to smaller portions or choose whole fruit.
6. Pastries, cookies, and cakes
Pastries, cookies, and cakes are packed with calories and added sugar.
These foods are also not very satisfying, meaning that you may become hungry very quickly after eating these high calorie foods.
If you’re trying to lose weight, try limiting your portion sizes of these foods and enjoy them from time to time as part of a well-rounded diet.
Foods like dark chocolate, fruit, trail mix, or chia pudding can also help satisfy your sweet tooth instead.
Pastries, cookies, and cakes are high in calories and added sugar but are not very filling. Limiting your portion sizes or opting for other sweet snacks may help with weight management.
7. Some types of alcohol (especially beer)
Alcohol provides more calories than carbs and protein, or about 7 calories per gram.
However, the evidence for alcohol and weight gain is not clear.
Drinking alcohol in moderation seems to be fine and is actually linked to reduced weight gain. Heavy drinking, on the other hand, is associated with increased weight gain.
The type of alcohol also matters. Beer can cause weight gain, but drinking wine in moderation may actually be beneficial.
If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to consider cutting back on alcohol or enjoying drinks like wine in small amounts.
8. Ice cream
In addition to being high in calories, most types of ice cream are also loaded with sugar.
A small portion of ice cream is fine every now and then, but the problem is that it’s very easy to consume massive amounts in one sitting.
Be sure to serve yourself a small portion of ice cream instead of eating straight from the container so that you won’t end up eating too much.
Alternatively, consider making your own frozen desserts using less sugar and more nutritious ingredients like full-fat yogurt and fruit.
Store-bought ice cream is high in sugar and calories. Making your own frozen desserts at home using less sugar or sticking to smaller portion sizes of ice cream can be beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight.
9. Pizza
Pizza is a very popular fast food. However, commercially made pizzas are often high in calories and made with ingredients like highly refined flour and processed meat.
If you want to enjoy a slice of pizza, try making your own at home using nutritious ingredients and toppings.
If you order from a restaurant, stick to lower calorie toppings like grilled chicken, peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms, or garlic.
You can also choose thin crust pizza to reduce the calorie content or enjoy a slice or two alongside a salad or a side of steamed broccoli to round out your meal.
Commercial pizzas are often made from highly refined and processed ingredients. Making your own pizza at home or selecting lower calorie toppings can support weight management.
10. High calorie coffee drinks
Coffee contains several biologically active substances, including caffeine.
These chemicals can boost your metabolism and increase fat burning, at least in the short term.
However, many coffee drinks contain excessive amounts of cream and sugar, which can significantly increase the total calorie content in each serving.
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to limit your consumption of these beverages or choose plain, black coffee sweetened with a bit of cream or milk.
Plain, black coffee may help increase fat burning and boost your metabolism. However, many coffee drinks contain excessive amounts of cream and sugar, which can increase the total calorie content.
11. Foods high in added sugar
Consuming high amounts of added sugar is thought to contribute to several chronic conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and liver disease.
Foods high in added sugar usually provide high amounts of calories, but are lacking in other important nutrients and are not very filling.
Examples of foods that may contain massive amounts of added sugar include sugary breakfast cereals, granola bars, and low fat, flavored yogurt.
You should be especially careful when selecting “low fat” or “fat-free” foods, as manufacturers often add extra sugar to make up for the flavor that’s lost when the fat is removed.
Added sugar is high in calories and may be linked to several chronic health problems. Many products, such as low fat and fat-free foods, are high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.
The bottom line
If you’re trying to lose weight, the types of foods that you’re eating can make a big impact.
In addition to being higher in calories, certain foods might also be less filling or lacking in important nutrients that can support weight loss, such as fiber or protein.
Be sure to check the label carefully and limit your intake of foods that are highly processed or high in added sugar.
Also, remember to consider the serving sizes. Some nutrient-dense foods, like nuts, dried fruit, and cheese, are high in calories, and it can be very easy to eat too much.
You can also practice mindful eating, in which you pay close attention to each bite, chew your foods slowly, and monitor your fullness. This technique can help moderate your food intake.
When the weather warms up, it’s only natural to want to spend less time in the kitchen. So check out these streamlined summer dinner recipes whether you’re eating in the backyard, having a picnic on the lawn, or just gathering around the dining room table. Designed to keep you cool, these quick and easy summer dinner recipes that rely mostly on pantry staples will give you more time to enjoy lazy days and take full advantage of the season and all that summer has to offer. Recipes with short ingredient lists and very little prep ensure that dinner will be ready in 45 minutes or less.
Grilled Chicken with Rosemary and Bacon
Just a few ingredients — fresh rosemary, bacon, and garlic powder — add considerable flavor to this quick summer dinner recipe that recipe reviewer Country Folks says also works on a stovetop grill. By making extra portions, you will be able to use it in sandwiches and salads during the rest of the week.
Tomato Basil Salmon
Nothing quite says summer like the combination of tomatoes and basil. With the addition of Parmesan cheese, tomatoes and basil give an Italian vibe to salmon. Several reviewers also suggest adding fresh or powdered garlic to amp up the flavor and using fresh basil instead of dried, if you have it.
Crunchy French Onion Chicken
Crispy French fried onions aren’t just for green bean casseroles. Here, they form the breading for skinless, boneless chicken breasts that are baked in the oven after a quick dip in beaten egg. Recipe reviewer Ashley Hamilton suggests baking it on parchment paper to avoid any chance it will stick.
Spinach and Feta Turkey Burgers
Whether you’re eating inside or out, this recipe is sure to please. Recipe creator Foodie Geek says, “These are a big hit in the summertime when everyone is tired of the same old hamburgers and hot dogs. Serve with or without buns and your favorite condiments. I like to serve these with lettuce, tomato, and Tzatziki sauce.”
Mushroom Pork Chops
You probably already have the ingredients needed for this terrific recipe. A combination of fresh sliced mushrooms, onions, and cream of mushroom soup doctored with salt, pepper and a pinch of garlic salt create loads of flavor with no fuss. The sauce is delicious with mashed potatoes, noodles, or bread.
Baked Salmon Fillets Dijon
For a picture-perfect fish dish, smear salmon with Dijon mustard and top with bread crumbs, and melted to create a crunchy crust with a minimal amount of work. It bakes in 15 minutes, and the use of aluminum foil makes it a breeze to clean up.
Artichoke and Sundried Tomato Chicken
Pantry staples come to the rescue again in this chicken dish with diced tomatoes, sundried tomato pesto, and canned artichokes. Lots of recipe reviewers put their own twist on the recipe, including adding more pesto, including garlic, adding black olives, and Italian seasoning mix. Many reviewers say it’s great served over pasta.
Easy Tuna Casserole
Raid the pantry for macaroni, a can of tuna, a can of cream of chicken soup, and French fried onions. Combine it all with grated cheddar cheese for a very quick and simple version of the ultimate comfort food, tuna noodle casserole. Recipe creator LMCDEVIT says it’s great as leftovers too.
Marinated Grilled Chicken
Did you know that Italian salad dressing makes a great marinade for chicken? While the recipe calls for skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, recipe creator Denise Boyd says you can use the same ingredients and technique with inexpensive chicken pieces or to grill a whole chicken.
Air-Fried Italian Stuffed Tomatoes
Use up your leftover tomatoes and create a simple dinner that’s cheesy, spicy, and oh-so-satisfying. Whether you love tomatoes or just enjoy using your air fryer, this delicious dinner will meet all your needs.
Kielbasa with Peppers and Potatoes
A summertime favorite, smoky sausages combine with red and yellow peppers and potatoes for an easy one-dish supper for six. Easy to adapt using what you have on hand, several reviewers suggest adding onions and swapping Italian sausage for kielbasa or using low-fat turkey kielbasa.
Salsa Chicken
Taco seasoning mix along with salsa adds flavor to this simple chicken recipe. Recipe creator Faye says you can use any salsa you like — mild, medium, or hot and adds, “I usually serve it with Spanish rice and Mexican-style canned corn. Very easy and quick!”
Grandma’s Famous Salmon Cakes
There is no flour, bread, or cracker crumbs as filler in these cakes; just egg to the salmon and onion. Recipe reviewer EMoore512 says, “I’m on the Atkins Diet and this is a perfect meal for anyone who is doing the low-carb, high-protein thing.”
Barbeque Chicken Grilled Pizza
Recipe creator Kristin C says, “Use whatever toppings you normally like on regular pizza, but the barbeque chicken is always a crowd-pleaser!” It’s a great way to use leftover barbeque chicken and sauce. Recipe reviewer Tonia St says, “Instead of using dough I used naan bread, mozzarella, and used mushrooms instead of tomatoes.”
Creamy Pesto Shrimp
Pesto blended with heavy cream and Parmesan makes a rich sauce for both shrimp and linguine. Recipe creator Loretta Buffa says, “One of our family’s favorites, it’s also great when made with crab meat instead of the shrimp.” Several reviewers suggest using half and half instead of cream if you’re looking to reduce fat and calories.
BLT Salad
When it’s too hot to cook, this cool refreshing salad makes a hearty meal that’s a bit like a wedge salad. All the ingredients from a BLT sandwich are smartly repurposed into a salad. The bread is croutons and seasoned mayonnaise thinned with milk becomes the dressing.
Chipotle Shrimp Tacos
These tacos are perfect for those who love shrimp but also don’t mind a bit of spiciness. “Really good but beware the chipotle peppers in adobe sauce are kickin’!! Don’t have to use a lot!,” says reviewer Lktigger24.
Zucchini Soup
If your garden is overflowing with zucchini or a neighbor has left you some of their crops, you can use it to make this luscious soup that takes no more than 15 minutes to cook. Vegan, gluten-free, fat-free, and super low carb, it’s light, fresh, and healthy as can be.
Portobello Mushroom Burgers
“The steak of veggie burgers. Serve on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and aioli sauce,” says recipe creator Bob Cody. Perfect for vegetarians, these portobello mushroom caps get a quick marinade before being cooked like burgers on the grill. A slice of melted provolone cheese makes these burgers something special.
Portable Chinese Chicken Salad
Heading outside to dine al fresco? This salad is designed to be taken with you and is made in two steps. Prep the salad, dressing, and noodles with almonds, then combine all three when you get to your picnic spot for a crunchy light Chinese chicken salad that’s cool and fresh.
Sauteed Scallops
If you’ve got fresh rosemary and garlic, you can make these scallops. It only takes five minutes of preparation and five minutes to cook these scallops. Some reviewers add white wine to the pan to make a quick and easy pan sauce to accompany the scallops.
Quick and Fresh Gazpacho
There’s no cooking to make this simple favorite soup. Simply combine tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, and bell pepper in the blender with some seasonings to make this refreshing soup. A Spanish classic, recipe creator pealawson says her Spanish husband taught her to make it.
Chinese culture has a rich history tracing back thousands of years. With an ever-evolving ethos, Chinese civilization has been at the forefront of its time, revolutionizing in areas of ceramics, architecture, music, literature, martial arts, visual arts, philosophy, and religion. Yet, there is one area that stands apart. Chinese cuisine has innovated in the culinary world for centuries. Chinese restaurants, and their chefs, continue to inspire, creating magnificent dishes that are tasted around the world. Here, we pay homage to Chinese culinary cuisine, sharing 10 of the most popular dishes in China, that must be experienced in time for this upcoming Chinese New Year.
Kung Pao Chicken
What better way to start this list of popular Chinese foods than with one of China’s most renowned and famous dishes: kung pao chicken. This classic dish originated from Sichuan cuisine (south-western China) and is a meal that is often first associated with typical Chinese food and cuisine. With stir-fried chicken, peanuts, vegetables, and chili peppers, this dish is sure to satisfy in its perfected simplicity.
Sweet and Sour Pork
Sweet and sour pork is a staple dish enjoyed in Western China that is also often found in Chinese restaurants around the world. This dish is constructed around its main ingredient, deep-fried pork, which is stir-fried in a sweet and sour sauce, typically made of sugar, ketchup, white vinegar, and soy sauce. Additional ingredients including onions pineapple, and green pepper also work to complete this signature meal, leading it to become one of the most popular dishes in China.
Peking Roast Duck
Created for the Ming Dynasty, Peking roast duck has since become a common delicacy enjoyed in Beijing, China. Seasoned before being oven-roasted, Peking duck is often served right out of the oven with its signature crisp and golden-brazed skin still intact. Served with the duck, bringing the dish together, is sides of spring onion, cucumber, and sweet bean sauce.
Mapo Tofu
Mapo Tofu is the real deal when it comes to spicy and spice lovers alike, establishing itself as one of the most popular dishes in China. The tofu itself is set in hot and spicy sauce before being simmered with bean paste, beef, hot roasted chili oil, and a handful of the infamous tongue-numbing Sichuan peppercorns. If you believe spicy food is king, don’t pass up on any chance to try this peppery delight.
Chow Mein
There is nothing wrong with tried, true, and dependable. Chow mein is not only one of the most popular dishes in China, but it has also become a signature dish at Chinese restaurants all around the world. With stir-fried noodles, and your choice of sauteed tofu, vegetables, or meat, Chow mein has become an easy and reliable meal to be savored and enjoyed.
Chinese Hot Pot
A Chinese hot pot, also known as a steamboat, is a dish defined by its preparation method: simmering a pot of soup stock along with other raw ingredients, allowing it to cook at the dining table itself. This method of Chinese cuisine, a tradition brought down from noble banquets, has now become a common dish to tie together any family and communal meal.
Spring Rolls
Spring rolls are the perfect side dish, so it is completely understandable why they have become synonymous when we think about other Chinese dishes and Chinese cuisine. Once consumed as a seasonal snack at spring festivals, these fried and savory rolls filled with cabbage, vegetable, or other meat fillings have become a crispy and tasty addition to any main.
Wonton Soup
Originating in Northern China, wontons are a type of dumpling draped in egg yolk wrappings, covering cooked and savory meats or seafood filling. Wontons can be either fried or steamed; however, wonton soup often calls for steamed wontons submerged in boiled chicken broth that is garnished with green onions. This bowl of warmth is the perfect comfort food, allowing it to be sought after year-round and around the world.
Chicken Fried Rice
Cooked in a wok or frying pan, this dish tosses fried rice with egg, vegetables, and chicken over steamy temperatures. Often made with local ingredients, chicken fried rice can be made in countless variations, sometimes not including chicken at all, allowing for substitutes like seafood or other proteins creating room for artistry and experimentation.
Char Siu
Bringing the 10 most popular dishes in China list to an end is this mouth-watering Cantonese-styled barbeque pork. Cooked in five-spiced powder, honey, and red yeast, Char Siu can be fire-roasted to perfection, allowing for a sweet and savory experience with each bite.
Included were 10 of the most popular dishes in China, dishes that are enjoyed and eaten across the country and have now been shared and experienced around the world. These dishes are popular for a reason; you should be sure to try them when they are made authentically with quality ingredients. There is a lot to be learned from Chinese cuisine, with bountiful amounts of flavors, techniques, and culinary history to draw from, any foodie would benefit themselves by giving it, and the meals it has cultivated, proper attention.
The traditional dishes of Bali are a huge part of the tradition here in Indonesia; some are almost as old as the culture itself. Here’s what to try in Bali if you want to experience the essence of the island on your plate.
Satay, or sate in Indonesian, are grilled slices of chicken, goat, beef or pork, skewered on sticks. You can find them in virtually every city in Indonesia; every culture has a unique take and variation. Sate lilit is Bali’s creation, which is marinated in coconut milk and other spices. The sliced meat is wrapped rather than skewered, hence the name lilit (wrap). Additional sauce is optional, as the sate itself already has a combination of spicy, savoury and sweet tastes.
Babi Guling
Babi guling (Balinese-roasted pork) is a treat often served during cultural performances or ceremonies. While the fresh pork contributes to the juiciness, the mix of traditional spices plays an important role in making babi guling an unforgettable dish.
Legend has it that betutu was once the king’s favourite meal. It’s not surprising, then, that the food is prepared in such a sophisticated way. A whole chicken or duck is often chosen as the main ingredient, which is then stuffed with an intricate mixture of spices, including shallots, garlic, ginger, chilli, peanuts and more. The meal takes at least eight hours to prepare. The taste is worth it, though, because that long process yields a rich flavour in every bite.
Lawar is made by mixing chopped meat with various green vegetables and grated coconut. As for the meat, the choices are beef, chicken, duck, pork, turtle or a combination of those. Balinese know two types of lawar: red and white. The red gets its colour from animal blood added to the mixture, which adds a certain savoury flavour. White lawar, on the other hand, doesn’t contain blood and often substitutes meat with jackfruit.
Bubur mengguh
Bubur mengguh is a kind of porridge that originated in Buleleng. This savoury dish is an important meal for Balinese people as it’s one of the compulsory treats served at traditional festivals or ceremonies. The porridge is topped with a liquid mixture made from spices, shredded chicken, roasted peanuts and celery. Often, bubur mengguh is served with urab, a vegetable salad with coconut dressing. Warm, freshly cooked bubur mengguh is perfect for breakfast.
Nasi jinggo
Although it comes in small portions, nasi jinggo is a big part of local daily life. Consisting of rice, vegetables and a side dish and condiment wrapped together inside a banana leaf, nasi jinggo is an affordable food. Usually, the side dish options are shredded chicken, egg or noodles. You can buy nasi jinggo from motorcycles parked on the side of main streets.
Nasi tepeng
Nasi tepeng is the local cuisine of Gianyar. Its texture is somewhere between rice and porridge. The soft, mushy grain is enjoyed with a special mixture of spices and herbs, which gives a strong flavour, along with fried chicken, egg, jackfruit, beans and eggplant. In Gianyar, nasi tepeng is a common breakfast; smelling that enticing aroma in the morning is a treat in itself.
Urab (also known as urap) is a traditional vegetable salad with coconut dressing. It has a wide array of steamed or raw vegetables, including green beans, cabbage, bean sprouts, spinach and cassava leaves. You can enjoy urab on its own or as a side dish, rich in both flavour and nutrients.
Tum consists of minced chicken or beef, put together with mashed spices and herbs such as garlic, shallots, chillis, bay leaves, gingers, lemongrass and more. Everything is arranged compactly in a banana leaf, making it convenient to eat as a main course or snack on the go.
Sambal matah
This tasty Balinese hot sauce has made its way to restaurants and households all over Indonesia. Each culture has a unique take on the chilli-based condiment, but sambal matah is loved for its fresh sensation. Shallots, garlic and chillis are chopped or blended, giving it a delightful texture. The secret is the touch of lime leaves and lemongrass. Sambal matah can enhance the flavour of a simple fried chicken, pork or egg dish.
As all Amsterdammers know but many visitors don’t, Indonesian food is widely eaten in the Netherlands due to the two countries’ colonial history (too complicated to go into here, but Google it). So when in the Dutch capital, checking out one of the Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam is a must.
Don’t leave the city without trying a rijsttafel (literally: “rice table”): dozens of small, shareable dishes ranging from mild to spicy, in all colours of the rainbow, served with rice. Although something of a Dutch invention (locals in Indonesia aren’t eating rijsttafels), it’s a great way to try lots of dishes in one meal.
Satay skewers – generally chicken and goat – are a staple, as are various curries (meat and fish), boiled eggs in spicy sauces, vegetables in peanut sauce (wonderfully named gado-gado) and fried bananas. But there’s much more besides, depending on the particular restaurant’s selection of rijsttafel. Of course, if you’d rather stick with just one dish all to yourself, these places offer plenty of Indonesian specialties as starters and main courses, too.
In this article, I’ve focused on the Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam, where you can turn up for a proper sit-down meal with wine (or whatever your poison may happen to be). And, believe me, you’ll need a decent-sized table just to fit all the dishes that will inevitably appear if you order a rijsttafel. But there are of course plenty of tokos offering takeaway Indonesian food in Amsterdam, or holes-in-the-wall where you can sit down to eat a quick meal without alcohol.
Where to eat rijsttafel in Amsterdam
Blauw has been going strong for decades – and I’ve been a fan ever since I first visited in 2009. I like its split-level interior and bold décor that eschews the kitschiness that often goes along with Asian restaurants. I like the fact that it’s a bit of a trek – down at the bottom of the Vondelpark on the Amstelveenseweg – which means it isn’t full of tourists. I also like its rijsttafel, which comprises a huge selection of boat-shaped dishes ranging from mild to super-spicy. Blauw went through a rough patch for a couple of years when a few of its original chefs defected to Ron Gastrobar Indonesia (more on that below). But when I last visited, it was back to its former glories with a new team in place who seem to know what they’re doing. The rijsttafel comprised classics like beef rendang and various forms of satay (chicken, goat and shrimp) but also more interesting dishes like fish mousse with a spicy yet fresh green sauce. If you have room, don’t miss the starter of Aneka Laut Lilit – fragrant crab and shrimp cakes bound with cornmeal and served on a lemongrass skewer. For those with a sweet tooth, Blauw’s “grand dessert” doesn’t disappoint with favourites like spekkoek and mango ice cream, as well as more adventurous flavours like durian parfait and chocolate fudge laced with cayenne pepper.
Rijsttafel Rating: 4.5/5
Cost: €35.50-43.50
Tujuh Maret
More central (it’s on the Utrechtsestraat) is Tujuh Maret – a family-run restaurant that’s not much to look at but absolutely delivers. When we first looked at the menu, we weren’t sure they served alcohol (shock horror!) but when we asked they were happy to keep carafes of house wine flowing. The “Minahasa” rijsttafel costs €34.50, which is cheaper than many on this list, but is just as extensive. And (wait for the best bit) several of the dishes are actually properly spicy. Not uncomfortably so, but I’d have a few friends whose eyes might water a little. And that’s a good thing because it’s been regrettably hard to come by in the gathering of this list. It’s hard to pick out favourite dishes because I enjoyed them all – even the tempeh, which usually I can’t stand.
Rijsttafel Rating: 4.5/5
Cost: €29.50-34.50
Ron Gastrobar Indonesia
Chef Ron Blaauw already has a series of restaurants in Amsterdam showcasing everything from classic fine dining to Oriental specialities. But it’s worth taking a trip to Oudekerk aan de Amstel (around a 40-minute cycle ride from the south of the city centre) to try the rijsttafel at Ron Gastrobar Indonesia. And here, Chef Tim is in charge. His satay is to die for – the chicken and goat meat perfectly moist yet charred on the outside, and the sauces spicy yet sweet. Both the eggs and the fried shrimps have the perfect level of chilli heat. And all the curries are succulent and distinctly different in flavour. The wine list and service are what you’d expect from a fine dining restaurant, but the prices are surprisingly modest. My only criticism is that I’d have liked it if a few more of the dishes were on the spicy end of the spectrum.
Rijsttafel Rating: 4.5/5
Cost: €34.50-39.50
In contrast, old-timer Sampurna is right in the centre of Amsterdam, just off the bustling flower market on the Singel canal. Yes, it may be full of tourists, but the food is still good and reasonable value given the location. It’s been in business for over 35 years – so they must be doing something right!
Rijsttafel Rating: 3/5
Cost: €27.50-34.50
The first time I went to Kartika, we were forced to order our food before we’d even sat down, and were hustled out the door less than an hour later. But because the food was actually pretty good, I ended up going back. The manager there called me out on what I’d written the first time (he actually remembered me, amazingly), which was awkward but at least we both got to say our piece. Suffice to say that the second time the service was much more leisurely, and the food was just as good. Beef rendang had excellent warm spices and a rich sauce; gado-gado was fresh and fragrant, not cloying with peanut butter as is often the case. Two chicken dishes were good and distinctly different from each other: a hotter version in a thin, chilli-based broth; and a milder version in a sweet, soy-based sauce with plenty of aromatic anise. And Kartika also serves one of the cheapest rijsttafels in Amsterdam, which is good to know for those on a budget. No reservations nor free water, however.
Rijsttafel Rating: 3.5/5
Cost: €21.90-22.90
Similarly speedy was the rijsttafel at Dèsa in De Pijp, which is good value at only €20.90 for the regular rijsttafel. It includes some good chicken dishes: I particularly liked the spicy ayam rica-rica and the chicken in coconut milk and saffron. I was less impressed by the beef rendang, which could’ve been stewed for longer to make the meat more tender. But overall, Dèsa is a solid contender, especially at that price point. The service was also top notch: we had one small complaint that was immediately rectified and we were offered a free round of drinks. A rare occurrence in Amsterdam!
Rijsttafel Rating: 3.5/5
Cost: €19.90-20.90
Mama Makan
What distinguishes Mama Makan from almost everywhere else on this list is its atmosphere. Its fresh botanical interior, its extensive wine-list, its rijsttafel served in traditional “courses”: this is an Indonesian restaurant you want to take your parents to. The food arrives in five rounds, which gives the meal a nice leisurely pace that’s often lacking when eating a rijsttafel. When it comes to the dishes themselves, a couple were excellent: the chicken satay was one of the best I’ve tried, and the spicy shrimps and seabass with shallots were big hits. The dessert was also a tropical revelation of fruit flavours and creamy coconut. However, much of the rest of the food left a lot to be desired – in general, I got the impression the kitchen was playing it very safe for its cruise-ship clientele. This is Indonesian cuisine for people who don’t like spicy food. There’s nothing wrong with that (and it’s a question I’m often asked) but it’s not for the chilli addicts.
Rijsttafel Rating: 2.5/5
Cost: €42
Blue Pepper
Blue Pepper is essentially serving a fine-dining-meets-rijsttafel version of Indonesian food. Which could be ideal if you have a client you need to impress, or it’s your dad’s birthday – but know that you’re looking at a €90+ price tag for the full monty including wine. That’s not to say that the atmosphere is stuffy or pretentious, but the service is a cut above your regular Amsterdam restaurant, the presentation of the food is a notch fancier, and you can order paired wines with everything. Plus, Blue Pepper has opted to serve their rijsttafel in five courses (so you can savour each item individually), rather than plonking everything on the table at once.
The evening we visited, our first course was a delicate scallop dish with orange, macadamia nuts and samphire. The second course comprised three mini-dishes in one: a pulled-goose fried spring roll with a sauce fragrant from cloves and cinnamon; a palate-cleansing fruit combo of pineapple, mango and cucumber with a sweet sauce; and a spicy guinea-fowl curry that was pleasantly hot on the tongue. With the satay course, we were back in more familiar territory: chicken satay came with the requisite peanut sauce, while lamb satay came with a soy-based sauce. Next came a traditional selection of four rijsttafel dishes: spicy prawns, beef rendang, gado-gado and pickled vegetables. This may be regular rijsttafel fare, but the quality was still impressive. For dessert, we were instructed to eat what looked like a tiny yellow flower. Five seconds later, I felt like my mouth had been woken up by a lightning bolt. It made the combination of orange-blossom sorbet, mango panna cotta and forest berries all the fruitier. I’ve seen restaurants try to posh-up rijsttafel before, and the flavour suffered as a consequence. But at Blue Pepper, you’ll still find the punchy flavours and chilli kicks you’d expect from the best Indonesian food but in an upscale atmosphere.
Rijsttafel Rating: 4.5/5
Cost: €48-75
De Vrouw met de Baard
The website of De Vrouw met de Baard (The Bearded Lady) claims that the restaurant serves “soul food from Brooklyn to Bali”. But I’ve decided to include it in my roundup of Indonesian restaurants because many of the menu items certainly qualify. Plus, if you order enough of them to share, you’ve basically created a custom-selected rijsttafel. Tadah!
We tried five dishes between two of us, which was just about right for a couple of moderately hungry people, but on other days (when I hadn’t drunk quite so much Zatte before arriving) I might’ve ordered six. Veggie highlights were the cauliflower tempura with a creamy coconut and turmeric sauce, and the Jerusalem artichoke (known as topinamboer) that had been roasted and served with an Asian-fusion-style sauce. On the fish front, we tried smoked mackerel, steamed in a banana leaf with plenty of spicy tomato-based paste – an umami explosion. And for the meat eaters, a beef rendang that was mild and coconut-y.
Rijsttafel Rating: 4/5
Cost: €39.50-49.50
The first time I went to Jun I didn’t order the rijsttafel, which in hindsight was perhaps a good thing. I went back a couple of years later to try it, and was disappointed to discover how few dishes are actually included compared with other Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam. Those that came were lacking in spice (I was told the Dutch clientele generally ask for the dishes to be milder) and a bit of variety – there was a predominance of chicken. However, I did enjoy Jun’s soto ayam – a chicken-laden broth that’s aromatic with lemongrass, ginger and turmeric. And the service was very friendly.
Rijsttafel Rating: 3/5
Cost: €30.50-40.50
Sama Sebo
Sama Sebo is one of the oldest Indonesian restaurants in the Netherlands, having been serving customers from its kitsch brown-café location for over 35 years. So you’d think, after all that time, that they’d know when they’re doing. You’d be wrong. We’d no sooner got our wine than the dishes started arriving – suspiciously quickly. It felt like we were part of a production line of tourists being fed our requisite dozen or so plates before the next busload arrived. The dishes were variations on bland, cold, dry, and whatever the opposite of spicy is. I get that restaurants dumb down the spice levels for the western palate, but seriously – this was so dumbed down it was fake news. The pork satay was (reliably) about the best thing on the menu, but the other meat dishes lacked much of the flavour of warm spices that you’d expect from that part of the world. The gado-gado and green beans were limp, sorry shadows of their former selves, and the side dishes lacked anything to pep up the main event. The sambal with shrimp crackers was the only thing that didn’t disappoint.
Rijsttafel Rating: 1/5
Cost: €34
I have a confession to make about Café AMOI: I’ve only actually tried three of the dishes there (I ate them as part of a food tour with Eating Amsterdam), but I liked them so much that I wanted to include the restaurant here. Namely, AMOI served possibly the best gado-gado I’ve ever eaten in Amsterdam: the vegetables freshly cooked to al dente perfection and the peanut sauce sweetly savoury. I also tried the corn fritters, peppered with kaffir lime leaves and dipped in a spicy sauce, as well as the traditional Indonesian spekkoek (spiced layer cake). It was enough to make me want to go back and order a lot more next time.
Rijsttafel Rating: not yet rated
Cost: dishes sold separately for €7-15
Amsterdam travel tips
Before you’re ready to check out the Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam, you’re going to need to get here! I put together this short travel guide with practical information to help you:
Travel by air to Amsterdam: Schiphol airport is a huge hub, which means that most national carriers and budget airlines fly direct to Amsterdam. For obvious reasons, Dutch national airline KLM offers the most flights in and out of the capital, but you can compare prices among all airlines on sites like Skyscanner, Expedia and GoEuro.
Travel by train/bus to Amsterdam: If you’re already in northern Europe, Amsterdam is easy to reach by train and bus. There are regular trains from Paris and Brussels on the Thalys, while FlixBus has bus routes to the Netherlands from neighbouring Belgium and Germany. GoEuro can help you find the best route and means of transport.
Getting around in Amsterdam: Both bike rental and car rental are possible, but not advisable. Better to walk (it’s a compact city) or to make use of Amsterdam’s excellent network of trams, buses and trains. Plan your journey via the GVB website.
Where to stay in Amsterdam: For canal-side luxury, you can’t beat the iconic Pulitzer Hotel. For a budget hotel that has great amenities, book into The Social Hub (two locations). For something quirky and unique, Hotel Not Hotel is the place to rest your head. And for excellent hotel bars and restaurants, try the layback Hoxton or the trendy Kimpton de Witt.
Amsterdam tours: It might feel like a tourist cliché, but taking a tour really is a great way to get your bearings. I love the food tours by Eating Amsterdam and Devour Tours (full disclosure: they’re both clients of mine) as well as the boat tours by Lovers. But you can obviously find plenty of other options on TripAdvisor, Viator and Tours & Tickets.
Further resources: I use the Iamsterdam website to find out about things to do in Amsterdam (especially upcoming exhibitions). If you prefer to go old-school and buy a guidebook, I’ve contributed food & drink chapters to the Michelin Must See Guide, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide and Rough Guide, so I know they’re compiled by local writers. – Come on, find out what foods and drinks will be trending in 2023 here!
Entering the end of 2022, maybe you are curious about the food and drink trends that will appear in 2023. As you already know, there are lots of food and drink trends that have emerged in 2022.
The phenomenon of healthy food and drink also continues to proliferate this year. Starting from oat milk, wheat bread, and other organic foods, many people are starting to pay attention.
However, that does not mean that food and drinks with delicious tastes derived from animal sources, flour and sugar are not being looked at. Call it boba ice cream, various pastries, sandwiches, and others.
Seeing the dominance of food trends that are hits this year, will these trends continue in 2023? Come on, see more about this article!
Prediction of Food and Beverage Trends in 2023
Here are some predictions of food and drink trends that will hit in 2023. Check below, who knows it could be your culinary business idea!
1. Food trend 2023: Salted egg chicken
Current food trends with salted egg sauce or salted eggs have continued to mushroom over the past few years, one of which is salted egg chicken. Even though it has been present for quite a long time on the market, this food is still being invaded by people, especially the people of Indonesia.
Salted egg chicken is also very easy to serve. It is enough to serve chicken which is fried using flour and then served over hot rice and smeared with salted egg sauce, so this one menu immediately looks tempting.
With all its practicality, it is predicted that this food will continue its popularity in 2023. Of course, with the creation of new innovations, this food will continue to enliven the culinary world, especially in Indonesia.
2. Salted egg chips
Unlike the salted egg chicken which is usually served as a main meal, these salted egg chips are a snack that you can eat in your spare time. These salted egg chips are usually made from salmon skin which is fried and then seasoned with salted egg. Offering a delicious and savory taste, it looks like this snack will continue its popularity as one of the food trends in 2023.
3. Ciring
Cireng is a snack that is in great demand by the people of Indonesia. Cireng, which has a crunchy texture on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside, has always attracted the interest of the Indonesian people.
Moreover, served with a sprinkling of chili powder or chili sauce adds to the resulting taste. In addition, cireng is also often created into several new preparations, such as filled cireng to salad seasoning cireng.
4. Churros
This snack from the country of Matador, Spain turns out to be increasingly liked and in demand by the people of Indonesia. Having a crunchy texture on the outside but so soft on the inside makes this food very enjoyable to eat with a cup of tea.
In addition, churros are also usually served with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and chocolate sauce which further adds to the sweetness. No wonder this food will re-enter the food trend in 2023.
5. Potato milk
Maybe all this time you only know the choice of vegan milk is between oats, almonds, soy, or just coconut. Well, now you also need to know about potato milk which is being talked about more and more by people.
This milk is made from potato tubers and is one of the plant-based milks which is predicted to become a trend in 2023. The taste of this creamy potato milk is also very suitable to be combined with coffee.
Of course you can make delicious lattes and cappuccinos from this potato milk. Have you ever tried it?
6. Salmon
Another food that is predicted to become popular again in 2023 is salmon. Today more and more people are paying more attention to their food intake, and therefore they are more interested in foods with less protein, sauces and vegetables.
Preserved or smoked salmon is one of the favorite options. Processed smoked salmon added with shallots, cream cheese, and artisanal bread or biscuits can certainly spoil the tongue for those who eat it.
7. Food trend 2023: Yuzu
Yuzu is a typical Japanese orange that looks very much like a lemon. The aroma of this orange is also more fragrant and the taste is more sour. In fact, the content of vitamin C in this yuzu fruit can be up to three times higher than that of lemons, you know.
In addition, Yuzu also has many other health benefits for the body. Starting from preventing cancer, increasing immunity, improving blood flow, to maintaining brain health.
8. Katsu sando
One of the foods that is expected to re-enter the 2023 food trend is katsu sando. This is because there are more and more innovations in making sandwiches that are popular with many people because of their practicality.
Katsu sando is a sandwich made from milk bread typical of Sakura Country, Japan. Besides having a soft texture, this bread has a sweeter taste than ordinary white bread.
The toppings served at this katsu sando include wagyu katsu, eggs, and vegetables. Having this blend, of course, makes the taste of this food delicious and able to shake the tongue. Come on, try it!
9. Cabbage
Brasika or brassica is a plant belonging to the cabbage tribe or Brassicaceae. Indeed, this type of vegetable is known by people as a source of vegetables and seasonings such as cabbage and mustard greens. Apart from that, brasika is also considered a versatile vegetable that is delicious and can last a long time in the fridge, you know.
10. Food trends 2023: Various Indian dishes
It is predicted that various Indian dishes will also become one of the food trends in 2023. Moreover, at this time there are also many who have started to enjoy food or cuisine from India.
Actually Indian food is quite good and varied, and most Indian restaurants have also eschewed things like pav bhaji, momos and other classics. Indian cuisine is rich in spices and strong flavours, from butter chicken to mouth-watering rogan josh.
11. Honey
Public awareness to consume honey is also predicted to continue to increase. Moreover, in 2023 people will be increasingly concerned about the importance of health. Besides having a function as a medicine, honey also has a delicious taste and can add pleasure when taken with warm drinks, such as tea, milk, ginger water, and others.
12. Food trend 2023: Organic food
Millennials and Generation Z are predicted to be increasingly interested in organic foods. One of them is a type of grain food, such as chia seeds, sesame seeds, and quinoa. Team Chef Armstrong from Hybrid Chef in Jupiter, California also said that people will be more focused on cleaner, healthier and hygienic food in 2023.
13. Kombucha
The next food and drink trend that is predicted to be popular in 2023 is kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented tea that has a sharp, sour, vinegar-like taste, yet refreshing.
Even though kombucha tea has actually been consumed in China for more than 2000 years, now you can find this tea menu at your favorite cafes, you know. In addition, kombucha is also believed to have various health benefits. You must try!
14. Mushrooms
Because food trends in 2023 tend to be healthier food and drinks, the use of mushrooms as a food ingredient is also predicted to increase. Moreover, mushrooms can be the best alternative as a substitute for red meat.
In addition, the texture and taste of mushrooms are very similar to meat. Of course, food creations using mushrooms will continue to increase. For example, replacing the burger patty with grilled portobello mushrooms, which are no less juicy and delicious.
15. Food trend 2023: Korean fried chicken
The increasing popularity of Korean culture in the world makes anything Korean sell well, including the food. One of the typical Korean food menus that is predicted to become more popular in 2023 is Korean fried chicken.
If Indonesia has fried chicken with special spices, then Korea also has huraide cikin or fried chicken. The difference is, this Korean fried chicken uses flour and special seasonings to give the chicken a crunch and delicacy.
Apart from that, Korean fried chicken is also known for its chicken meat which is very juicy and tender when eaten. Of the various Korean fried chicken menus, one that is quite popular is the Ban Ban menu.
This menu presents Korean fried chicken covered with a sauce made from sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, gochujang, gochugaru, and spring onions. If you’ve never tried this Korean fried chicken, then you have to try it right away! – Junk Food is – With the times and rapid technological advances, it is now very easy to do something. In addition, this also plays a role in changing patterns and lifestyles of humans at this time. One example is the increasing number of ready-to-eat foods, also known as junk food or fast food.
Junk food has recently become one of the most popular foods among young people, are you one of them? This food is also very diverse, ranging from snacks to main meals. Junk food as an informal term applied to several foods which are then considered to have little or no nutritional value at all.
Then, actually what is meant by junk food and what are the types. In this article, we will explain more about junk food, from the definition to its types. So, read this article to the end, Grameds.
Definition of Junk Food
Junk food is a term used to describe food with a high content of calories, fat, sugar and salt. However, the content of vitamins and fiber in junk food can be considered very low. Usually, junk food also contains various food additives (BTP), such as sweeteners, flavors and preservatives.
Not only that, junk food also contains high levels of fat and salt, for example hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, fried potatoes that are served without fruit and include vegetables and various types of crisps.
Generally, these foods contain saturated fat which can cause various risks of obesity and if consumed too much can cause health problems. In fact, high salt levels exceed the salt levels needed by the body can also trigger high blood pressure.
Examples of junk food that contains high sugar include soft drinks, donuts, candy, and cakes. Sugar that is too high can also cause damage to teeth and diabetes. Junk food is not good if consumed continuously, so it needs to be replaced by eating healthy food. Examples of healthy foods include various fruits, vegetables, and nuts such as soybeans, red beans, and almonds. So, have you started to eat healthy food today?
Types of Junk Food and their Dangers
1. Burger
The first famous junk food in Indonesia is burgers. This food can be said to have very little nutritional value, and is loaded with everything that is bad for health. Burgers available in fast food restaurants have also been linked to obesity, heart disease, and various other health problems. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume these foods too often.
2. Fries
The next famous junk food in Indonesia is French fries. These snacks have been around for hundreds of years. Even so, this one food is still considered bad if people consume it too often. Basically, any food that is fried using vegetable oil will have a negative impact on health.
Therefore, french fries fried in vegetable oil will contain quite a lot of unsaturated fats. These unsaturated fats will produce cancer free radicals in the body. What’s more, french fries tend to contain a cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide. So, don’t eat French fries too often, Grameds.
3. It Crimea
Who doesn’t know ice cream, food made from milk and various other ingredients that are loved by people of all ages, from children to adults. Ice cream is also very delicious especially when consumed when the weather is hot. However, behind the pleasure, ice cream also contains a lot of calories and sugar that is no less than a bottle of soda.
Ice cream becomes even more dangerous when mixed with milk and made into milkshakes. Especially if it is made into a milkshake, then you are said to have consumed around 1,000 calories.
4. Given
Plain donuts don’t contain many calories, and they don’t harm your body. However, now donuts have many flavors and contain lots of sugar. If you only consume one, maybe it won’t be a problem, but it’s a different matter if you consume it in large quantities.
But in reality, the average individual then consumes two to three donuts. You need to remember that in a donut that contains no nutrients at all, which will make the consumer feel hungry. In fact, consuming donuts in excess can cause obesity.
5. Pizza
The most popular fast food in Indonesia is pizza. This food is also often served mixed with lots of cheese, meat, sauces, and many other ingredients, with a content of 600 calories per slice.
Because, these foods then contain saturated fat, sodium, and high carbohydrates. If this typical Italian food is consumed too often, it can have a negative impact on health, the most famous of which often triggers obesity.
6. Fish nuggets
These fish nuggets are often given by parents to their children. This may not be good if given too often let alone in large quantities. If you want to be healthy, eat fish that is really fresh, and don’t choose fish that has been processed like this. Remember, the average processed fish contains a lot of preservatives, especially if consumed by frying.
7. Hot Dog
This long beef-covered bun is then mixed with a little mayonnaise, chili sauce, and tomato sauce, which also contain unhealthy ingredients for the body.
Hot dogs are also directly related to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In this case, what becomes a problem is not only the meat in the food, but the high levels of salt and preservatives that are often used. If you really want to eat these foods, you should also choose organic ones, with low fat and sodium content.
8. Stick to Keju
Next, although the cheese itself is not so harmful to health. But it will be a problem if this cheese is then mixed with breadcrumbs and fried. This is because in a cheese stick there is also fat and sodium which is very high and is definitely very harmful to the body. So, it is not recommended to make cheese sticks as a daily snack, especially for children.
9. Fried
Who doesn’t like fried foods, especially those served hot. But did you know that fried food has dangers for its connoisseurs? This fried food also has a very high calorie, fat and oil content. So, if consumed in excess, can trigger cancer.
10. Canned Food
Foods that are processed in the form of cans, be it fruit, vegetables, meat, and so on, are not good for consumption every day. This is due to the large amount of nutrients that have been damaged in the canning process. On the other hand, canned food also contains a lot of preservatives which are not good for liver health. So, from now on we have to reduce canned food, Grameds.
11. Potato Chips and French Fries
Who doesn’t like fried potatoes that have a savory taste. Even though it is very delicious, if you consume too many french fries, it can cause excess weight gain or you can say make someone obese. This can happen because of the content of acrylamides compounds which are carcinogenic and appear when burned and fried.
12. Cakes, Biscuits and Pastries
Foods that are usually sold in this packaged form should also be reduced or avoided. This is because this food is made from wheat flour with added sugar and butter which contains saturated fat. If you consume too much, it can lead to obesity and various other diseases.
13. Instant Noodles
Instant noodles can be considered as food that is relatively cheap, easy to make, and of course very tasty, so it is not good for continuous consumption. What’s more, instant instant noodles contain translucent which can exacerbate blood vessels.
The Danger of Junk Food for Health
If the body consumes too much low-nutrient food, it will cause health problems, as well as if you eat too much junk food. Here below are some of the dangers of junk food for health.
Disturbing Heart Health and Stroke
This fast food will increase bad cholesterol and saturated fat. This will then trigger a blockage of the arteries. This condition will also cause heart attacks and strokes.
Increase High Blood Pressure
Junk food can cause hypertension because these foods contain high sodium or salt. Therefore, usually the taste of fast food has a salty taste. If consumed in excess, it can cause an increase in high blood pressure and trigger heart disease.
Increases Cancer Risk
The next danger of fast food is that it can cause cancer, especially colon cancer. Some foods that can increase the risk of this disease include sausages, smoked meats, and bacon.
Cause Diabetes
Diabetes can also be caused by excessive consumption of junk food. This is because food contains high calorie content, while fiber and vitamins are low. These foods can then quickly cause other sugar levels to rise.
The content of trans fats in junk food can be said to be quite a lot, so it can cause fat accumulation in the abdominal area. This will then make insulin not work optimally. Thus, sugar in the blood is also difficult to control and increases the risk of diabetes.
Disturbing Kidney Function
Another danger of junk food is that it can interfere with kidney function. This can happen because of the high sodium content in it. Therefore, if consumed in excess it will interfere with the performance of the kidneys in filtering toxins in the blood.
Damage to Liver Organs
Consumption of fast food then damages the liver. Excessive consumption of low-nutrient foods can also cause disturbances in the stomach tissue in the liver. This will then make the liver work not optimal.
Makes Teeth Damage Quickly
Fast food generally contains high sugar. This turns out to be causing the teeth to become damaged quickly. Because sugar makes the pH of the mouth more acidic. This acid content will also cause plaque and cause the enamel on the teeth to be damaged.
It is a common thing that junk food is very delicious, but behind that pleasure there are dangers that can interfere with the health of the body. Therefore, there have been many studies that say that you have to reduce your consumption of junk food.
Thus the discussion about junk food along with its dangers to the health of the body. Hopefully all of the discussion above can open Grameds’ insight into junk food. Even though it’s dangerous, if you don’t consume it excessively, it’s still okay.
If you want to find various kinds of books about healthy food, then you can get them. To support Grameds in adding insight, always provide quality and original books so that Grameds has #MoreWithReading information. – Diet is often associated with weight loss. That’s why many people focus more on limiting food intake and doing high-intensity exercise to burn fat. In fact, the main goal of the diet is to get an ideal and healthy body. Not only limiting the amount of food that enters the body, there are several foods for the diet that must also be consumed.
However, how to choose food for a healthy diet? Of course, these foods must contain carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins, and healthy fats. Here are some diet food recommendations that you should try!
8 Food Recommendations for a Healthy Diet
1. Chicken breast
Not all parts of the chicken are high in fat, for example the chicken breast. Compared to the thighs, the chest has a lower saturated fat content. On the other hand, this section actually contains high iron and protein. You can process chicken breast by baking or boiling it and avoid frying it so as not to destroy its good content.
2. Counts
Apart from chicken breast, eggs can also be a food choice for a diet. Not only pocket-friendly, eggs are also rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, and choline. If you want to be even healthier, you can just eat the egg whites. Generally, one egg white contains 406 grams of protein as an energy source. You can consume eggs by boiling them to get the best content.
3. Lean beef
There are still many who think that meat is a food that cannot be consumed while on a diet. In fact, there are parts of meat that do not contain much fat. This section is usually found around the neck or outer has. This lean meat contains protein, iron, vitamins, minerals, zinc, and vitamin B12. To enjoy it, you can cook beef by boiling, steaming, or roasting it without fat on a non-stick pan.
4. Potatoes
Diet does not mean eliminating sources of carbohydrates. You just need to change the source of carbohydrates to be healthier, such as potatoes. Foods for this one diet contain potassium which keeps blood pressure stable, but the calories are relatively low. In addition, potatoes also contain vitamin B1, vitamin B9, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Processed potatoes by boiling or steaming so as not to lose their nutrition.
5. Nuts
The legume group also includes foods for a good diet. In nuts there are various vitamins and minerals, even iron and folate which are good for preventing anemia. In addition, nuts are also high in protein and fiber so they keep you full longer. You can choose soybeans, peanuts, or red beans for a variety of dishes.
6. Broccoli
This green vegetable is often shunned by children. In fact, broccoli has many good benefits, especially for those of you who are on a diet program. It contains vitamin C, good carbohydrates, and fiber. The benefits of consuming broccoli while on a diet can help keep blood sugar levels more stable and improve digestion.
7. Avocado fruit
Avocado is often referred to as a fruit that can fatten the body because it is rich in fat. In fact, the fat contained in avocados is unsaturated fat which is actually good for lowering cholesterol. Avocados are also suitable as food for diets because they can reduce stomach circumference and hold hunger.
8. Wheat
Food for a diet that is no less good is wheat because of the high fiber contained in it. By changing the source of carbohydrates to wheat, you will be full longer, thereby preventing you from overeating. Instead, choose whole wheat because this type of wheat is not mixed with other ingredients. Start consuming oats as a breakfast menu to start a healthy diet.
Maintaining a healthy body is something that must be done considering that health is very valuable. For this reason, apart from maintaining your daily consumption intake with the foods for the diet above, you also need to protect yourself with the protection benefits from Prudential Indonesia. Click here and follow Prudential Indonesia’s Instagram to find out more about the world of insurance! Foods that are gluten free also have many benefits for our bodies, see also the following article to find out the benefits of gluten free foods.
Eat dark green vegetables at least three to four times a week. Good options include broccoli, peppers, brussel sprouts and leafy greens like kale and spinach.
3. Whole Grains
Eat whole grains sat least two or three times daily. Look for whole wheat flour, rye, oatmeal, barley, amaranth, quinoa or a multigrain. A good source of fiber has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving. A great source has 5 or more grams of fiber per serving.
4. Beans and Lentils
Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week. Try to add legumes, including beans and lentils, to soups, stews, casseroles, salads and dips or eat them plain.
5. Fish
Try to eat two to three serving of fish a week. A serving consists of 3 to 4 ounces of cooked fish. Good choices are salmon, trout, herring, bluefish, sardines and tuna.
6. Berries
Include two to four servings of fruit in your diet each day. Try to eat berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.
7. Winter Squash
Eat butternut and acorn squash as well as other richly pigmented dark orange and green colored vegetables like sweet potato, cantaloupe and mango.
8. Soy
25 grams of soy protein a day is recommended as part of a low-fat diet to help lower cholesterol levels. Try tofu, soy milk, edamame soybeans, tempeh and texturized vegetable protein (TVP).
9. Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds
Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or other seeds to food each day or include a moderate amount of nuts – 1/4 cup – in your daily diet.
10. Organic Yogurt
Men and women between 19 and 50 years of age need 1000 milligrams of calcium a day and 1200 milligrams if 50 or older. Eat calcium-rich foods such as nonfat or low-fat dairy products three to four times a day. Include organic choices. – Ramadan is a very special month and is always looked forward to by Muslims. How not, in this month all activities are considered as worship. Many people are excited when carrying out several series of worship that can only be done during the month of Ramadan, such as tarawih prayers, sahur, and breaking the fast.
Well, talking about sahur, this moment is an important time and is highly recommended to be done, you know. When you don’t do sahur, no calories enter the body. That way during fasting you will feel weak and tired.
If so, if you don’t want your body to go limp when fasting, it would be nice for you to do sahur. Even at dawn, you have to think about what food menu is good for consumption. What are the ingredients and properties in food, is it suitable for the body’s needs or not.
During fasting too, the body must be deficient in calories and fluids. Therefore, the food you consume must be appropriate. Eat more vegetables at dawn, OK? Not only cooking stir-fried or stir-fried vegetables, you can also be creative in cooking vegetables with gravy and with a mixture of other ingredients. If you want it fast, then choose the vegetable menu during sahur which is the most practical.
Still confused about cooking a vegetable menu during sahur in the month of Ramadan? Come on, let’s try a series of the most practical vegetable menu recipes for sahur for 30 days, reported by BrilioFood from various sources on Thursday (16/3).
1. Sauté the beans and corn.
– 1 handful of beans – 1 piece of corn, shelled
Ball Iris:
– 2 cloves of garlic – 2 cloves of red onion – 3 pieces of cayenne pepper – 3 pieces of curly chili
1. Prepare all ingredients and seasonings. Then sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant. Then add the beans and continue the corn. 2. Cook until almost soft, add salt, mushroom broth, sugar, and oyster sauce, stir well. Don’t forget to add a little water so that the spices are absorbed. 3. Lastly, add the sliced chilies and stir well. Don’t forget to correct the taste, after the taste is right, it’s ready to be served. 2. Siamese squash lodeh.
– 2 large chayote – 1 medium tempe board – 10 chilies – 2 bay leaves – 1 stalk of lemon grass – 2 segments of galangal, bruised – Sugar, salt and mushroom broth – 3 tablespoons of cooking oil – 800 ml of water – 300 ml of medium thickness coconut milk
Ground spices:
– 3 pieces of curly red chili – 4 candlenuts, roasted – A little turmeric – 2 cloves of garlic – 6 cloves of red onion
How to make:
1. First wash the pumpkin and chili, then chop the chili. Cut the pumpkin lengthwise like matchsticks, then soak the pumpkin with a little salt. After that, cut the tempe into small cubes. 2. Heat cooking oil, saute all the ground spices, add lemon grass, galangal, and bay leaves. Sauté the spices until cooked. 3. Add pumpkin, chili, and tempeh. Stir well, then add sugar, salt and mushroom stock. Then pour the water and coconut milk, cook while stirring gently, cook until cooked, correct the taste and serve. 3. Egg white mustard.
– 1 head of chicory – 2 free-range chicken eggs – 3 pieces of garlic, crushed – 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce – 3 pieces of cayenne pepper – Salt, ground pepper and sugar
How to make:
1. Wash the chicory and cut it into pieces. Remove the hard white part from the leaves and drain. 2. Heat a frying pan then pour a little cooking oil, add the eggs and scramble them, and remove from heat. 3. Add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, then sauté the garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant. Add the white part of the mustard greens, cook until wilted and pour a little water. Let the water boil, then add the mustard leaves, oyster sauce, season with salt, a little pepper and sugar. Mix well and finally add the scrambled eggs, taste test then serve. 4. Saute the egg chickpeas.
– 180 gr chickpeas, sliced obliquely – 2 eggs
Ball Iris:
– 1/2 of an onion – 3 cloves of garlic – 3 red curly chilies
1. Beat the eggs, then fry and set aside. Sauté the sliced spices except the chilies with enough oil, then add the green beans. Cook the chickpeas until soft then add the eggs and chilies, stir well. 2. Add oyster sauce, salt, sugar, broth powder, and enough water so that the spices are absorbed, then stir well. 3. Cook until cooked and the water is reduced. Don’t forget to taste correction. – Fruit and vegetable juice is a mandatory menu for those of you who want to live healthy. Besides having a delicious taste, this fresh drink can also be a mainstay menu in the morning as breakfast and in the afternoon as a snack.
So, this time, we have a fruit and vegetable juice recipe that is easy for you to make at home. Check here, come on!
Fruit and Vegetable Juice Recipes
1. Apple Juice Detox
If you want to taste warm ginger flavored apple juice, you can try this recipe. Perfect for serving in the morning or evening, you know.
2 red or green apples
Parnips or turnips
1/4 fresh ginger
it’s batu
How to make:
Put the apple pieces into the slow juicer. If you use a slow juicer that peels and cuts automatically, you can immediately add the apple slices without peeling the skin.
After that, add parnips and ginger. Then, turn on the slow juicer until completely mixed and smooth.
Pour into a glass and add ice cubes.
2. Guava Juice, Balinese Orange, and Rosemary
Want to try a juice that is a blend of different fruits and spices? There’s nothing wrong if you try drinks made from guava, grapefruit, and rosemary, below.
A glass of water (so that it is not too thick)
710 ml of grapefruit juice
2 cups guava puree
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
100 gr granulated sugar, or according to taste
How to make:
Add the juice of the grapefruit, guava and rosemary in a slow juicer. Stir until all the ingredients are well blended and smooth.
Put sugar in a glass and add water, if you want it thinner.
Then, add ice cubes if you want it served cold.
Finally, garnish with a cinnamon stick or lemon wedge.
3. Jus Bit Mix Fruit
There is no need to worry about the bitter taste that beets give off. You can mix it with other fresh fruits to make it taste more delicious.
2 red beets
4 glasses of water
Sugar to taste
1 small apple peeled and diced
1 banana cut into cubes
2 small oranges
4 lettuce leaves
1 lime
How to make:
Peel the beets, then cut into pieces. Put into the slow juicer.
Dissolve water and sugar in warm water.
After that, put it back into the slow juicer. Also add sliced apples, bananas, oranges and lettuce.
Add lime juice, which will prevent the juice from turning brown.
Pour into a glass and add ice cubes to make it colder.
4. Vegetable Juice
This one green juice is very healthy for you. In a glass of this drink contains various nutrients from apples, herbs and vegetables. So, here’s a vegetable juice recipe that you can make.
1 lime or lemon
1 1/2 green apples
1/3 stalk of celery
6 large kale leaves,
1/2 cup parsley leaves
3/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
How to make:
Squeeze the lemon or lime and put it in the slow juicer.
Then, add apples, celery, kale and parsley.
In a separate glass, add turmeric powder and dissolve it with water.
Then, add the pureed vegetable juice and serve.
5. Elixir Orange Juice
This one fruit is very rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and nutrients. How to make this refreshing drink from oranges is also quite easy.
2 cups grapefruit
1 navel orange
1 lime
2 pears
Daun mint
Pieces of unpeeled ginger
1/2 cup chopped turmeric
How to make:
Put all the oranges and pears into the slow juicer.
Then, add mint leaves, chopped unpeeled ginger and turmeric.
Once thoroughly mixed, you can pour it directly into the glass.
6. Cucumber, Orange and Oregano Juice
Fresh juice with a combination of fruits and vegetables is very good for health. In addition, this one drink can also quench thirst, especially during summer.
450 gr of cucumber
300 ml of fresh orange juice
1 1/2 tsp powdered sugar
1/2 sdt oregano
How to make:
Cut off the ends of the cucumber and rub the skin.
Then, cut the cucumber into small pieces and place it in a food processor or blender to extract the juice.
Mix the orange juice and cucumber juice into one glass, then stir until blended. Add sugar to taste sweeter.
Then, sprinkle oregano on top of this drink.
You can drink it while still fresh. Store it in the refrigerator, if you want to consume it in the afternoon.
7. Green Diet Juice
Fruit juice mixed with vegetables, it turns out, can be a refreshing diet drink, you know. How to make it is quite easy.
1 small green cabbage, take the leaves
2 green apples, halved
4 stalks of celery
1 lemongrass stick, remove the tough outer layer
2 pieces of ginger
How to make:
Place the cabbage, fennel, apple, celery, lemon grass and ginger in the slow juicer.
Pour the juice into an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator.
Serve cold for a fresher taste.
8. Jus Strawberry
This refreshing drink is dominated by the sour taste of strawberries and a cold sensation because it uses mint leaves. How to make it quite easy, you know. Listen, come on.
100 grams of strawberries
1/4 cup mint leaves
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
Air soda
How to make:
Puree the peeled strawberries in a slow juicer.
Transfer the strawberry puree to an airtight container, cover, and refrigerate about 1 hour.
In a separate bowl, add cold water, mint leaves and lime juice. Mix well.
Skim off the foam from the surface and pour the puree into the juice glass.
Add soda and garnish with mint, lime and whole strawberries.
9. Avocado Lemon Juice
The benefits of avocado and orange juice are no longer in doubt. Not only refreshing, but also rich in vitamins.
1 avocado
950 ml of water
120 ml of lemon juice
100 gr of white
How to make:
Put the avocado pieces into the blender.
Add lemon water, then stir until smooth. If you want it to taste sweeter, you can add sugar.
Serve with ice to make it more delicious.
10. Tomato Juice
Besides having a unique taste, tomato juice also refreshes the throat. You can combine it with horseradish and lemon juice to make it more delicious. How to make it is quite easy, as follows.
300 grams of ripe tomatoes
3 stalks of celery
2 cups parsley sprigs
1 tablespoon of fine sea salt
1 cup radish water
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
Lemon slices
How to make:
Place the tomatoes, celery, parsley and 1 tablespoon sea salt in a slow juicer.
Then, add radish water and fresh lemon juice. Stir again until evenly distributed.
Pour into a glass and add toppings to make it look more delicious.
11. Carrot, Beetroot and Apple Juice
One of the benefits of carrot juice is that it is good for eye health and can lower cholesterol levels in the body. So, don’t hesitate to drink this one juice every day, OK?
200 grams of carrots
800 grams of apples
3 pieces of fresh ginger
3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
How to make:
Put the carrots, apples and ginger into the slow juicer.
Wait until the essence of the juice comes out and pour it into a glass.
Add lemon and stir until smooth.
To make it fresher, you can add ice cubes.
12. Fresh Mango Juice
Who here is a mango fan? This yellow fruit has a delicious sweet and sour taste. Besides you can enjoy sliced mangoes directly, you can also make it into a more refreshing juice, you know.
Daun mint
How to make:
Put the mango pieces into the slow juicer.
Take the juice using a serving glass.
Add lemon water, then stir until evenly distributed
Use mint leaves to make it taste better
That’s a fruit and vegetable juice recipe that you can easily make yourself at home.
In order to taste more delicious, you can use a slow juicer. This one machine has slow squish technology, which keeps the nutrients in the fruit intact and makes the juice taste even more delicious. – Cold and fresh drinks are perfect to enjoy when the atmosphere is hot. Not only that, fresh drinks are able to raise your mood and enthusiasm when you are feeling tired.
So, for boarding house kids who might feel bored if they only drink sweet iced tea or orange juice to refresh a dry throat, let’s try making your own fresh drink at the boarding house, it’s easy and tastes good. Check this out, a fresh drink recipe that you can make at your boarding house!
Contemporary Fresh Drink Recipes that are Easy to Make
Iced Lemonade
If you often order iced lemonade at a restaurant when you hang out with friends, it turns out that the way to make it is really easy, you know! As a boarding house kid, how come you can make this drink in the boarding house kitchen with simple and easy-to-find ingredients.
The sweet taste of sugar and lemon acid is a perfect combination for this one recipe. Guaranteed to be so refreshing that it can make you awake. This drink is perfect for those of you who like sour taste to refresh yourself. Check the recipe below.
2 liters of boiled water
400 grams of sugar
400 ml of lemon juice
Ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Combine sugar and a glass of water in a saucepan, cook and boil the sugar until it dissolves. Turn off the stove and let it cool down.
Pour lemon juice, granulated sugar, and water. Stir all the ingredients until evenly distributed.
Mix ice cubes to taste.
Iced lemonade is ready to be enjoyed with friends.
Lychee Mojito
Mojito is usually served as a soft drink mixed with alcohol. However, you can actually make it with a non-alcoholic version. Even so, this lychee mojito dish is still refreshing. How to make lychee mojito is very easy, plus the ingredients make it easy for you to get. Want to know the recipe? Here he is!
6 mint leaves
22 ml of lychee syrup
14 ml lime juice
60 ml soda
Ice cubes as needed
Garnish, optional
How to make:
Choose mint leaves that are still fresh then wash them clean.
Place all ingredients in a closed container, preferably a cocktail shaker. Shake all the ingredients for several times.
Pour the lychee mojito into the serving glass you have prepared.
Pour in a little more soda to add freshness.
Add a mint leaf garnish as a garnish to keep it pretty (optional).
Lychee mojito is ready to serve
Infused Water
This one healthy drink is very easy for you to make at the boarding house, the ingredients for making it are simple and can be stocked for 3 days, you know! One of the well-known benefits of infused water is that it can be used to detox the body so that toxins are removed and the body becomes fitter. Not only does it detox the body, drinking infused water prevents you from becoming dehydrated, is a source of vitamins, increases immunity, and prevents kidney disease.
For those of you who are on a diet, infused water is perfect for daily drinking. Unfortunately, infused water cannot be enjoyed immediately. You need to leave it for 3-4 hours first. Immediately, let’s see the infused water recipe for you, the following boarding house kids.
Apples to taste
Mint to taste
Lemons to taste
Strawberries to taste
A cup of cucumber
Air 1 liter
Es batu (optional)
How to make:
Wash all the fruits and mint leaves in clean running water.
Cut the fruit according to taste. Put it in a container in the form of a large bottle or glass.
Pour the water that you have prepared.
Cover the container and store the infused water for 3-4 hours. After that, infused water can be enjoyed. You can also store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Ice Watermelon Milk
Sweet and refreshing are sentences that describe how watermelon milk ice tastes. Watermelon itself has the benefit of keeping the body hydrated. Therefore, watermelon is just right to be enjoyed when it has to be added to its refreshing taste. Here’s a recipe for watermelon milk ice.
¼ watermelon, diced
600 ml full cream liquid milk
150 cc of cocopandan syrup
Ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Mix watermelon, full cream milk, and coco pandan syrup into a glass.
Add water (optional).
Add ice cubes to taste.
You can enjoy watermelon milk ice right away.
Yakult Mojito
Cove has another mojito recipe, here ! If you like drinking yakult, you are guaranteed to like the fresh taste of this mojito recipe. The way to make and the ingredients are easy, even it only takes 5 minutes. How to? Let’s see the following recipe.
4 bottles of yakult
4 tablespoons of lemon juice
10 mint leaves
2 cups of ice cubes
4 tablespoons of liquid sugar
100 ml air soda
6 slices of lemon wedges
How to make:
Put the lemon slices and mint leaves into the glass, press it by pounding it a little.
Add ice cubes, lemon juice and liquid sugar.
Put yakult in a glass.
Add all the soda. Then mix well the yakult mojito.
Yakult mojito is ready and ready for you to serve.
It’s Kuwut
Happy with this typical Balinese drink? You can make it yourself at home. Compared to coconut ice, this drink can be a refreshing alternative when thirst strikes. See the recipe below.
1 bowl of shaved young coconut
Young coconut water to taste
Melon to taste, scrape round
2 tablespoons of basil, soak in warm water
1 lime that has been squeezed
Sufficient granulated sugar solution
Ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Put the young coconut, melon, and basil into the glass. Then, add ice cubes on top.
Mix coconut water with sugar solution. Stir until evenly distributed and pour into a glass containing young coconut, melon and basil.
Add lime juice.
Balinese kuwut ice is ready for you to enjoy.
Strawberry Matcha Almond Latte
This unique drink has a refreshing sweet and sour taste. For you matcha or green tea lovers, this drink is a must try. With simple ingredients, you can make it yourself at home. Want to try? Here’s the recipe.
4 tbsp granulated sugar
6 strawberries
100 ml of almond milk or full cream milk
1 tbsp honey
Ice cubes as needed
100 ml instant matcha drink
How to make:
Place the strawberries with the sugar in a saucepan. Cook briefly until crushed. Then turn off the stove and set it aside.
Pour the cooked strawberry puree into a glass, add ice cubes according to taste.
Add honey and pour in the almond milk until it reaches ¾ cup.
Pour the instant matcha drink over it.
You can immediately enjoy Strawberry Matcha Almond Latte.
Ice Coffee Float
Do you have ice cream stock that you haven’t had time to eat yet? Well, this one drink recipe can reduce your stock of ice cream. The combination of coffee and ice cream flavors is guaranteed to be delicious and refreshing. Suitable for drinking during sleepy-prone hours, iced coffee float can make you awake. If you like coffee, you will definitely like this drink. Curious about the recipe? Check the following.
200 ml of liquid milk
100 ml espresso coffee
100 ml liquid palm sugar
2 scoop is krim vanilla
Ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Add ice cubes to the prepared glass.
Put the palm sugar looking into a glass filled with ice cubes.
Pour the espresso coffee slowly.
Add liquid milk to the glass until it is full.
Take the ice cream, then place it on top of the coffee.
Ice coffee float is ready to be served.
Lime Cucumber Ice
This drink is made from simple ingredients that are easy to find in the kitchen, but the taste is not simple. Lime cucumber ice provides freshness during the day. In addition, this drink is also suitable for breaking the fast menu.
3 Japanese cucumbers
1/2 melon
200 grams of sugar
200 ml of water
juice of 3 limes
2 teaspoons of lime zest
5 mint leaves
2 limes
ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Dissolve granulated sugar with heated water.
Once dissolved and cooled, add lime juice.
Dice the cucumbers and melons that have been peeled and seeded.
Put the cucumber and melon scoops into the sugar solution.
Leave it for one hour.
Add lime wedges, torn mint leaves and ice cubes to taste.
Oreo Smoothies
Oreos never fail when used as a topping in drinks. The proof is that Oreo smoothies are a drink that has many fans. From children to adults, everyone can enjoy oreo smoothies. Apparently, how to make oreo smoothies is not too difficult, you can even make it yourself at home.
2 glasses of chocolate-flavored liquid milk
6 pieces of Oreo cookies
1 cup of chocolate ice cream
enough whipped cream
Ice cubes as needed
choco chips
How to make:
Milk blender, 5 oreos, and ice cream
Put it in a glass
Add whipped cream as a topping
Also add a sprinkling of choco chips and the remaining Oreo cookies as a garnish
Ice Jelly Cappuccino
For you cappuccino lovers, this contemporary fresh drink recipe is a must try because it’s very easy to make yourself at home. All you have to do is buy the ingredients at the nearest convenience store, then make them quickly. The combination of the taste of cappuccino with the chewiness of chocolate jelly can make the mood rise. This drink is perfect to accompany you to work, study, or just relax.
Instant cappuccino drink
White sweetened condensed milk
Chocolate flavored jelly
1 Liter air
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Cook the chocolate jelly, then wait for it to cool.
2. Cut the jelly according to taste.
3. Brew a cappuccino drink
4. Add sweetened condensed milk, stir until smooth.
5. Put the chocolate jelly pieces into the glass, then pour the cappuccino.
5. Add enough ice cubes.
Choco Ice Blend
This time there is a drink made of chocolate that is no less delicious. Chocolate is known as a food that can increase a good mood. If you make a drink, the sensation will not diminish. Choco ice blend can be a choice of drink to accompany your day with the right sweet taste. How to make it easy and fast, so you can enjoy this choco ice blend anytime.
100 ml of liquid milk
25 ml of hot water
1/2 tbsp sweetened condensed
5 grams of cocoa powder
1 tbsp liquid sugar
1 scoop of chocolate or vanilla ice cream
it is batu
How to make:
1. Dissolve cocoa powder with hot water until it thickens, then wait for the chocolate solution to cool.
2. Blend the milk and ice cream until well blended.
3. Mix a little sugar and water if you want it sweeter.
4. Pour everything into a glass.
Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea
Drinks with boba topping are indeed very popular among young people. There are a lot of boba fans. If you are one of them, try making your own brown sugar boba milk tea. You can add as much boba as you like because this drink is made by yourself. In addition, the sensation of a drink you make yourself will certainly be different from a drink purchased at a cafe or beverage outlet.
100 ml of black tea
30 ml of palm sugar syrup
Boba according to taste
150 ml of liquid milk
75 ml cream
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Pour black tea, palm sugar syrup, and boba into a glass.
2. Stir everything thoroughly.
3. Add ice cubes until the glass is almost full.
4. Pour liquid milk.
5. Finally, decorate with cream on top.
They were drinking Milk Tea
Grass jelly is one of Indonesia’s traditional drinks that has existed since ancient times. But until now, his fans will always be there. Moreover, there are more and more modern drink creations from grass jelly. One of them is grass jelly milk tea. This contemporary fresh drink has increased the existence of grass jelly among young people. The sweetness of milk tea combined with the cold and fresh grass jelly is a pleasure that cannot be refused on a hot day.
Diced grass jelly
4 tbsp granulated sugar
4 tbsp syrup
Dip tea
250 ml of liquid milk
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Put the tea in a container, then soak it with hot water.
2. Pour in milk and syrup, stir until evenly distributed.
3. Add grass jelly pieces.
4. Add ice cubes to taste.
Matcha Cheese Tea
Are you a matcha lover? If so, you can try making this drink yourself. Matcha cheese tea definitely has its own place in the hearts of matcha lovers. The distinctive taste of matcha combined with delicious cream cheese adds to the pleasure of this drink. Especially if served in a relaxed afternoon.
3,5 gram matcha
200 ml of water
30 ml of liquid sugar
75 ml cream cheese
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Dissolve matcha in water.
2. Add liquid sugar, stir until evenly distributed.
3. Add ice cubes to taste.
4. Add cream cheese on top of the matcha.
Lychee Tea
Lychee tea is one of the drinks of a million people which is served in many cafes or restaurants. It’s really easy to make yourself, you know. If you want this refreshing drink, but want to be lazy at home too, there’s nothing wrong with making it yourself. The ingredients are easy to get and not too much.
5 lychees
2 tbsp granulated sugar
Dip tea
250 ml of water
Daun mint
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Brew teabags, add granulated sugar, then stir until evenly distributed.
2. Add lychee pieces.
3. Add mint leaves to taste.
4. Add ice cubes to taste.
Lessi Mango
This time it’s a healthy blend of mangoes and yogurt. The sweetness of the mango combined with the sour taste of yogurt can actually create a drink of heaven. Freshness can quench thirst in the middle of a hot day. In addition to its delicious taste, this drink is also guaranteed to be healthy. How to make it was not difficult. You can make it yourself.
2 sweet fragrant mangoes
200 ml yoghurt plain cair
150 ml thick plain yogurt
1 lime
it is batu
How to make:
1. Cut the mango into small pieces.
2. Blend the mango pieces with a mixture of liquid yogurt, thick yogurt, and lime juice.
3. Pour into a glass.
4. Add ice cubes to taste.
Lemon Squash
Variants of lemon drinks are always refreshing. The recommendation this time is a mix of lemon and soda. The taste of sour, sweet and fresh soda blends into one. Coupled with the aroma of mint leaves, making the freshness of lemon squash even more perfect. Suitable to drink during the hot day to relieve fatigue. If you want to make lemon squash, you can get the ingredients easily, and it’s not complicated to make.
1 lemon
Daun mint
5 tbsp sugar water
3 tbsp lemon juice
100 ml soda
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Prepare a serving glass, add ice cubes, sugar water and lemon juice.
2. Slice the lemon thinly, put it in a glass.
3. Add mint leaves to taste.
4. Pour in the soda, then stir gently until evenly mixed.
It’s Susu Regal
The combination of biscuits and milk never disappoints. Especially if it is made of refreshing ice. You can taste the sweetness of the biscuits in the form of cold drinks. Regal milk ice can remind you of your childhood when eating biscuits dipped in a glass of milk. If you want to try making it, the ingredients and how to process it are very easy, you know!
200 ml of UHT milk
4 pcs biskuit regal
2 tbsp sweetened condensed
1 tbsp honey
it’s batu
How to make:
1. Put UHT milk and sweetened condensed milk into a glass, stir until evenly distributed.
2. Cut two regal biscuits, then put them in the milk mixture.
3. Add the remaining two regal biscuits as a topping.
4. Add ice cubes to taste.
Korean Strawberry Milk
Lastly, here’s a contemporary drink that’s currently popular among young people. The ingredients for making Korean Strawberry Milk are quite simple and not much, so you can make it yourself. The materials needed are only three types and easy to find. The sweet and fresh taste makes this drink very suitable to be enjoyed on a hot day.
8 fresh strawberries
500 ml of liquid milk
5 tsp sugar
How to make:
1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces, then blend.
2. Add sugar and stir until evenly distributed.
3. Put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, make sure the container is closed.
4. Once cooled, pour into glasses.
5. Add liquid milk and ice cubes.
Those are 20 contemporary drink recipes that you can try to make yourself at home. Among the 20 recipes above, have you ever tried to make one? Or just getting interested in making it? By making your own fresh drink recipe, you can save more money, you know. – New Year’s celebrations are just around the corner, just counting the days. Don’t forget to prepare various dishes for the holidays as well as New Year’s Eve, here. Barbeque or yakiniku and suki seems to be a favorite of many people, but what about the snacks?
When welcoming the New Year, you should have prepared tasty and delicious snacks to complete the atmosphere of gathering with the closest people. No need to choose a complicated menu, practical and easy snacks to make also taste so delicious.
For those of you who are confused about looking for super simple and delicious snack ideas, you can take a peek at some of the snack recipes that BrilioFood collected from various sources on Monday (26/12). Guaranteed, will not take up much time.
1. Crispy French Fries.
– Large raw potatoes, cut to taste – Sufficient vinegar – Sufficient water – Sufficient fine sugar – Sufficient salt – Frying oil
How to make:
1. Peel the potatoes, then cut the potatoes according to taste. Use a very sharp knife to cut the potatoes, or you can use a special cutting tool that cuts the potatoes into sticks 1/4 inch or about 1 cm thick. 2. After cutting, soak the potatoes in water that has been mixed with vinegar. Then drain and rinse the potatoes using cold water. After that soak the potatoes again with vinegar water, let stand overnight. This technique of soaking the potatoes first is what makes the potatoes feel crunchy after frying. 3. Boil the potatoes using medium heat for a few minutes until the water boils, then drain and dry. If you want the potato drying process to go faster, you can use the oven for about 5 minutes with a heat size of 51 degrees Celsius. 4. After drying, soak again using water that has been given sugar for a few minutes. Then soak again with water that has been added vinegar, then wash with water that has been mixed with lime. This soaking step is to prevent the potatoes from turning gray. 5. After the soaking step is complete, fry the potatoes using the deep frying method. Prepare a large container such as a round pot or pan, then add as much cooking oil as possible so that all the potatoes are submerged in oil when fried. 6. Fry the potatoes until golden brown. Remove the fried potatoes and then drain. Sprinkle the fried potatoes with salt to give it a savory taste, or you can also use powdered cheese seasoning. 7. To get a crisper potato result, preferably after boiling, fry the potatoes until they are half cooked. Then drain when the oil is completely gone, put the potatoes in a special food plastic bag and then close it tightly, then put it in the refrigerator until the potatoes are frozen. Then fry the potatoes in low heat and submerged in oil, remove and serve when the potatoes are golden brown.
1. Puree the garlic, then put it in a bowl. 2. Put the butter into the bowl that already contains the garlic. 3. Stir the two ingredients well. 4. Add sugar, stir again until well blended. 5. Apply it to the corn that will be burned. 6. Grill the corn to the desired degree of maturity. 7. If it feels cooked, remove the roasted corn, then serve.
3. Popcorn.
– Corn kernels for popcorn – Sufficient butter
How to make:
1. Prepare a pot on the stove. Prepare and measure the corn according to taste. 2. Put 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, turn on the stove over medium heat. Once the butter has melted, turn down the heat and place two handfuls of corn in the pot. 3. Cover the pot and shake the pot occasionally so that all the corn kernels are covered in butter. 4. Leave it for a while until the corn explodes in the pot. After stopping, turn off the fire. 5. Move the finished popcorn into the container. So, you can re-create this basic popcorn according to your taste.
4. Crispy egg nuts.
– 500 grams of peanuts – 500 grams of flour – 100 grams of tapioca flour – 2 large eggs – 240 grams of powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon of flavoring – 2 tablespoons of margarine, melt
How to make:
1. Wash the peanuts, roast until dry. set aside. 2. Mix flour and tapioca. 3. Beat eggs, sugar and flavoring using a mixer, beat until the sugar dissolves. Enter the melted margarine, shake again until smooth. 4. Put the peanuts into a large container, pour in 3 tablespoons of beaten egg, shake until smooth, sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of flour mixture, shake again until smooth. Do the same thing until the egg and flour mixture runs out. 5. After being coated with egg and flour, then fry. 6. Heat oil, add peanuts, fry over low heat until browned. 7. Remove, drain and serve.
5. Chocolate-coated marshmallows.
– 440 gr chocolate chips – 10 large marshmallows
How to make:
1. Melt the chocolate chips, then dip the marshmallows into the chocolate using a fork or other skewer. 2. When finished, freeze the marshmallows in the refrigerator. 3. Let the marshmallows sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before you enjoy them.
6. Banana nuggets.
– 1 kg of banana (without skin) – 4 tablespoons of powdered milk – 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar – 240 grams of flour – 100 ml of sweet white condensed milk – 1 teaspoon of salt
Dyeing ingredients:
– 120 gr flour – 300 ml water – Salt to taste – Panir flour to taste
How to make:
1. Mash the banana with a fork or the back of a glass, then add the flour, sugar, powdered milk, white sweetened condensed milk, and salt to taste. Mix well. 2. Prepare a baking sheet and grease it with oil then line it with banana leaves, then grease it with oil again. 3. Pour the mixture and steam until cooked for about 40 to 60 minutes. 4. Pierce with a stick, if nothing sticks, it means the dough is cooked. 5. Cool and cut into pieces according to taste. Then dip in the dye and coat with the breadcrumbs. Repeat the process 2 times. 6. Store in the freezer for 20 minutes so that the panir flour sticks more. 7. Fry until cooked, remove and drain.
7. Chicken dim sum.
Dumpling ingredients:
– Wonton skin – 350 gr chicken (blender) – 120 gr shrimp (blender) – 4 spring onions (blender) – 1 tbsp soy sauce – 1 tsp chopped garlic – Salt to taste – 100 gr tapioca – 1 egg
– 1 carrot (grated)
How to make:
1. Blend the chicken, shrimp, and green onions until smooth. 2. Add other ingredients. 3. Put the filling on the dumplings, form buds. 4. Top with carrots. 5. Steam for 20 minutes. 6. If it is cooked, remove and serve while still warm.
8. Crispy tofu.
– 4 pieces of white tofu – 1 pack of all-purpose seasoning flour – Enough cooking oil
Tofu marinade ingredients:
– 1/2 tbsp savory salt – Enough water
How to make:
1. Prepare the ingredients, then slice the tofu according to taste. 2. Soak tofu in salt water, then let stand for about 10 minutes. 3. Take 3 tablespoons of seasoned flour, make a liquid dough. Enter the tofu into the liquid mixture. 4. Then put in dry flour. Put it back into the liquid mixture, then into the dry flour until the tofu is coated in flour. 5, Fried tofu until dry. 6. Then remove and drain. 7. Crispy tofu is ready to be served.
9. Churros.
– 150 gr flour – 2 tablespoons margarine – 2 tablespoons sugar – 250 ml water – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder – 1 egg. shake loose
How to make:
1. Bring the water to a boil, then add the sugar, salt and margarine. Wait for it to get late. Turn off the stove, add flour and vanilla powder, stir until smooth. 2. Let stand for about 10 minutes until the mixture feels cold, then add the beaten eggs. Stir again until evenly distributed. 3. Put it in a triangular plastic with a star syringe at the end. 4. Heat the oil, then pour the mixture into the oil until it is browned. 5. Remove and drain. 6. Churros can also be eaten with a sprinkling of powdered sugar or melted chocolate.
10. Mini sweet martabak.
– 250 gr medium protein flour – 15 gr milk powder – 1/4 tsp baking powder – 50 gr fine granulated sugar – 1/4 tsp fine salt – 300 ml water – 1/2 tsp instant yeast – 3 eggs egg – 30 gr sugar – 3/4 baking soda – 25 gr butter, melt it
How to make:
1. Mix flour, powdered sugar, milk powder, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Stir well. 2. Pour the water little by little, then stir with a mixer. 3. Add yeast and mix well. Leave it for 30 minutes. 4. Prepare another container, shake off the eggs and sugar. Pour into the mixture that was left standing. Stir well. Add melted butter and baking soda. Stir well again. 5. Heat the mold, not too hot or not hot enough. 6. Wait for it to nest. Then sprinkle sugar and cover until cooked. Apply butter. 7. Serve with your favorite toppings.
11. Simple chocolate balls.
– 1 pack of regal biscuits – 2 sachets of sweetened condensed milk – Chocolate to taste
How to make:
1. Put a pack of regal biscuits in a plastic bag, then crush it with a rolling pin. 2. Next, put the biscuits into the container. Add sweetened condensed milk, then stir until it becomes a dough. 3. Take enough dough, then shape it into a round shape until the dough runs out. Apply it into the mess so that it covers the entire surface of the balls. 4. Put it in the fridge until it’s cold. Once cooled, the simple chocolate balls are ready to be enjoyed.
12. Oreo why.
– 1 pack of Oreos, variant according to taste – 1 tablespoon of melted butter – 8 tablespoons of flour
How to make:
1. Prepare a container, then melt three tablespoons of flour. Add the melted butter, then stir until smooth. 2. Dip the Oreos into the flour mixture, then into the flour mixture. Repeat this method alternately. 3. Next, heat the oil. Fry Oreos until cooked over low heat. 4. Once cooked, remove the Oreos, then drain. Fried Oreos are ready to be enjoyed. You can add chocolate cream or grated cheese on top.
13. Syringe cake.
– 150 gr margarine – 3 sachets of sweetened condensed milk – 250 gr cornstarch
How to make:
1. Prepare a container, then mix the margarine and sweetened condensed milk. Stir until evenly distributed. 2. Add the cornstarch little by little, then knead the dough. 3. Print the dough using a syringe mold, then put it in the oven. 4. Bake the cake for 30 minutes. After that, remove and let it cool down. Then, put the syringes in the jar. 5. The syringe cake is ready to be enjoyed.
14. Coconut cookies.
– 180 gr of dry grated coconut – 2 tablespoons of sugar – 200 ml of coconut milk
How to make:
1. Take a bowl, mix grated coconut, coconut milk, and sugar, stir well. 2. Prepare a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, take 1 tablespoon of round cookie dough. 3. Cook the coconut cookies in the oven for 15-20 minutes until they are lightly browned. 4. Finally, chill and coconut cookies are ready to be enjoyed.
15. Chocolate pudding.
– 1 sachet of agar-agar according to taste – 1 liter of UHT chocolate milk – 5 tablespoons of sugar
How to make:
1. Prepare a pan, put all the ingredients, stir, cook over low heat. 2. If the jelly stew is steamy, move it to the mold, cool it down, and wait for it to harden. 3. Remove the pudding from the mold, cut into pieces, serve.
16. Crispy mushrooms.
– 125 grams of oyster mushrooms, shredded – 1 sachet of all-purpose seasoning flour – Enough cooking oil
How to make:
1. Prepare a container, mix the shredded oyster mushrooms and all-purpose seasoning flour, knead, set aside. 2. Heat the oil, fry the mushrooms until cooked, remove and drain. 3. Serve.
17. Cheese roll.
– 750 gr pastry – 1 box of cheddar cheese, cut into long pieces – 1 egg yolk
How to make:
1. Sprinkle the base for preparing the cheese rolls with flour, place the pastry on top, add a little flour. 2. Put the cheddar cheese pieces, cut the pastry, wrap it around, and wrap the cheese in the pastry. 3. Arrange the pastry dough on a baking sheet, brush with egg yolk. 4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes. 5. Bake the pastry for 30 minutes in the oven, until browned and puffy. 6. Remove from tin, cool. Cheese rolls are ready to be enjoyed.
During the flu season or times of illness, people often seek special foods or vitamin supplements that are believed to boost immunity. Vitamin C and foods like citrus fruits, chicken soup, and tea with honey are popular examples. Yet the design of our immune system is complex and influenced by an ideal balance of many factors, not just diet, and especially not by any one specific food or nutrient. However, a balanced diet consisting of a range of vitamins and minerals, combined with healthy lifestyle factors like adequate sleep and exercise and low stress, most effectively primes the body to fight infection and disease.
What Is Our Immune System?
On a daily basis, we are constantly exposed to potentially harmful microbes of all sorts. Our immune system, a network of intricate stages and pathways in the body, protects us against these harmful microbes as well as certain diseases. It recognizes foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites and takes immediate action. Humans possess two types of immunity: innate and adaptive.
Innate immunity is a first-line defense from pathogens that try to enter our bodies, achieved through protective barriers. These barriers include:
Skin that keeps out the majority of pathogens
Mucus that traps pathogens
Stomach acid that destroys pathogens
Enzymes in our sweat and tears that help create anti-bacterial compounds
Immune system cells that attack all foreign cells entering the body
Adaptive or acquired immunity is a system that learns to recognize a pathogen. It is regulated by cells and organs in our body like the spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. When a foreign substance enters the body, these cells and organs create antibodies and lead to multiplication of immune cells (including different types of white blood cells) that are specific to that harmful substance and attack and destroy it. Our immune system then adapts by remembering the foreign substance so that if it enters again, these antibodies and cells are even more efficient and quick to destroy it.
Other conditions that trigger an immune response
Antigens are substances that the body labels as foreign and harmful, which triggers immune cell activity. Allergens are one type of antigen and include grass pollen, dust, food components, or pet hair. Antigens can cause a hyper-reactive response in which too many white cells are released. People’s sensitivity to antigens varies widely. For example, an allergy to mold triggers symptoms of wheezing and coughing in a sensitive individual but does not trigger a reaction in other people.
Inflammation is an important, normal step in the body’s innate immune response. When pathogens attack healthy cells and tissue, a type of immune cell called mast cells counterattack and release proteins called histamines, which cause inflammation. Inflammation may generate pain, swelling, and a release of fluids to help flush out the pathogens. The histamines also send signals to discharge even more white blood cells to fight pathogens. However, prolonged inflammation can lead to tissue damage and may overwhelm the immune system.
Autoimmune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or type 1 diabetes are partly hereditary and cause hypersensitivity in which immune cells attack and destroy healthy cells.
Immunodeficiency disorders can depress or completely disable the immune system, and may be genetic or acquired. Acquired forms are more common and include AIDS and cancers like leukemia and multiple myeloma. In these cases, the body’s defenses are so reduced that a person becomes highly susceptible to illness from invading pathogens or antigens.
What factors can depress our immune system?
Older age: As we age, our internal organs may become less efficient; immune-related organs like the thymus or bone marrow produce less immune cells needed to fight off infections. Aging is sometimes associated with micronutrient deficiencies, which may worsen a declining immune function.
Environmental toxins (smoke and other particles contributing to air pollution, excessive alcohol): These substances can impair or suppress the normal activity of immune cells.
Excess weight: Obesity is associated with low-grade chronic inflammation. Fat tissue produces adipocytokines that can promote inflammatory processes. [1] Research is early, but obesity has also been identified as an independent risk factor for the influenza virus, possibly due to the impaired function of
T-cells, a type of white blood cell. [2]
Poor diet: Malnutrition or a diet lacking in one or more nutrients can impair the production and activity of immune cells and antibodies.
Chronic diseases: Autoimmune and immunodeficiency disorders attack and potentially disable immune cells.
Chronic mental stress: Stress releases hormones like cortisol that suppresses inflammation (inflammation is initially needed to activate immune cells) and the action of white blood cells.
Lack of sleep and rest: Sleep is a time of restoration for the body, during which a type of cytokine is released that fights infection; too little sleep lowers the amount of these cytokines and other immune cells.
Does an Immune-Boosting Diet Exist?
Eating enough nutrients as part of a varied diet is required for the health and function of all cells, including immune cells. Certain dietary patterns may better prepare the body for microbial attacks and excess inflammation, but it is unlikely that individual foods offer special protection. Each stage of the body’s immune response relies on the presence of many micronutrients. Examples of nutrients that have been identified as critical for the growth and function of immune cells include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein (including the amino acid glutamine). [3,4] They are found in a variety of plant and animal foods.
Diets that are limited in variety and lower in nutrients, such as consisting primarily of ultra-processed foods and lacking in minimally processed foods, can negatively affect a healthy immune system. It is also believed that a Western diet high in refined sugar and red meat and lowThe Microbiome in fruits and vegetables can promote disturbances in healthy intestinal microorganisms, resulting in chronic inflammation of the gut, and associated suppressed immunity. [5]
The microbiome is an internal metropolis of trillions of microorganisms or microbes that live in our bodies, mostly in the intestines. It is an area of intense and active research, as scientists are finding that the microbiome plays a key role in immune function. The gut is a major site of immune activity and the production of antimicrobial proteins. [6,7] The diet plays a large role in determining what kinds of microbes live in our intestines. A high-fiber plant-rich diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes appear to support the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes. Certain helpful microbes break down fibers into short chain fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate immune cell activity. These fibers are sometimes called prebiotics because they feed microbes. Therefore, a diet containing probiotic and prebiotic foods may be beneficial. Probiotic foods contain live helpful bacteria, and prebiotic foods contain fiber and oligosaccharides that feed and maintain healthy colonies of those bacteria.
Probiotic foods include kefir, yogurt with live active cultures, fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha tea, kimchi, and miso.
Prebiotic foods include garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion greens, bananas, and seaweed. However, a more general rule is to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains for dietary prebiotics.
Do Vitamin or Herbal Supplements Help?
A deficiency of single nutrients can alter the body’s immune response. Animal studies have found that deficiencies in zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E can alter immune responses. [8] These nutrients help the immune system in several ways: working as an antioxidant to protect healthy cells, supporting growth and activity of immune cells, and producing antibodies. Epidemiological studies find that those who are poorly nourished are at greater risk of bacterial, viral, and other infections.
Eating a good quality diet, as depicted by the Healthy Eating Plate, can prevent deficiencies in these nutrients. However, there are certain populations and situations in which one cannot always eat a variety of nutritious foods, or who have increased nutrient needs. In these cases a vitamin and mineral supplement may help to fill nutritional gaps. Studies have shown that vitamin supplementation can improve immune responses in these groups. [8-10] Low-income households, pregnant and lactating women, infants and toddlers, and the critically ill are examples of groups at risk.
The elderly are a particularly high-risk group. The immune response generally declines with increasing age as the number and quality of immune cells decreases. This causes a higher risk of poorer outcomes if the elderly develop chronic or acute diseases. In addition, about one-third of elderly in industrialized countries have nutrient deficiencies. [8] Some reasons include a poorer appetite due to chronic diseases, depression, or loneliness; multiple medications that can interfere with nutrient absorption and appetite; malabsorption due to intestinal issues; and increased nutrient needs due to hypermetabolic states with acute or chronic conditions. Diet variety may also be limited due to budget constraints or lower interest in cooking for one person; poor dentition; mental impairment; or lack of transportation and community resources to obtain healthy food.
A general multivitamin/mineral supplement providing the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) may be used in these cases, unless otherwise directed by one’s physician. Megadose supplements (many times the RDA) do not appear justified, and can sometimes be harmful or even suppress the immune system (e.g., as with zinc). Remember that vitamin supplements should not be considered a substitute for a good diet because no supplements contain all the benefits of healthful foods.
Several herbal supplements have been suggested to boost immune function. What does the research say?
Echinacea: Cell studies have shown that echinacea can destroy influenza viruses, but limited research in humans has been inconclusive in determining echinacea’s active components. Taking echinacea after catching a cold has not been shown to shorten its duration, but taking it while healthy may offer a small chance of protection from catching a cold. [11,12]
Garlic: The active ingredient in garlic, allicin sativum, is proposed to have antiviral and antimicrobial effects on the common cold, but high-quality clinical trials comparing garlic supplements to placebo are lacking. A Cochrane review identified only one trial of reasonable quality following 146 participants. Those taking the garlic supplement for 3 months had fewer occurrences of the common cold than those taking a placebo, but after contracting the cold virus, both groups had a similar duration of illness. [13] Note that these findings are from a single trial, which needs to be replicated.
Tea catechins: Cell studies have shown that tea catechins such as those found in green tea can prevent flu and some cold viruses from replicating and can increase immune activity. Human trials are still limited. Two randomized controlled trials found that green tea capsules produced less cold/flu symptoms or incidence of flu than a placebo; however both studies were funded or had author affiliations with tea industries. [14]
8 Steps to Help Support a Healthy Immune System
Eat a balanced diet with whole fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of water. A Mediterranean Diet is one option that includes these types of foods.
If a balanced diet is not readily accessible, taking a multivitamin containing the RDA for several nutrients may be used.
Don’t smoke (or stop smoking if you do).
Drink alcohol in moderation.
Perform moderate regular exercise.
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. Try to keep a sleep schedule, waking up and going to bed around the same time each day. Our body clock, or circadian rhythm, regulates feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness, so having a consistent sleep schedule maintains a balanced circadian rhythm so that we can enter deeper, more restful sleep.
Aim to manage stress. This is easier said than done, but try to find some healthy strategies that work well for you and your lifestyle—whether that be exercise, meditation, a particular hobby, or talking to a trusted friend. Another tip is to practice regular, conscious breathing throughout the day and when feelings of stress arise. It doesn’t have to be long—even a few breaths can help. If you’d like some guidance, try this short mindful breathing exercise.
Wash hands throughout the day: when coming in from outdoors, before and after preparing and eating food, after using the toilet, after coughing or blowing your nose.
A foodie’s paradise, India is filled with many opportunities to taste local delicacies and tantalise the taste buds. With so many dishes having been exported though, it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between authentic dishes and watered-down versions.
To help you navigate India’s epic food scene, we’ve put together this list of 10 traditional must-try foods to eat in India. And if you’re a foodie at heart, discover the best destinations for authentic dining experiences here.
1) Masala dosa
Arguably South India’s most renowned culinary export, masala dosas are famous the world over. A sort of Indian pancake, dosas are made from a thin batter consisting of rice, flour and lentils. Making dosas is no easy task, with the batter mixture having to soak in water for at least 24 hours before it can be shaped. Once ready, the batter is ladled onto a hot tava (griddle pan) and shaped in a similar way to how the French would shape a crepe. Traditionally, dosas are served folded in half and stuffed with potatoes. Accompaniments like hot sambar give the dish a spicy edge, and whatever you stuff them with, dosas are sure to provide a tasty yet satisfying meal.
2) Chaat
Synonymous with Delhi street food vendors, chaat is one of India’s most delicious savoury snacks. The name derives from three Hindi words meaning ‘a delicacy,’ ‘licking one’s fingers’ and ‘to devour with relish’ and this dish truly does live up to its heritage. Although there’s now a plethora of different varieties, the original chaat is a wonderful combination of diced potato pieces, crispy fried bread and chickpeas garnished with fresh coriander leaves, yoghurt and dried ginger and tamarind sauce. Make like a local and seek out a local dhaba, where the city’s specialist chaat variety will be available at nearly all times of day.
3) Dal makhani
Most foodies will have heard of or tasted dal, but there’s nothing quite like tasting the original dish in the country where it originated from. Dal is the Hindi word for lentils, and this soup-like delicacy is made by stewing small black lentils for hours on end. Whilst there are many different varieties of this lentil dish, dal makhani is in a league of its own. It’s considered the best of the best, and is reserved for big events like wedding celebrations. With makhani meaning ‘buttery’ in Hindi, there’s no prizes for guessing how rich and creamy this Indian classic tastes. Head to Punjab, in India’s north, to taste the real deal.
4) Vada pav
Originating in the traditionally vegetarian state of Maharashtra, vada pav is as close as Indian cuisine gets to veggie burgers. One for carb lovers, vada pav consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed neatly inside a small bun. The finger food delicacy is generally accompanied by a couple of chutneys and a green chilli, to appeal to the spice loving palettes of Indians up and down the country. Also called a Bombay burger, these mini potato buns can be found in street food stalls across the city of Mumbai.
5) Stuffed paratha
Punjab’s foodie heritage doesn’t stop at dal makhani. Often eaten at the start of the day, stuffed parathas are seen as the breakfast of champions in northern India. The word paratha derives from the Sanskrit word atta meaning ‘layers of cooked dough,’ and this dish lives up to its moniker. After leaving the dough (or atta) to rest overnight, parathas are made by cooking the dough on a tava before shallow frying. The most common way to eat parathas is to stuff them with a filling of your choosing. Parathas can be stuffed with any number of fillings, but some of our favourites are aloo paratha (stuffed with potatoes) and methi paratha (stuffed with fenugreek).
6) Dhokla
Hailed as the regional dish of northwest India, the Gujarati delicacy dhokla is a savoury vegetarian snack made of rice and split chickpeas. It’s tastier than it sounds – Gujaratis eat it for breakfast or lunch, and sometimes even as a snack or side dish. Another dish that takes hours of preparation, dhokla involves soaking the rice and split chickpeas in equal quantities overnight. Then, chilli, coriander, ginger and baking soda are added to add spice to the dish, and help it rise into delicious bite size morsels. Usually served alongside deep fried chilli and coriander chutney, this Gujarati delicacy is wonderfully moreish.
7) Barfi
We’ve cheated a little bit here, as the term barfi can be used to describe any number of Indian sweets. The most traditional type though is milk barfi. Predictably, these milk-based sweets are made from milk powder, condensed milk, ghee and cardamom powder. Barfi is not going to help anyone reach their health-conscious goals, but these indulgent fragrant desserts are sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone who tries them. These sweets are traditionally gifted as good luck offerings at occasions like wedding ceremonies, but there’s nothing to say you can’t pop down to the sweet shop to buy one to accompany your afternoon chai.
8) Pani puri
Pani puri, or gol guppa, are thought to originate from the northern state of Bihar. A perfect streetside snack, pani puri are hollow deep fried balls made of semolina or wheat. They’re served alongside spicy potatoes, chickpeas and a spicy tamarind water. Eating pani puri is an experience in itself, as you traditionally crack open the top of the deep fried shell with a spoon before filling it with the delicious accompaniments. Most Indians eat each pani puri with one swift bite, to save any of the filling spilling out of the delicate case. This infamous street snack unites most of the country – everyone from local college students to city businessmen can be found devouring them.
9) Idli
Popular across South India, idli are often thought of as the breakfast versions of dosa. Eaten at the start of the day, idli are a type of light savoury rice cake. Made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils and rice, these rice cakes are dangerously easy to eat. Since idli are pretty bland on their own, these mini pancake-like breakfast staples are served alongside sambar, coconut based chutneys, or spicy fish curries. Over the years, idli has evolved into many different varieties, so you’re sure to find one that satisfies your taste buds.
10) Masala chai
India’s most famous export, masala chai can be found being sold by everywhere from high end restaurants to chaiwallas at train stations. While there’s many different diluted versions of this classic Indian tea around the globe, the real deal can only be found in India. Authentic masala chai is made by brewing black tea on the stove with a mixture of aromatic spices and herbs. Traditionally, the spices used are green cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, ground cloves and black pepper, creating a wonderful aromatic cup of tea. There’s nothing quite like sipping a hot cup of authentic masala chai first thing in the morning!
Our Team’s Favourite Culinary Trips to India
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Whether devouring bowls of gochu ramyun positively heaving with noodles or the crispiest kimchi-jeon (pancake), New Yorkers are wild for Korean cuisine. Here, the 12 best Korean restaurants in NYC.
43 E. 28th St., 10016 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Ellia Park and her husband Junghyun Park wows diners from start to finish at this Gramercy hot spot with their unapologetic love for Korean food. Here you may find braised eggplant with snow crab and tomato; or fried chicken brined in pineapple juice, coated in tempura batter, and served with a ginger-peanut butter sauce. Close out with a refreshing sujeonggwa granita with lychee yogurt, burrata and candied walnut.
104 E. 30th St., 10016 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Ellia Park and Junghyun Park serve the most exquisite multi-course menu. Dishes are delicate, yet satisfying and display extraordinary finesse and detail. The banchan alone will alert you that something special is happening here and, whether pickling, curing, fermenting or grilling, it’s apparent this is one with a mastery of all techniques. And the ingredients, be it Australian abalone, Hokkaido uni or Wagyu from Miyazaki are equally exemplary.
16 W. 22nd St., 10010 New York
$$$$ · Korean
First-timers should head for the “Butcher’s Feast” where you’ll get four different cuts of beef and a luscious egg soufflé that’s a meal in itself. The USDA Prime meats are first presented raw for you to admire their marbling and color. Your server then rubs the smokeless grill with oil before expertly cooking them. The supporting cast of accompanying flavors—from the kimchi to the ssamjang—are all there to enhance their succulent and persuasive flavor even further.
679 Ninth Ave., 10036 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Sungchul Shim reimagines the casual Japanese handroll at Hell’s Kitchen’s latest destination which literally translates into “roll”. Equipped with top-notch ingredients and Korean flavors, Chef Shim reimagines familiar classics into a tasting menu filled with glistening planks of Ora King salmon; tender strips of cured mackerel; and melting slabs of pork belly.
Oiji Mi
17 W. 19th St., 10011 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Chef Brian Kim and his team are no strangers to modern Korean cuisine. Improving upon the now-closed Oiji, Oiji Mi’s five-course prix fixe menu offers a more subtle approach to flavors. Some notable standouts called out by our Inspectors include the striped jack “hwe” and chili lobster ramyun. The finishing punctuation? A creative and nuanced beverage program with eye-catching cocktails and a well-curated wine list.
12 E. 32nd St., 10016 New York
$$ · Korean
The ssam bap here offers a fun DIY experience with a long platter of fillings. Dark leafy lettuce and thin, herbaceous sesame leaves are topped with creamy slices of avocado, crunchy bean sprouts, pickled daikon, carrot, cucumber, radish and three rice options—white, brown and a nutty, purple-tinged multigrain. Topped with miso ssam sauce, each bite is a fresh burst of uplifting textures.
10 E. 33rd St., 10016 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Hyun is a luxurious take on Korean barbecue, focusing squarely on top-notch Japanese A5 Wagyu, butchered in-house and grilled tableside. The omakase is a veritable feast that includes silken chawanmushi and hand-chopped tartare. It is however merely a precursor to the Wagyu slices, each of which arrives more beautifully marbled and deliciously grilled than the next.
Jeju Noodle Bar
679 Greenwich St., 10014 New York
$$$ · Korean
This kitchen specializes in ramyun—not ramen. Persian cucumber kimchi with a spicy plum dressing, shiso and sesame seeds is a culinary delight, while the mouthwatering aroma of pork bone broth that precedes the arrival of gochu ramyun brimming with curly noodles, bean sprouts and pickled cabbage is a veritable thesis on ace ingredients.
36 E. 22nd St., 10010 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Kim weaves Western influences into his Korean prix-fixe in such an expert fashion that the results are nothing short of sumptuous and utterly crave-worthy. Kick off with caviar cradled by crisp seaweed prepared in the style of gim bugak; or cold-smoked slices of yellowtail imbued with yuzu and pepper. Sashimi is highly creative and may arrive with kombu, sliced blueberries, and finger lime.
2 Harrison St., 10013 New York
$$$$ · Korean
What is most impressive here is that the Korean elements of the dishes seem to raise them to another level. Bibimbap composed with gochujang, crispy quinoa, and tender Wagyu beef tartare will live long in the memory; while the branzino served simply with white kimchi shows that this is also a kitchen with the utmost confidence in the quality of its ingredients.
652 Tenth Ave., 10036 New York
$$$$ · Korean
Kudos to Chef Sungchul Shim, who taps into his Korean roots and fine-dining pedigree to create a solid but playful and technically proficient menu. Start with pine nut- and potato milk-soup, or sweet potato-and-sunchoke gratin, paired with a clever doenjang béchamel. Salmon bibimbap mingles pollock roe, candied anchovy, and toasted nori with brown soy-butter rice for a harmonious high point.
Cho Dang Gol
55 W. 35th St., 10001 New York
$$ · Korean
For a change of pace in bustling Koreatown, Cho Dang Gol offers the barbecue-weary an opportunity to explore some of this nation’s more rustic cooking. Soft tofu is the specialty of the house and it’s downright delicious, but bubbling casseroles and spicy stews are equally heartwarming. The menu also offers favorites like flaky pajeon, satisfying bibimbap and marinated meats.