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Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi untuk Menu Restoran Anda

Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi – Betawi adalah salah satu daerah yang kaya ragam kuliner. Menyajikan makanan khas betawi akan memperkaya varian menu di restoran Indonesia milik anda. Apa saja pilihannya ?

Ada banyak suku di Indonesia yang memiliki ragam kuliner lezat, salah satunya adalah betawi. Nah, beberapa sajian khas betawi akan memperkaya variasi menu di restoran Indonesia milik anda. Apa saja pilihannya?

Nasi uduk Betawi

Sajian nasi uduk dengan lauk pauk seperti telur dadar, kering tempe, sambal teri, dan ayam goreng ini tidak pernah sepi penggemar. Apabila Anda ingin menyediakan menu sarapan di resto Anda, nasi uduk bisa jadi pilihan yang populer. Agar tampak lebih modern, tampilkan dalam menu sekali gigit (bite-size) atau bentuk kekinian lainnya.

Soto Betawi

Soto betawi terbuat dari paduan kuah santan dengan daging sapi, tomat , serta kentang. Tampilannya cenderung berlemak, coba kurangi kesan itu dengan menambahkan tomat, daun bawang, dan irisan jeruk limau

Kue Cucur

Kue ini adalah sajian wajib dalam acara adat Betawi yang sangat cocok di sajikan sebagai menu hidangan penutup. Anda juga bisa membuat sebagai menu pendamping bagi pelanggan yang ingin menikmati secangkir teh di resto anda. Agar lebih modern, coba kombinasikan kue ini dengan parutan keju atau lelehan cokelat.

Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi

Baca Juga : https://prescottmediacenter.org/makanan-khas-nusantara-yang-terkenal-hingga-mancanegara/

Bir Pletok

Walaupun namanya ‘bir’, namun minuman ini sama sekali tidak mengandung alkohol, lho. Terbuat dari beberapa rempah, yaitu jahe, daun pandan wangi, dan serai, minuman ini berfungsi untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Agar terkesan kekinian, gunakan nama unik untuk sajian ini, misalnya free alcohol beer from Betawi, bir kejut ala Batavia, atau nama unik lainnya.

Gado Gado Betawi

Segarnya sayuran rebus berupa kangkung, mentimun, hingga pare yang di campur dengan telur dan ketupat atau lontong akan berpadu sempurna dengan saus bumbu kacang khas racikan anda. Agar makin cantik tampilannya, sajikan dalam piring dengan bentuk yang unik seperti anyaman bambu alas daun selada

Es Selendang Mayang

Minuman ini terdiri dari adonan tepung hunkwe yang dibentuk dan dipotong-potong kemudian dicampur dengan kuah santan, sirup pandan, dan es serut. Minuman es ini sangat menyegarkan dan cocok disajikan sebagai hidangan penutup, terutama di siang hari yang terik. Tonjolkan warna-warni menyegarkan dari adonan tepungnya sebagai ciri unik minuman ini.

Ketoprak Betawi

Hidangan segar khas Betawi ini terdiri dari campuran tahu, bihun, lontong, sayuran, dan tauge yang di siram dengan saus kacang yang lezat. Tambahkan taburan bawang goreng agar rasanya makin mantap

Itulah tadi beberapa Inspirasi Makanan Khas Betawi yang mudah di buat

Makanan Hits di Orchard Singapura

Makanan Hits di Orchard-. Tak pernah sepi dari turis. Wilayah Orchard si Singapore kini semakin banyak tempat makanan enak yang menarik di coba jika berlibur ke sana.

Singapura menjadi negara tetangga yang sering di jadikan destinasi liburan oleh warga Indonesia Usai COVID-19 mereda, Singapura kembali membuka pintu untuk para turis dari berbagai negara.

Nah, di area Orchard sendiri ada banyak tempat makan yang tengah ramai di kunjungi banyak orang. Mulai dari tempat makan kekinian, sampai jajanan ikonik yang legendaris. Seperti Mr. Coconut hingga es krim Uncle.

Berikut berbagai Macam Makanan Hits di Orchard :

1. Es Kris Uncle 1 Dollar

Es Krim Uncle 1 Dollar bisa di bilang sebagai salah satu jajanan ikonik di sepanjang jalanan Orchard. Identik dengan gerobak berpayung kuning atau merah. Para penjual es krim ini akrab di sapa dengan sebutan paman atau Uncle

Kalau kangen dengan Es Krim ini, pengunjung bisa menemukan grobak es krim Uncle yang berjualan di antara perbatasan mall ION Orchard dan ISETAN . Sekarang harganya sudah SGD 1.50 (Rp 16.500). Sudah dapat es krim potong aneka rasa, dan pilihan rainbow bread, biscuit wafer atau cup.

Varian es krimnya juga banyak. ada rasa choco chip, green tea, pappermint choco chip, mango, chocolate, bluebarry ripple, sampai yang traditional seperti rasa jagung manis, ubi, durian atau kacang merah.


Di dalam ION Orchard. Ada gerai yakitori khas Jepang yang jadi incaran para turis di Singapura. Namanya TORI-Q, menyajikan yakitori sejak tahun 1994 dan gerai nya di mana mana sekarang.

Untuk menu yakitorinya, ada pilihan daging ayam, babi, bakso ayam, ayam fillet, kulit ayam, tontoro pork, daging babi dengan asparagus sampai ayam dengan paprika. Kisaran harga yakitori per tusuknya mulai dari SGD 1.60 (Rp 17.600), terbilang murah untuk ukuran makanan di Singapura.

Tak hanya pilihan yakitorinya saja yang beragam, bahkan sampai saus yakitorinya pun di jadikan oleh oleh dan cukup terkenal di kalangan turis asal Indonesia lho.

3. Mr. Coconut

Demam minuman kelapa atau coconut shake, tampaknya berhasil menggeser demam boba atau bubble tea yang sempat hits beberapa tahun lalu. Di Singapura, ada Mr. Coconut yang kini hits dan viral di media sosial.

Salah satu gerai Mr. Coconut bisa di temui di Wisma Atria, letaknya dekat dengan stasiun MRT Orchard. Ciri khas minuman di sini, semuanya menggunakan kelapa muda dari Thailand yang rasanya manis segar dan Creamy.

Di sini pengunjung juga bisa memesan aneka coconut shake berbagai rasa. Misalnya rasa oreo shake, strawberry shake, coconut cappucino dan masih banyak lagi. Kisaran harga per gelasnya sekitar SGD 6.80 (Rp 74.600) untuk ukuran large

Makanan Hits di Orchard Singapura


Baca Juga : https://prescottmediacenter.org/makanan-yang-pernah-viral-di-indonesia/

4. Li Xin Teochaw Fishball Noddle

Berdiri tahun 1968, Gerai Li Xin Teochew Fishball Noodle jadi kuliner legendaris di Singapura yang antreannya selalu panjang di mana-mana. Li Xin Teochew Fishball Noodle merupakan usaha kuliner yang didirikan Lim Lee Seng pada tahun 1968. Dulu semuanya ia buat sendiri, dari menyiapkan mie sampai membuat adonan bakso ikannya yang favorit.

Puluhan tahun berlalu, kini Li Xin Teochew memiliki belasan cabang yang tersebar di Singapura. Salah satu yang paling ramai ada di Food Opera yang berlokasi di ION Orchard. menyajikan menu mee pok enak dengan bakso atau pangsit ikan yang dibuat dari ikan ekor kuning.

Untuk di gerai ION Orchard, Li Xin Teochew memiliki konsep “No Pork No Lard” alias tidak menggunakan daging babi atau lemak babi. Kalau mau makan di sini, harus siap antre sekitar satu jam lebih.

Harga makanannya pun terbilang murah untuk di kisaran Singapura. Karena porsinya bakso dan mie nya juga tak pelit. Siapkan uang sekitar 7.20 SGD (Rp 80.000) – 12 SGD (Rp 131.000)

5. Shake Shack

Gerai burger asal Amerika dari New York ini menjadi restoran favorit di area Orchard bagi para turis Asia. yang negaranya belum memiliki Shake Shack, salah satunya tursi asal Indonesia.

Di sini menu andalannya adalah Shake Shack burger, kentang goreng dan tentunya saja milkshake nya. Porsinya royal, dan patty dagingnya lumer ketika di suap.

Kisaran harga burger nya mulai dari angka SGD 9.70 (RP 106.941), lalu kentang goreng nya sekitar SGD 4.50 (Rp 49.600).


Makanan yang pernah Viral di Indonesia

Makanan yang pernah Viral di Indonesia. Pada era serba digital, sangat muda untuk memviralkan sesuatu. Dulu informasi dapat menyebar dari mulut ke mulut. Namun kini, informasi tersebar dari beranda ke beranda media sosial. Banyak pengguna Media Sosial membagikan kabar terbaru kepada orang orang yang terhubung dengan mereka di medsos, termasuk soal makanan.

Berikut Beberapa Makanan yang pernah viral di indonesia :

1. Seblak Coet

Makanan khas Sunda ini belakangan viral karena cara pembuataan nya beda dari seblak yang bisa kita temui. Biasanya, masyarakat membeli seblak yang ada kuah nya dengan berbagai jenis topping pendamping. Namun seblak viral kali ini beda.

Cukup dengan merebus kerupuk, lalu di campur dengan bahan bahan yang sudah di ulek bersamaan seperti cabai, bawang putih, kencur, garam, dan minyak panas. Selain rasanya yang enak, seblak coet ini memberikan tekstur yang berbeda dari Seblak biasanya.

2. Risol Mayo

Gorengan risol tak asing untuk masyarakat Indonesia karena mudah di temui di mana pun dan dengan harga terjangkau. Namun risol yang kita bahas kali ini berbeda dengan risol pada umumnya.

Dia adalah risol mayo yang memiliki isi telur, beef bacon, dan campuran saus mayonas, serta di balut dengan kulit tepung homemadedan di lapisi lagi dengan tepung roti. Salah satu risol mayo yang terkenal adalah risol mayo Margo

Makanan yang pernah Viral di Indonesia


Baca Juga : https://prescottmediacenter.org/5-makanan-yang-harganya-sangat-mahal/

3. Latiao

Mungkin sebagian dari kamu merasa asing saat mendengar nama ini. Wajar saja, karena ini bukan kuliner Nusantara, melainkan khas Cina. Untuk pengguna Tiktok pasti tahu karena makanan ini sedang viral di FYP.

Makanan yang berbahan dasar kulit yang di campur dengan bumbu-bumbu Cina memberikan rasa berbeda ketika di nikmati. Ada dia macam jenis latiao yakni latiao gulung dan latiao daging (pipih), keduannya memiliki tekstur berbeda.

4. Chesee Roll

Makanan manis ini sangat cocok di makan bersama minuman hangat seperti kopi, coklat, teh hangat, atau sebagai teman nyemil kalian. Pembuatannya juga sangat mudah hanya perlu tiga bahan saja yakni kulit lumpia, keju, gula.

Caranya, letakan keju di dalam kulit lumpia. Jangan lupa tuang gula secukupnya sebagai penambah rasa manis. Setelah itu Chesee Roll siap di goreng. Kalian juga bisa menambahkan toping sesuai selera kalian, misalnya selai cokelat, susu, mesis, dan lainnya.

5. Natto

Natton adalah makanan khas dari Jepang. Berbahan dasar dari kedelai lalu di fermentasi, membuat tekstur natto lengket dan berlendir. Makanan ini viral karena meski rasanya kurang cocok dengan lidah masyarakat Indonesia, namun banyak yang penasaran.



6 Best Drinks That Can Keep You Young, Try It Right Away!

6 Best Drinks That Can Keep You Young, Try It Right Away!

https://prescottmediacenter.org/ – Have you tried starting your day with a glass of fresh juice or any other healthy detox drink? If not, now is the time!

Besides flushing out toxins from your body, morning drinks help to maintain the health of your skin and make it appear radiant.

Here, we bring to you 6 amazing drinks that you can start your day with to flaunt glowing skin. Let’s begin!

What Expert Says

“Morning drinks rich in proteins, vitamins, and other micronutrients boost hair growth and promote healthy skin.”

Priya Chavan (PG, Cosmetics & Perfumery Management), Product Development Executive, SkinKraft

Importance Of Morning Drinks

Drinking water or fresh juice first thing in the morning helps remove toxins from the body and hydrate it. A study on Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics found that those who drank more water had improved skin hydration than participants who usually drank less water. [1]

Highlighting the importance of morning drinks, Priya Chavan, Product Development Executive at SkinKraft says, “When we wake up in the morning, the pH of our stomach remains highly acidic. Our metabolism remains slow too. After an overnight fast, our gut and stomach become soft which helps in the easy absorption of nutrients. So, if we begin our day with a healthy drink, the gut can absorb nutrients to their maximum capacity. This is why starting the day by consuming a healthy drink is recommended.”

She further adds, “Morning drinks rich in proteins, vitamins, and other micronutrients boost hair growth and promote healthy skin nutrition.”

6 Morning Drinks For Glowing Skin

Other than starting your day with drinking water, you can add other healthy drinks to your daily morning routine to give your skin a healthy boost. Here are some of them.

1. Lemon Water And Honey

Consuming lemon and honey with lukewarm water can work wonders for your skin. A study on Analysis on the Natural Remedies to Cure Dandruff/Skin Disease-causing Fungus – Malassezia furfur found that lemon juice is highly effective against skin disease-causing fungal growth. Besides, it contains Vitamin C that helps to rejuvenate the skin and promotes the growth of healthy skin cells.

Honey, on the other hand, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that not only remove excess oil from the skin, but also unclog pores that otherwise might lead to acne breakouts. [3]

How To Make

  • Squeeze one small-sized whole lemon in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Add two-three spoons of pure honey to it and mix well.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.


A glass of lemon water and honey not only helps in your digestion but also gives you clear skin, free of acne breakouts and pimples.

2. Fruit Juices

Freshly squeezed fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins and micronutrients that boost your skin health. Apples contain antioxidants that help to prevent premature ageing signs on the skin, pomegranate has anti-ageing properties that help in the renewal of skin cells, oranges contain vitamin C that helps to fight free radical activity in your skin [4]. You can consume a glass of fresh fruit juice of your choice to get the glow on.

How To Consume

  • Take an orange or a pomegranate
  • Peel off the skin
  • Use a juicer to squeeze the fruit
  • Strain the juice in a clean glass and drink

3. Green Tea

Green tea helps in boosting metabolism. “In the morning, we have low metabolism so drinks like green tea helps in increasing metabolism,” says Priya.

Besides, green tea contains a flavonoid called catechins, an antioxidant that delays skin ageing.

How To Consume

  • Boil water in a steel pot/pan.
  • Add a spoon of green tea leaves
  • Let it steep for 2-3 minutes or less depending on your choice of flavour.
  • Strain the tea and add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Let it cool for a few seconds and enjoy your cup of tea.


Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning can boost your skin health, treat acne issues, unclog pores, etc. The green tea polyphenols can inhibit or slow down stages of skin carcinogenesis. [5]

4. Vegetable Juices

Like fruit juices, vegetable juices too are rich in vitamins and micronutrients and are good for the skin. Beginning your day with a glass of fresh vegetable juice not only gives your skin a natural glow but also prevents acne, dryness, etc.

Here are two quick vegetable juice ideas.

A. Cucumber and Spinach Juice

Cucumber and spinach juice hydrates your skin naturally while the rich fiber content helps remove the toxins. Drink a glass of this power-packed juice every day for glowing skin.

How To Make

  • Peel a medium-sized cucumber
  • Take 10-12 fresh spinach leaves
  • Wash them thoroughly
  • Blend the cucumber and the spinach with ¼ cup of water
  • Add a spoonful of honey (optional)
  • Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy your drink.


Cucumber and spinach both are rich in vitamin A. Regular consumption of this juice helps to combat skin pigmentation issues. It also helps to get rid of dark spots, control acne and slow down the skin ageing process.

B. Carrot and Beetroot Juice

Both carrot and beetroot are root vegetables and powerhouses of nutrients. Drinking a glass of this juice every day not only makes your skin flawless but also helps to ease bowel movement, detoxifies your body, and improves liver function.

How To Make

  • Take a medium-sized beetroot and two carrots.
  • Wash them thoroughly and peel the skin.
  • Blend with ¼ cup of water.
  • You may add a slice of ginger for taste.
  • Chill it in the refrigerator or add a few ice cubes and drink it first in the morning.


Carrot and beetroot juice helps to fight skin pigmentation issues. This juice also helps to revitalize your skin. Both the vegetables hydrate the skin from within and make your skin soft and supple. If you have acne issues, regular drinking of this juice can help solve your problem.

5. Turmeric Milk

For decades, turmeric milk has been known to provide several health and skin benefits. It has also been used as a traditional and Ayurvedic medicine that acts as an antibiotic and antiviral agent.

How To Make

  • Boil the milk and let it cool down a bit.
  • Take fresh turmeric root and grate it. Alternatively, you can use organic turmeric powder if you can’t source the fresh root.
  • Mix it with the milk well. You can add 1 inch ginger too.
  • If you want to remove the cream of the milk, you can strain it.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey as a sweetener (optional).
  • You may also add ½ spoon of pepper powder for taste. It will also help to absorb curcumin from the ground turmeric.
  • Drink it warm.


The antibacterial property of turmeric helps to keep the skin free of acne, while the milk hydrates the skin. It is rich in antioxidants that retard the ageing process.

Important Note:

The high content of hormones in dairy products like milk can clog skin pores and cause the skin to become oilier, which makes it more prone to acne. Hence, oily skin people can avoid having milk.

SkinKraft Tip:

You can use the milk malai or the cream of the milk and turmeric to make a quick skin brightening face pack at home.

6. Coconut Water

Coconut water has been a traditional drink among Indians for a long time. Starting your day with a glass full of fresh coconut water helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It helps in collagen production, maintains skin elasticity, and hydrates the skin naturally.

How To Make

You can drink coconut water directly. Coconut water has a natural sweetness so no need to add any additional sweetener.


Coconut water is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C. Regular drinking of coconut water prevents skin dryness, improves skin elasticity, and makes your skin glow.

Did You Know?

Coconut water has plenty of natural nutrients and enzymes and is low in calories, making it a perfect drink for weight loss. It is also recommended to curb dehydration and constipation issues.

Wrapping Up

From using various skin care products to trying out different DIY methods, we all strive to achieve healthy and glowing skin. What we often ignore is cleansing our system from within. Sipping healthy drinks during the morning not only flushes out the harmful toxins from your body, giving you clear skin but also improves your overall health. Start your day with these simple yet essential drinks and flaunt healthy and beautiful skin.

7 Foods For Diabetics That Are Safe To Eat

7 Foods For Diabetics That Are Safe To Eat

What superstar foods are good for diabetes?

“Superfood” is a term used by many food and beverage companies as a way to promote a food thought to have health benefits; however, there is no official definition of the word by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA regulates the health claims allowed on food labels to ensure there is scientific research to support the claims. The list of foods below are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that are good for overall health and may also help prevent disease.


Kidney, pinto, navy or black beans are packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. They are very high in fiber too.

Beans do contain carbohydrates, but ½ cup also provides as much protein as an ounce of meat without the saturated fat. To save time you can use canned beans, but be sure to drain and rinse them to get rid of as much added salt as possible.

Dark green leafy vegetables

Spinach, collards and kale are dark green leafy vegetables packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, E and K, iron, calcium and potassium. These powerhouse foods are low in calories and carbohydrates too. Try adding dark leafy vegetables to salads, soups and stews.

Citrus fruit

Grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes or pick your favorites to get part of your daily dose of fiber, vitamin C, folate and potassium.


Which are your favorites: blueberries, strawberries or another variety? Regardless, they are all packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Berries can be a great option to satisfy your sweet tooth and they provide an added benefit of vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, potassium and fiber.


The good news is that no matter how you like your tomatoes, pureed, raw, or in a sauce, you’re eating vital nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium.

Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fats may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Fish high in these healthy fats are sometimes referred to as “fatty fish.” Salmon is well known in this group. Other fish high in omega-3 are herring, sardines, mackerel, trout and albacore tuna. Choose fish that is broiled, baked or grilled to avoid the carbohydrate and extra calories that would be in fish that is breaded and fried. The American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes recommends eating fish (mainly fatty fish) twice per week for people with diabetes.


An ounce of nuts can go a long way in getting key healthy fats along with helping to manage hunger. In addition, they offer magnesium and fiber. Some nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and flax seeds, are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Whole grains

It’s the whole grain you’re after. The first ingredient on the label should have the word “whole” in it. Whole grains are rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, B vitamins, chromium, iron and folate. They are a great source of fiber too. Some examples of whole grains are whole oats, quinoa, whole grain barley and farro.

Milk and yogurt

You may have heard that milk and yogurt can help build strong bones and teeth. In addition to calcium, many milk and yogurt products are fortified to make them a good source of vitamin D. More research is emerging on the connection between vitamin D and good health. Milk and yogurt do contain carbohydrate that will be a factor in meal planning when you have diabetes. Look for yogurt products that are lower in fat and added sugar.

Tips for eating on a budget

Some of the items above can be tough on the budget depending on the season and where you live. Look for lower cost options such as fruit and vegetables in season or frozen or canned fish. Foods that are easier on the budget year ‘round are beans and whole grains that you cook from scratch.

If you found this article helpful in your diabetes journey, please consider supporting the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and prescottmediacenter.org. The ADA is the leading voluntary health organization fighting to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic and help people living with diabetes thrive. With your financial support, we can advance our mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Learn more about how you can support the ADA.

Ramadan Recipes You Have To Try This Year

30 Ramadan Recipes You Have To Try This Year


prescottmediacenter.org – Ramadan is a very special month and is always looked forward to by Muslims. How not, in this month all activities are considered as worship. Many people are excited when carrying out several series of worship that can only be done during the month of Ramadan, such as tarawih prayers, sahur, and breaking the fast.

Well, talking about sahur, this moment is an important time and is highly recommended to be done, you know. When you don’t do sahur, no calories enter the body. That way during fasting you will feel weak and tired.

If so, if you don’t want your body to go limp when fasting, it would be nice for you to do sahur. Even at dawn, you have to think about what food menu is good for consumption. What are the ingredients and properties in food, is it suitable for the body’s needs or not.

During fasting too, the body must be deficient in calories and fluids. Therefore, the food you consume must be appropriate. Eat more vegetables at dawn, OK? Not only cooking stir-fried or stir-fried vegetables, you can also be creative in cooking vegetables with gravy and with a mixture of other ingredients. If you want it fast, then choose the vegetable menu during sahur which is the most practical.

Still confused about cooking a vegetable menu during sahur in the month of Ramadan? Come on, let’s try a series of the most practical vegetable menu recipes for sahur for 30 days, reported by BrilioFood from various sources on Thursday (16/3).

1. Sauté the beans and corn.


– 1 handful of beans
– 1 piece of corn, shelled

Ball Iris:

– 2 cloves of garlic
– 2 cloves of red onion
– 3 pieces of cayenne pepper
– 3 pieces of curly chili

Other Seasonings:

– 1/4 tsp salt
– 1/4 tsp mushroom broth
– 1/2 tsp sugar
– 1 tsp oyster sauce

How to Make:

1. Prepare all ingredients and seasonings. Then sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant. Then add the beans and continue the corn.
2. Cook until almost soft, add salt, mushroom broth, sugar, and oyster sauce, stir well. Don’t forget to add a little water so that the spices are absorbed.
3. Lastly, add the sliced ​​chilies and stir well. Don’t forget to correct the taste, after the taste is right, it’s ready to be served.
2. Siamese squash lodeh.


– 2 large chayote
– 1 medium tempe board
– 10 chilies
– 2 bay leaves – 1 stalk of lemon
grass –
2 segments of galangal, bruised
– Sugar, salt and mushroom broth
– 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
– 800 ml of water
– 300 ml of medium thickness coconut milk

Ground spices:

– 3 pieces of curly red chili
– 4 candlenuts, roasted
– A little turmeric
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 6 cloves of red onion

How to make:

1. First wash the pumpkin and chili, then chop the chili. Cut the pumpkin lengthwise like matchsticks, then soak the pumpkin with a little salt. After that, cut the tempe into small cubes.
2. Heat cooking oil, saute all the ground spices, add lemon grass, galangal, and bay leaves. Sauté the spices until cooked.
3. Add pumpkin, chili, and tempeh. Stir well, then add sugar, salt and mushroom stock. Then pour the water and coconut milk, cook while stirring gently, cook until cooked, correct the taste and serve.
3. Egg white mustard.


– 1 head of chicory
– 2 free-range chicken eggs
– 3 pieces of garlic, crushed
– 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
– 3 pieces of cayenne pepper
– Salt, ground pepper and sugar

How to make:

1. Wash the chicory and cut it into pieces. Remove the hard white part from the leaves and drain.
2. Heat a frying pan then pour a little cooking oil, add the eggs and scramble them, and remove from heat.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, then sauté the garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant. Add the white part of the mustard greens, cook until wilted and pour a little water. Let the water boil, then add the mustard leaves, oyster sauce, season with salt, a little pepper and sugar. Mix well and finally add the scrambled eggs, taste test then serve.
4. Saute the egg chickpeas.


– 180 gr chickpeas, sliced ​​obliquely
– 2 eggs

Ball Iris:

– 1/2 of an onion
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 3 red curly chilies

Other seasonings:

– 1/2 tsp salt
– 1/2 tsp mushroom broth
– 1 tsp sugar
– 1 tbsp oyster sauce

How to make:

1. Beat the eggs, then fry and set aside. Sauté the sliced ​​spices except the chilies with enough oil, then add the green beans. Cook the chickpeas until soft then add the eggs and chilies, stir well.
2. Add oyster sauce, salt, sugar, broth powder, and enough water so that the spices are absorbed, then stir well.
3. Cook until cooked and the water is reduced. Don’t forget to taste correction.